By: Whitmire  S.B. No. 1115
         (In the Senate - Filed March 5, 2013; March 12, 2013, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Education; April 2, 2013,
  reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the
  following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0; April 2, 2013, sent to printer.)
  relating to reporting, standards, restrictions, and requirements
  regarding public school disciplinary actions.
         SECTION 1.  Section 12.131, Education Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  An open-enrollment charter school may not elect to
  suspend a student for a number of school days that exceeds the
  maximum number of school days allowed under Section 37.005(b).
         SECTION 2.  The heading to Section 37.020, Education Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 3.  Section 37.020, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read
  as follows:
         (b)  For each placement in a disciplinary alternative
  education program established under Section 37.008, the district
  shall report:
               (1)  information identifying the student, including
  the student's race or ethnicity, sex, and date of birth, and, if
  applicable, the student's designation as a student with
  disabilities, that will enable the agency to compare placement data
  with information collected through other reports;
               (2)  information indicating whether the placement was
  based on:
                     (A)  conduct violating the student code of conduct
  adopted under Section 37.001;
                     (B)  conduct for which a student may be removed
  from class under Section 37.002(b);
                     (C)  conduct for which placement in a disciplinary
  alternative education program is required by Section 37.006; or
                     (D)  conduct occurring while a student was
  enrolled in another district and for which placement in a
  disciplinary alternative education program is permitted by Section
               (3)  the number of full or partial days the student was
  assigned to the program and the number of full or partial days the
  student attended the program; and
               (4)  the number of placements that were inconsistent
  with the guidelines included in the student code of conduct under
  Section 37.001(a)(5).
         (c)  For each expulsion under Section 37.007, the district
  shall report:
               (1)  information identifying the student, including
  the student's race or ethnicity, sex, and date of birth, and, if
  applicable, the student's designation as a student with
  disabilities, that will enable the agency to compare placement data
  with information collected through other reports;
               (2)  information indicating whether the expulsion was
  based on:
                     (A)  conduct for which expulsion is required under
  Section 37.007, including information specifically indicating
  whether a student was expelled on the basis of Section 37.007(e); or
                     (B)  conduct for which expulsion is permitted
  under Section 37.007;
               (3)  the number of full or partial days the student was
               (4)  information indicating whether:
                     (A)  the student was placed in a juvenile justice
  alternative education program under Section 37.011;
                     (B)  the student was placed in a disciplinary
  alternative education program; or
                     (C)  the student was not placed in a juvenile
  justice or other disciplinary alternative education program; and
               (5)  the number of expulsions that were inconsistent
  with the guidelines included in the student code of conduct under
  Section 37.001(a)(5).
         (d)  Each district shall report all other disciplinary
  actions resulting in a removal of a student from any part of the
  student's regular academic program, including suspension and
  in-school suspension.  For each disciplinary action, the district
  shall report:
               (1)  information identifying the student, including
  the student's race or ethnicity, sex, and date of birth, and, if
  applicable, the student's designation as a student with
  disabilities, that will enable the agency to compare placement data
  with information collected through other reports;
               (2)  information indicating the type of disciplinary
               (3)  information indicating the basis of the
  disciplinary action; and
               (4)  the number of full or partial days the student was
  the subject of disciplinary action.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter A, Chapter 37, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 37.0201 and 37.0202 to read as follows:
         Sec. 37.0201.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA.  (a)  For purposes
  of this section, "discretionary disciplinary action" includes:
               (1)  in-school suspension;
               (2)  suspension or placement in a disciplinary
  education program, other than placement in a disciplinary education
  program in accordance with Section 37.006(a), (b), (c), or (f),
  Section 37.007(e), or Section 37.304; and
               (3)  expulsion or placement in a juvenile justice
  alternative education program, other than expulsion or placement in
  a juvenile justice alternative education program for conduct
  described by Section 37.007(a) or (e), in accordance with Section
  37.007(d) if the conduct contains the elements of any offense
  listed in Section 37.007(a), or in accordance with Section 37.304.
         (b)  The agency shall evaluate information reported under
  Section 37.020 to determine whether:
               (1)  a school district has taken a discretionary
  disciplinary action against an excessive number of students;
               (2)  a district has taken a discretionary disciplinary
  action against a disproportionate number of students with
  disabilities or students of a particular race or ethnicity; or
               (3)  the length of a discretionary disciplinary action
  imposed on one or more students by a district is for an excessive
  number of days.
         (c)  If the agency makes an affirmative finding under
  Subsection (b)(1), (2), or (3), the commissioner may take any of the
  following actions:
               (1)  order a hearing conducted by the board of trustees
  of the district for the purpose of informing the public of, as
  applicable, the excessive number of discretionary disciplinary
  actions taken, the disproportionate number of discretionary
  disciplinary actions taken against students with disabilities or
  students of a particular race or ethnicity, or the excessive length
  of discretionary disciplinary actions imposed; or
               (2)  order the district to include in the district
  improvement plan under Section 11.252 strategies to reduce, as
  applicable, the total number of discretionary disciplinary
  actions, the number of discretionary disciplinary actions taken
  against students with disabilities or students of a particular race
  or ethnicity, or the length of discretionary disciplinary actions
         (d)  For purposes of this section, an in-school suspension
  placement that is for a period of three school days or less may not
  be considered a discretionary disciplinary action that is excessive
  in length.
         (e)  This section does not apply to a placement in a
  disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice
  alternative education program that is ordered by a court
  independently of any action taken by a school district.
         (f)  The commissioner may adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
  (a)  The agency shall adopt minimum educational standards for
  in-school suspension settings, including standards relating to:
               (1)  qualifications of personnel providing education
  services to students assigned to in-school suspension;
               (2)  training for personnel providing education
  services to students assigned to in-school suspension;
               (3)  the ratio of students in in-school suspension to
  teachers or educational aides providing education services to
  students assigned to in-school suspension;
               (4)  providing opportunities for students in in-school
  suspension to keep current on all coursework during placements of
  10 school days or less; and
               (5)  complying with Section 37.021.
         (b)  In the manner required by the commissioner, each school
  district shall annually report to the commissioner information
  relating to the educational quality of the district's in-school
  suspension settings.  The data collected shall include the
  qualifications and training of teachers or educational aides
  assigned to in-school suspension, the ratio of students to teachers
  or educational aides, and information regarding providing
  opportunities for students to keep current on coursework and the
  district's compliance with Section 37.021.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter A, Chapter 37, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 37.0092 to read as follows:
         Sec. 37.0092.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION PLAN.  (a)  If a school
  district has twice previously taken a discretionary disciplinary
  action against a student as described by Section 37.0201, other
  than in-school suspension, an evaluation of the student's conduct
  must be conducted and a disciplinary action plan must be prepared
  before the district may take a third discretionary disciplinary
  action, other than in-school suspension, against the student.
         (b)  The principal or other appropriate administrator and
  school counselor, in consultation with the parent or guardian of
  the student, shall conduct the evaluation required under this
  section using common sense, considering:
               (1)  each factor under Section 37.001(a)(4);
               (2)  whether the student's conduct was egregious;
               (3)  the student's past conduct;
               (4)  whether the student's conduct interferes with a
  teacher's ability to communicate effectively with the students in
  the class or with the ability of the student's classmates to learn;
               (5)  whether the student is a threat to the safety of
  other students or to district employees;
               (6)  the severity of the punishment; and
               (7)  available opportunities for increased parental
  involvement, including conferences and suggestions for addressing
  the student's conduct at home.
         (c)  The principal, or other appropriate administrator, and
  school counselor, in consultation with the parent or guardian of
  the student, shall develop a disciplinary action plan that best
  meets the needs of the student, considering the factors described
  by Subsection (b).  The disciplinary action plan must address
  appropriate behavioral interventions, address any appropriate
  alternative forms of instruction, and include an individual
  graduation plan for the student.
         (d)  A written copy of the evaluation and disciplinary action
  plan, including the individual graduation plan, required under this
  section must be placed in the student's educational records and be
  provided to the student's parent or guardian.
         (e)  A parent or any other person may file a complaint with
  the superintendent alleging that a school district did not comply
  with the requirements of this section before taking a discretionary
  disciplinary action, other than in-school suspension, against a
  specific student.  If the parent or other person is not satisfied
  with the superintendent's resolution of the complaint, the parent
  or other person may appeal to the school district board of trustees.  
  The determination of the board of trustees is final and may not be
         SECTION 6.  This Act applies beginning with the 2013-2014
  school year.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2013.
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