S.B. No. 1192
  relating to the rights of certain victims of sexual assault.
         SECTION 1.  Subdivision (2-a), Article 56.01, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
               (2-a)  "Sexual assault" means [includes] an offense
  under Section 21.02, 21.11(a)(1), 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code.
         SECTION 2.  Subsections (a), (c), and (d), Article 56.02,
  Code of Criminal Procedure, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a
  deceased victim is entitled to the following rights within the
  criminal justice system:
               (1)  the right to receive from law enforcement agencies
  adequate protection from harm and threats of harm arising from
  cooperation with prosecution efforts;
               (2)  the right to have the magistrate take the safety of
  the victim or his family into consideration as an element in fixing
  the amount of bail for the accused;
               (3)  the right, if requested, to be informed:
                     (A)  by the attorney representing the state of
  relevant court proceedings, including appellate proceedings, and
  to be informed if those proceedings have been canceled or
  rescheduled prior to the event; and
                     (B)  by an appellate court of decisions of the
  court, after the decisions are entered but before the decisions are
  made public;
               (4)  the right to be informed, when requested, by a
  peace officer concerning the defendant's right to bail and the
  procedures in criminal investigations and by the district
  attorney's office concerning the general procedures in the criminal
  justice system, including general procedures in guilty plea
  negotiations and arrangements, restitution, and the appeals and
  parole process;
               (5)  the right to provide pertinent information to a
  probation department conducting a presentencing investigation
  concerning the impact of the offense on the victim and his family by
  testimony, written statement, or any other manner prior to any
  sentencing of the offender;
               (6)  the right to receive information regarding
  compensation to victims of crime as provided by Subchapter B,
  including information related to the costs that may be compensated
  under that subchapter and the amount of compensation, eligibility
  for compensation, and procedures for application for compensation
  under that subchapter, the payment for a medical examination under
  Article 56.06 for a victim of a sexual assault, and when requested,
  to referral to available social service agencies that may offer
  additional assistance;
               (7)  the right to be informed, upon request, of parole
  procedures, to participate in the parole process, to be notified,
  if requested, of parole proceedings concerning a defendant in the
  victim's case, to provide to the Board of Pardons and Paroles for
  inclusion in the defendant's file information to be considered by
  the board prior to the parole of any defendant convicted of any
  crime subject to this subchapter, and to be notified, if requested,
  of the defendant's release;
               (8)  the right to be provided with a waiting area,
  separate or secure from other witnesses, including the offender and
  relatives of the offender, before testifying in any proceeding
  concerning the offender; if a separate waiting area is not
  available, other safeguards should be taken to minimize the
  victim's contact with the offender and the offender's relatives and
  witnesses, before and during court proceedings;
               (9)  the right to prompt return of any property of the
  victim that is held by a law enforcement agency or the attorney for
  the state as evidence when the property is no longer required for
  that purpose;
               (10)  the right to have the attorney for the state
  notify the employer of the victim, if requested, of the necessity of
  the victim's cooperation and testimony in a proceeding that may
  necessitate the absence of the victim from work for good cause;
               (11)  [the right to counseling, on request, regarding
  acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human
  immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and testing for acquired
  immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), human immunodeficiency virus
  (HIV) infection, antibodies to HIV, or infection with any other
  probable causative agent of AIDS, if the offense is an offense under
  Section 21.02, 21.11(a)(1), 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code;
               [(12)]  the right to request victim-offender mediation
  coordinated by the victim services division of the Texas Department
  of Criminal Justice;
               (12) [(13)]  the right to be informed of the uses of a
  victim impact statement and the statement's purpose in the criminal
  justice system, to complete the victim impact statement, and to
  have the victim impact statement considered:
                     (A)  by the attorney representing the state and
  the judge before sentencing or before a plea bargain agreement is
  accepted; and
                     (B)  by the Board of Pardons and Paroles before an
  inmate is released on parole;
               [(14)     to the extent provided by Articles 56.06 and
  56.065, for a victim of a sexual assault, the right to a forensic
  medical examination if, within 96 hours of the sexual assault, the
  assault is reported to a law enforcement agency or a forensic
  medical examination is otherwise conducted at a health care
  facility;] and
               (13) [(15)]  for a victim of an assault or sexual
  assault who is younger than 17 years of age or whose case involves
  family violence, as defined by Section 71.004, Family Code, the
  right to have the court consider the impact on the victim of a
  continuance requested by the defendant; if requested by the
  attorney representing the state or by counsel for the defendant,
  the court shall state on the record the reason for granting or
  denying the continuance.
         (c)  The office of the attorney representing the state, and
  the sheriff, police, and other law enforcement agencies shall
  ensure to the extent practicable that a victim, guardian of a
  victim, or close relative of a deceased victim is afforded the
  rights granted by [Subsection (a) of] this article and Article
  56.021 and, on request, an explanation of those rights.
         (d)  A judge, attorney for the state, peace officer, or law
  enforcement agency is not liable for a failure or inability to
  provide a right enumerated in this article or Article 56.021. The
  failure or inability of any person to provide a right or service
  enumerated in this article or Article 56.021 may not be used by a
  defendant in a criminal case as a ground for appeal, a ground to set
  aside the conviction or sentence, or a ground in a habeas corpus
  petition. A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a
  deceased victim does not have standing to participate as a party in
  a criminal proceeding or to contest the disposition of any charge.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 56, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended by adding Article 56.021 to read as follows:
         Art. 56.021.  RIGHTS OF VICTIM OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. (a)  In
  addition to the rights enumerated in Article 56.02, if the offense
  is a sexual assault, the victim, guardian of a victim, or close
  relative of a deceased victim is entitled to the following rights
  within the criminal justice system:
               (1)  if requested, the right to a disclosure of
  information regarding any evidence that was collected during the
  investigation of the offense, unless disclosing the information
  would interfere with the investigation or prosecution of the
  offense, in which event the victim, guardian, or relative shall be
  informed of the estimated date on which that information is
  expected to be disclosed;
               (2)  if requested, the right to a disclosure of
  information regarding the status of any analysis being performed of
  any evidence that was collected during the investigation of the
               (3)  if requested, the right to be notified:
                     (A)  at the time a request is submitted to a crime
  laboratory to process and analyze any evidence that was collected
  during the investigation of the offense;
                     (B)  at the time of the submission of a request to
  compare any biological evidence collected during the investigation
  of the offense with DNA profiles maintained in a state or federal
  DNA database; and
                     (C)  of the results of the comparison described by
  Paragraph (B), unless disclosing the results would interfere with
  the investigation or prosecution of the offense, in which event the
  victim, guardian, or relative shall be informed of the estimated
  date on which those results are expected to be disclosed;
               (4)  if requested, the right to counseling regarding
  acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human
  immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection;
               (5)  for the victim of the offense, testing for
  acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), human immunodeficiency
  virus (HIV) infection, antibodies to HIV, or infection with any
  other probable causative agent of AIDS; and
               (6)  to the extent provided by Articles 56.06 and
  56.065, for the victim of the offense, the right to a forensic
  medical examination if, within 96 hours of the offense, the offense
  is reported to a law enforcement agency or a forensic medical
  examination is otherwise conducted at a health care facility.
         (b)  A victim, guardian, or relative who requests to be
  notified under Subsection (a)(3) must provide a current address and
  phone number to the attorney representing the state and the law
  enforcement agency that is investigating the offense.  The victim,
  guardian, or relative must inform the attorney representing the
  state and the law enforcement agency of any change in the address or
  phone number.
         (c)  A victim, guardian, or relative may designate a person,
  including an entity that provides services to victims of sexual
  assault, to receive any notice requested under Subsection (a)(3).
         SECTION 4.  Subsection (b), Article 56.03, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The victim impact statement must be in a form designed
  to inform a victim, guardian of a victim, or a close relative of a
  deceased victim with a clear statement of rights provided by
  Articles [Article] 56.02 and 56.021 and to collect the following
               (1)  the name of the victim of the offense or, if the
  victim has a legal guardian or is deceased, the name of a guardian
  or close relative of the victim;
               (2)  the address and telephone number of the victim,
  guardian, or relative through which the victim, guardian of a
  victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim, may be contacted;
               (3)  a statement of economic loss suffered by the
  victim, guardian, or relative as a result of the offense;
               (4)  a statement of any physical or psychological
  injury suffered by the victim, guardian, or relative as a result of
  the offense, as described by the victim, guardian, relative, or by a
  physician or counselor;
               (5)  a statement of any psychological services
  requested as a result of the offense;
               (6)  a statement of any change in the victim's,
  guardian's, or relative's personal welfare or familial relationship
  as a result of the offense;
               (7)  a statement as to whether or not the victim,
  guardian, or relative wishes to be notified in the future of any
  parole hearing for the defendant and an explanation as to the
  procedures by which the victim, guardian, or relative may obtain
  information concerning the release of the defendant from the Texas
  Department of Criminal Justice; and
               (8)  any other information, other than facts related to
  the commission of the offense, related to the impact of the offense
  on the victim, guardian, or relative.
         SECTION 5.  Subsection (b), Article 56.04, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The duty of the victim assistance coordinator is to
  ensure that a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a
  deceased victim is afforded the rights granted victims, guardians,
  and relatives by Articles [Article] 56.02 and 56.021 [of this
  code]. The victim assistance coordinator shall work closely with
  appropriate law enforcement agencies, prosecuting attorneys, the
  Board of Pardons and Paroles, and the judiciary in carrying out that
         SECTION 6.  Subsections (b) and (f), Article 56.045, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The advocate may only provide the injured person with:
               (1)  counseling and other support services; and
               (2)  information regarding the rights of crime victims
  under Articles [Article] 56.02 and 56.021.
         (f)  If a person alleging to have sustained injuries as the
  victim of a sexual assault was confined in a penal institution, as
  defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, at the time of the alleged
  assault, the penal institution shall provide, at the person's
  request, a representative to be present with the person at any
  forensic medical examination conducted for the purpose of
  collecting and preserving evidence related to the investigation or
  prosecution of the alleged assault. The representative may only
  provide the injured person with counseling and other support
  services and with information regarding the rights of crime victims
  under Articles [Article] 56.02 and 56.021 and may not delay or
  otherwise impede the screening or stabilization of an emergency
  medical condition. The representative must be approved by the
  penal institution and must be a:
               (1)  psychologist;
               (2)  sociologist;
               (3)  chaplain;
               (4)  social worker;
               (5)  case manager; or
               (6)  volunteer who has completed a sexual assault
  training program described by Section 420.011(b), Government Code.
         SECTION 7.  Subsection (a), Article 56.07, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  At the initial contact or at the earliest possible time
  after the initial contact between the victim of a reported crime and
  the law enforcement agency having the responsibility for
  investigating that crime, that agency shall provide the victim a
  written notice containing:
               (1)  information about the availability of emergency
  and medical services, if applicable;
               (2)  notice that the victim has the right to receive
  information regarding compensation to victims of crime as provided
  by Subchapter B, Chapter 56, including information about:
                     (A)  the costs that may be compensated under that
  Act and the amount of compensation, eligibility for compensation,
  and procedures for application for compensation under that Act;
                     (B)  the payment for a medical examination for a
  victim of a sexual assault under Article 56.06 of this code; and
                     (C)  referral to available social service
  agencies that may offer additional assistance;
               (3)  the name, address, and phone number of the law
  enforcement agency's victim assistance liaison;
               (4)  the address, phone number, and name of the crime
  victim assistance coordinator of the office of the attorney
  representing the state;
               (5)  the following statement:
         "You may call the law enforcement agency's telephone number
  for the status of the case and information about victims' rights";
               (6)  the rights of crime victims under Articles
  [Article] 56.02 and 56.021 [of this code].
         SECTION 8.  Subsection (a), Section 57.002, Family Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a
  deceased victim is entitled to the following rights within the
  juvenile justice system:
               (1)  the right to receive from law enforcement agencies
  adequate protection from harm and threats of harm arising from
  cooperation with prosecution efforts;
               (2)  the right to have the court or person appointed by
  the court take the safety of the victim or the victim's family into
  consideration as an element in determining whether the child should
  be detained before the child's conduct is adjudicated;
               (3)  the right, if requested, to be informed of
  relevant court proceedings, including appellate proceedings, and
  to be informed in a timely manner if those court proceedings have
  been canceled or rescheduled;
               (4)  the right to be informed, when requested, by the
  court or a person appointed by the court concerning the procedures
  in the juvenile justice system, including general procedures
  relating to:
                     (A)  the preliminary investigation and deferred
  prosecution of a case; and
                     (B)  the appeal of the case;
               (5)  the right to provide pertinent information to a
  juvenile court conducting a disposition hearing concerning the
  impact of the offense on the victim and the victim's family by
  testimony, written statement, or any other manner before the court
  renders its disposition;
               (6)  the right to receive information regarding
  compensation to victims as provided by Subchapter B, Chapter 56,
  Code of Criminal Procedure, including information related to the
  costs that may be compensated under that subchapter and the amount
  of compensation, eligibility for compensation, and procedures for
  application for compensation under that subchapter, the payment of
  medical expenses under Section 56.06, Code of Criminal Procedure,
  for a victim of a sexual assault, and when requested, to referral to
  available social service agencies that may offer additional
               (7)  the right to be informed, upon request, of
  procedures for release under supervision or transfer of the person
  to the custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for
  parole, to participate in the release or transfer for parole
  process, to be notified, if requested, of the person's release,
  escape, or transfer for parole proceedings concerning the person,
  to provide to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department [Texas Youth
  Commission] for inclusion in the person's file information to be
  considered by the commission before the release under supervision
  or transfer for parole of the person, and to be notified, if
  requested, of the person's release or transfer for parole;
               (8)  the right to be provided with a waiting area,
  separate or secure from other witnesses, including the child
  alleged to have committed the conduct and relatives of the child,
  before testifying in any proceeding concerning the child, or, if a
  separate waiting area is not available, other safeguards should be
  taken to minimize the victim's contact with the child and the
  child's relatives and witnesses, before and during court
               (9)  the right to prompt return of any property of the
  victim that is held by a law enforcement agency or the attorney for
  the state as evidence when the property is no longer required for
  that purpose;
               (10)  the right to have the attorney for the state
  notify the employer of the victim, if requested, of the necessity of
  the victim's cooperation and testimony in a proceeding that may
  necessitate the absence of the victim from work for good cause;
               (11)  the right to be present at all public court
  proceedings related to the conduct of the child as provided by
  Section 54.08, subject to that section; and
               (12)  any other right appropriate to the victim that a
  victim of criminal conduct has under Article 56.02 or 56.021, Code
  of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 9.  To allow the Texas Crime Victim Clearinghouse
  sufficient time to update the victim impact statement form as
  required by Subsection (h), Article 56.03, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, a law enforcement agency, prosecutor, or other
  participant in the criminal justice system is not required to use a
  victim impact statement form that complies with Article 56.03, Code
  of Criminal Procedure, as amended by this Act, until January 1,
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1192 passed the Senate on
  April 25, 2013, by the following vote: Yeas 28, Nays 0; and that
  the Senate concurred in House amendment on May 23, 2013, by the
  following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0.
  Secretary of the Senate    
         I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1192 passed the House, with
  amendment, on May 20, 2013, by the following vote: Yeas 147,
  Nays 0, two present not voting.
  Chief Clerk of the House   