By: Van de Putte, et al. S.B. No. 1536
  relating to the Texas military; imposing criminal penalties;
  authorizing fees.
         SECTION 1.01.  Subtitle C, Title 4, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 437 to read as follows:
         Sec. 437.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Active military service" means state active duty
  service, federally funded state active duty service, or federal
  active duty service.  The term does not include service performed
  exclusively for training, such as basic combat training, advanced
  individual training, annual training, inactive duty training, and
  special training periodically made available to service members.
               (2)  "Adjutant general" means the military commander of
  the Texas military forces.
               (3)  "Department" means the Texas Military Department.
               (4)  "Employee" has the meaning assigned by Section
  21.002, Labor Code.
               (5)  "Employer" has the meaning assigned by Section
  21.002, Labor Code.
               (6)  "Executive director" means the administrative
  head of the department who is responsible for managing the
               (7)  "Military duty" means any activity of a service
  member performing a duty under a lawful military order, including
               (8)  "Service member" means a member or former member
  of the state military forces or a component of the United States
  armed forces, including a reserve component.
               (9)  "State active duty" means the performance of
  military or emergency service for this state at the call of the
  governor or the governor's designee.
               (10)  "State military forces" means the Texas military
               (11)  "State training and other duty" means the service
  and training typically performed by service members in preparation
  for state active duty.  The term includes training for man-made and
  natural disaster response and maintenance of equipment and
               (12)  "Temporary state employee" means a service member
  who is not a full-time or part-time state employee and who is on
  state active duty.
               (13)  "Texas Military Department" means the state
  agency charged with administrative activities in support of the
  Texas military forces.
               (14)  "Texas military forces" means the Texas National
  Guard, the Texas State Guard, and any other military force
  organized under state law.
               (15)  "Texas National Guard" means the Texas Army
  National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard.
               (16)  "Texas State Guard" means the volunteer military
  forces that provide community service and emergency response
  activities for this state, as organized under the Second Amendment
  to the United States Constitution, and operating as a defense force
  authorized under 32 U.S.C. Section 109.
               (17)  "Unit" means any organized group of the Texas
  military forces that has a designated commander.
               (18)  "Unit fund" means:
                     (A)  money held by a military unit to support the
  service members in the military unit while serving in the Texas
  military forces;
                     (B)  the state post exchange services account; or
                     (C)  the billeting account.
         Sec. 437.0011.  REFERENCE IN OTHER LAW.  A reference in other
  law to the adjutant general's department means the Texas Military
         Sec. 437.002.  COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF.  (a)  The governor is the
  commander-in-chief of the Texas military forces, except any portion
  of those forces in the service of the United States.  The governor
  has full control and authority over all matters relating to the
  Texas military forces, including organization, equipment, and
         (b)  If the governor is unable to perform the duties of
  commander-in-chief, the adjutant general shall command the Texas
  military forces, unless the state constitution or other state law
  requires the lieutenant governor or the president of the senate to
  perform the duties of governor.
         Sec. 437.003.  GOVERNOR'S MILITARY APPOINTMENTS.  (a)  The
  governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint
  an adjutant general to a two-year term expiring February 1 of each
  even-numbered year.  The adjutant general is responsible for
  leading and managing the Texas military forces.  The adjutant
  general is subordinate only to the governor in matters pertaining
  to the Texas military forces.  The adjutant general's rank is
  assigned at the discretion of the governor and may not exceed
  lieutenant general.  Federal recognition is at the rank authorized
  by the National Guard Bureau.  The adjutant general may be referred
  to as the commanding general of the Texas military forces.
         (b)  On recommendation of the adjutant general, the governor
  shall appoint a deputy adjutant general for army, a deputy adjutant
  general for air, and the commander of the Texas State Guard.  The
  deputy adjutants general and commander serve until replaced.  To be
  qualified for appointment as a deputy adjutant general, a service
  member must have the qualifications required for appointment as
  adjutant general.
         (c)  The governor shall appoint, commission, and assign the
  Texas State Guard general officers.  The governor may remove or
  reassign an officer.  To be eligible for appointment as a general
  officer, a service member must have:
               (1)  been a federally recognized officer of not less
  than field grade of the Texas National Guard or a regular or reserve
  component of the United States military or served at least 15 years
  of combined service as a commissioned officer in the Texas military
  forces or a regular or reserve component of the United States
  military; and
               (2)  served at least three years as a commissioned
  officer in the Texas State Guard.
         (d)  The governor may delegate the powers granted by
  Subsection (c) to the adjutant general.
         Sec. 437.004.  REGULATING TEXAS MILITARY FORCES. (a)  The
  governor shall make and publish regulations, according to existing
  federal and state law, to govern the Texas military forces.  The
  regulations must address general orders and forms for the
  performance of duties of service members on military duty,
  including provisions governing courts-martial.
         (b)  The governor may reorganize and provide regulations
  relating to the organization of any portion of the Texas National
  Guard, Texas State Guard, emergency militia, or other military
  force organized under state law.
         (c)  The governor may obtain from the United States
  government the arms, equipment, munitions, or other military
  supplies to which the state is entitled for use by the Texas
  military forces.
         (d)  The governor, as the governor determines to be in this
  state's best interest, shall designate the locations for storage of
  arms, equipment, munitions, or other military property owned by or
  under the control of this state.
         (e)  The governor may delegate the powers granted by this
  section to the adjutant general.
  TRAINING, AND OTHER DUTY. (a)  The governor may activate all or
  part of the Texas military forces to state active duty or for state
  training and other duty.  The governor may delegate all or part of
  the authority granted by this section to the adjutant general.
         (b)  On delegation of the authority by the governor, the
  adjutant general may order all or part of the Texas military forces
  to state training and other duty if funding has been provided in the
  General Appropriations Act or volunteer resources are available.
         (c)  On delegation of the authority by the governor, the
  adjutant general may order all or part of the Texas military forces
  to state training and other duty if requested by a federal, state,
  or local governmental entity and the entity authorizes
  reimbursement of the costs to this state.
         (d)  A service member called to state active duty or to state
  training and other duty has the rights, privileges, duties,
  functions, and authorities conferred or imposed by state law.
         Sec. 437.006.  OFFICERS. (a)  The governor shall appoint
  and commission officers of the Texas National Guard.  To be eligible
  for appointment, a service member must be qualified under United
  States law and regulations.
         (b)  The adjutant general shall appoint and commission
  officers, other than a general officer, in the Texas State Guard.  
  To be eligible for appointment, a service member must be qualified
  under state guard regulations and be recommended for appointment by
  the commander of the state guard.
         (c)  An officer appointed under this section shall take and
  subscribe the official oath.
         Sec. 437.007.  ENLISTMENT AND APPOINTMENT. (a)  Federal law
  prescribes the terms and the qualifications and requirements for
  enlistment and appointment in the Texas National Guard.  The
  governor and legislature may prescribe additional terms,
  qualifications, and requirements that do not conflict with federal
         (b)  Enlistment in the Texas State Guard is prescribed by
  Subchapter G.
  FEDERAL FUNDS.  If the governor, after consulting with the adjutant
  general, determines that the state is eligible for federal matching
  funds for projects at military facilities in this state, the
  governor may direct that money appropriated for another purpose be
  used to obtain the federal matching funds if the appropriation
  authorizes the money to be used for that purpose.
         Sec. 437.051.  SUNSET PROVISION. The department is subject
  to Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset Act).  Unless continued in existence as
  provided by that chapter, the department is abolished and this
  subchapter expires September 1, 2019.
  exercises the jurisdiction and powers conferred by this subtitle.  
  The adjutant general is the governing officer, policy maker, and
  head of the department.
         (b)  The adjutant general shall adopt and implement
  regulations or policies that clearly separate the adjutant
  general's responsibilities from the administrative
  responsibilities of the department's executive director and staff.
         (c)  To be eligible for appointment as adjutant general, a
  service member must:
               (1)  at the time of appointment, be serving as a
  federally recognized officer of not less than colonel in the Texas
  National Guard;
               (2)  have previously served on active duty or active
  duty for training with the United States Army or Air Force;
               (3)  meet for the year the appointment is made the
  submission requirements of the General Officer Federal Recognition
  Board or its successor; and
               (4)  have completed at least 15 years of service as a
  federally recognized reserve or active duty commissioned officer
  with an active unit of the United States Army or Air Force, the
  National Guard, or the Texas National Guard, including at least
  five years with the Texas National Guard.
         (d)  The appointment of the adjutant general shall be made
  without regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age,
  or national origin of the appointee.
         Sec. 437.053.  ADJUTANT GENERAL:  DUTIES. The adjutant
  general shall:
               (1)  perform duties assigned by the governor relating
  to the military affairs of this state;
               (2)  assume responsibility for the overall leadership,
  management, accountability, and operations of the Texas military
  forces, including the transportation of troops, munitions,
  military equipment, and property in this state;
               (3)  oversee the preparation of returns and reports
  required of this state by the United States;
               (4)  maintain a register of all officers of the Texas
  military forces;
               (5)  publish at state expense, when necessary, state
  military law and regulations;
               (6)  make available annual reports concerning the Texas
  military forces;
               (7)  establish reasonable and necessary fees for the
  administration of this subtitle;
               (8)  employ and arm, as the adjutant general determines
  appropriate, persons licensed under Title 10, Occupations Code, to
  protect property that is under the adjutant general's authority and
  to satisfy applicable security requirements;
               (9)  define and prescribe the kind and amount of
  supplies, including operational munitions for use in this state, to
  be purchased for the Texas military forces;
               (10)  prescribe general regulations for the
  maintenance of supplies and for the transportation and distribution
  of supplies from the place of purchase to camps, stations,
  companies, or other necessary places of safekeeping;
               (11)  have supplies, whether the property of the United
  States or this state, properly cared for and kept in good order and
  ready for use; and
               (12)  as the adjutant general determines appropriate,
  sell or destroy property and supplies or exchange property and
  supplies for other military property and supplies.
  STATEMENT.  The adjutant general shall adopt a written policy
  statement to implement a program of equal employment opportunity
  under which all personnel transactions are made without regard to
  race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national origin.  
  The policy statement must include:
               (1)  personnel policies, including policies relating
  to recruitment, evaluation, selection, appointment, training, and
  promotion of personnel that comply with Chapter 21, Labor Code;
               (2)  a comprehensive analysis of the department's
  workforce that meets federal and state laws, rules, and regulations
  and instructions directly adopted from those laws, rules, and
               (3)  procedures for determining the extent of underuse
  in the department's workforce of persons for whom federal or state
  laws, rules, and regulations and instructions directly adopted from
  those laws, rules, and regulations encourage a more equitable
  balance; and
               (4)  reasonable methods to appropriately address the
  areas of underuse described in Subdivision (3).
         Sec. 437.054.  ADJUTANT GENERAL:  GENERAL POWERS. (a)  The
  adjutant general is the decision-making authority on all matters
  concerning the location and maintenance of military forces and
  facilities in this state.  The adjutant general may set priorities
  for the construction, renovation, repair, and maintenance of Texas
  military forces armories, facilities, and improvements owned or
  leased by this state.  The adjutant general in this capacity is a
  public authority and a body politic and corporate and has all powers
  necessary for the acquisition, construction, rental, control,
  maintenance, operation, and disposition of Texas military forces
  facilities and real property and all associated property and
         (b)  The adjutant general may execute the cooperative
  agreements with the National Guard Bureau and an interagency
  military agreement with a federal, state, or local governmental or
  quasi-governmental agency.
         (c)  The adjutant general may delegate the authority granted
  under this section in whole or in part.
         Sec. 437.055.  SEAL. The seal of the adjutant general
  consists of a five-pointed star with "Adjutant General, State of
  Texas" around the margin.
  (a)  Before the adjutant general may assume the duties of the
  office and before the adjutant general may be confirmed by the
  senate, the adjutant general must complete at least one course of
  the training program established under this section.
         (b)  A training program established under this section must
  provide information to the adjutant general regarding:
               (1)  this chapter;
               (2)  the federal and state programs operated by the
               (3)  the federal and state roles and functions of the
               (4)  the regulations of the department, with an
  emphasis on disciplinary and investigatory authority regulations;
               (5)  the current budget for the department, with
  emphasis on state and federal funds;
               (6)  the results of the most recent formal federal and
  state audits of the department;
               (7)  the requirements of:
                     (A)  Chapter 552; and
                     (B)  the federal Freedom of Information Act (5
  U.S.C. Section 552);
               (8)  the requirements of the conflict-of-interest laws
  and other laws relating to public officials;
               (9)  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the
  department or the Texas Ethics Commission; and
               (10)  the requirements and development of the Master
  Cooperative Agreements between this state and the federal
         Sec. 437.057.  DEPUTY ADJUTANTS GENERAL. (a)  A deputy
  adjutant general has the rank prescribed by the governor, not to
  exceed the grade authorized for federal recognition in the
  position.  A deputy adjutant general may not be promoted to a rank
  higher than that of the adjutant general.  A deputy adjutant general
  is entitled to the rights, privileges, amenities, and immunities
  granted officers of that rank in the Texas National Guard.  A deputy
  adjutant general may be removed from office by the governor.
         (b)  A deputy adjutant general shall assist the adjutant
  general by performing assigned duties.  If the adjutant general is
  dead, absent, or unable to act, the deputy adjutant general who is
  designated in the adjutant general's succession plan shall perform
  the duties of the adjutant general.
         (c)  Each deputy adjutant general must complete the training
  required of the adjutant general as prescribed by Section 437.056
  not later than the 60th day after the date of appointment.
         Sec. 437.058.  GENERAL OFFICERS. (a)  The adjutant general
  may appoint as general officers an assistant deputy adjutant
  general for army, an assistant deputy adjutant general for air, an
  assistant deputy adjutant general for homeland security, and an
  assistant deputy adjutant general for government affairs.
         (b)  A general officer may not be promoted to a rank higher
  than that of the adjutant general.
         (c)  A general officer appointed under this section is
  responsible to and serves at the pleasure of the adjutant general.
         (d)  The assistant deputy adjutant general for the army shall
  support the deputy adjutant general for the army, represent the
  command staff at events as needed, and manage the activities
  assigned by the adjutant general or the deputy adjutant general for
  the army.
         (e)  The assistant deputy adjutant general for the Army
  National Guard or the Air National Guard, as determined by the
  adjutant general, shall:
               (1)  coordinate with other state agencies in matters
  pertaining to homeland security to ensure state emergency services
  are provided and organized to support the state operations center;
               (2)  coordinate homeland security actions taken by the
  National Guard Bureau in this state.
         (f)  The assistant deputy adjutant general for the Army
  National Guard or the Air National Guard, as determined by the
  adjutant general, shall coordinate activities of the Texas military
  forces with the National Guard Bureau to ensure funding and
  coordination with other federal, state, and local jurisdictions and
  officials in matters relating to the operations of the Texas
  military forces occurring in the assistant deputy adjutant
  general's jurisdiction or oversight.
         (g)  The Texas military forces shall have at least one
  traditional Texas Air National Guard general officer and two
  traditional Texas Army National Guard general officers to support
  the operation and command of the Texas National Guard.
         Sec. 437.059.  ADJUTANT GENERAL APPOINTMENTS. The adjutant
  general, as the adjutant general determines appropriate and with
  available funds, may appoint full-time employees of the department,
  traditional national guard members, state guard volunteers, or
  federal employees.
         Sec. 437.060.  CONFLICT OF INTEREST PROVISIONS. (a)  A
  person may not be appointed adjutant general, a deputy adjutant
  general, a general officer, judge advocate general, or executive
  director if the person is required to register as a lobbyist under
  Chapter 305 because of the person's activities for compensation on
  behalf of a profession related to the operation of the department.
         (b)  An officer, employee, or paid consultant of a Texas
  trade association in the field of defense or veterans affairs may
  not be appointed adjutant general, a deputy adjutant general, a
  general officer, judge advocate general, or executive director.
         (c)  A person who is the spouse of an officer, manager, or
  paid consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of defense
  or veterans affairs may not be appointed adjutant general, a deputy
  adjutant general, a general officer, judge advocate general, or
  executive director.
         (d)  For the purposes of this section, a Texas trade
  association is a nonprofit, cooperative, and voluntarily joined
  association in this state designed to assist its members and its
  industry or profession in dealing with mutual business or
  professional problems and in promoting their common interest.
  (a)  It is a ground for removal that the adjutant general:
               (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the
  qualifications for service required by this chapter;
               (2)  does not maintain the qualifications for service
  required by this chapter;
               (3)  does not obtain approval of the General Officer
  Federal Recognition Board or its successors;
               (4)  is found to have violated ethical standards of
  conduct of the federal government, this state, or the department;
               (5)  cannot discharge the duties required by the
  position because of illness or disability.
         (b)  The validity of an action of the adjutant general is not
  affected by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal
         (c)  If a potential ground for removal exists, the deputy
  adjutant general with the longest tenure in that position in the
  department shall notify the governor that a potential ground for
  removal exists.
         Sec. 437.062.  SALARIES. (a)  The adjutant general is
  entitled to a salary in the amount designated in the General
  Appropriations Act.
         (b)  A deputy adjutant general, general officer, or
  executive director employed under this chapter is entitled to a
  salary subject to the classification and salary schedule provisions
  defined in the General Appropriations Act.
         Sec. 437.101.  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. (a)  The executive
  director is an employee of the department and serves at the pleasure
  of the adjutant general.
         (b)  Subject to Sections 437.052 and 437.054, the executive
  director may enter into contracts related to the purposes or duties
  of the department and may have and use a corporate seal.
         (c)  The executive director is responsible for the daily
  administration of the department and the operational compliance
  with the cooperative agreements between the department and the
  National Guard Bureau.
         Sec. 437.102.  DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL. (a)  The executive
  director may hire employees as necessary to carry on the operations
  of the department.
         (b)  The executive director or the executive director's
  designee shall provide to the adjutant general and to department
  employees, as often as necessary, information regarding the
  requirements for office or employment under this chapter, including
  information regarding a person's responsibilities under applicable
  laws relating to standards of conduct for state officers or
  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), to be eligible to hold a
  position relating to the daily operations and coordination of the
  Texas State Guard, an employee must maintain membership in the
  Texas State Guard.
         (b)  For good cause, the adjutant general may exempt a
  position from the requirement under Subsection (a) by placing a
  letter stating the reason for the exemption in the state human
  resources files at the department.
  EVALUATIONS.  (a)  The executive director shall develop a career
  ladder program.  The program must require intra-agency postings of
  all non-entry level positions concurrently with any public posting.
         (b)  The executive director shall develop a system of
  employee performance evaluations.  The system must require that
  evaluations be conducted at least annually.  All merit pay for
  department employees must be based on the system established under
  this subsection.
  department may pay an employee additional compensation for duty
  hours other than Monday through Friday normal business hours or for
  the ability to legally carry weapons if required for the position.  
  The department shall adopt regulations to establish the
  classification, procedures, and amount of the additional
  compensation.  The department may make differential payments only
  if money is available to pay those amounts.
  PROPERTY. Except as provided by other law and in accordance with
  all applicable federal and state requirements, the department shall
  preserve all historically significant military records or property
  in the Texas Military Forces Museum.
         Sec. 437.107.  REPORTS. (a)  The department annually shall
  submit to the governor and the presiding officer of each house of
  the legislature a complete and detailed written report accounting
  for all funds received and disbursed by the department during the
  preceding fiscal year.  The report must be in the form and reported
  in the time provided by the General Appropriations Act.
         (b)  The department shall provide to the governor in December
  of each even-numbered year:
               (1)  an account of all arms, ammunition, and other
  military property owned by or in possession of this state and its
  present condition;
               (2)  a statement of the number, condition, and
  organization of the Texas military forces;
               (3)  suggestions important to the military interests
  and conditions of this state;
               (4)  a list and description of all Texas military
  forces missions that are in progress; and
               (5)  a statement of department plans to obtain and
  maintain future Texas National Guard missions, including proposed
  missions that are consistent with the United States Department of
  Defense's strategies.
         (c)  Information relating to any current, proposed, or
  planned mission that the adjutant general considers to be
  classified or sensitive in nature is exempt from the reporting
  requirement of Subsection (b).
         Sec. 437.108.  TECHNOLOGY POLICY. The department shall
  develop and implement a policy requiring the executive director and
  department's employees to research and propose appropriate
  technological solutions to improve the department's ability to
  perform its functions. The technological solutions must:
               (1)  ensure that the public is able to easily find
  information about the department on the Internet;
               (2)  ensure that persons who want to use the
  department's services are able to:
                     (A)  interact with the department through the
  Internet; and
                     (B)  access any service that can be provided
  effectively through the Internet; and
               (3)  be cost-effective and developed through the
  department's planning processes.
  (a)  The department is exempt from the provisions of Chapter 2054
  relating to the oversight of information resources and information
  resource manager provisions to the extent the National Guard Bureau
  and the United States Department of Defense provide information
  technology and communications support to the department.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other law, a service member
  considered to be a temporary state employee is not considered to be
  an employee of the department for the purpose of counting the number
  of full-time equivalent positions authorized for the department in
  the General Appropriations Act.
  (a)  The department may establish and contract for the operation of
  not more than three military-type post exchanges similar to those
  operated by the armed forces of the United States on any real
  property under the management and control of the department. A post
  exchange may sell, lease, or rent goods and services, including
  firearms, tobacco products, prepared foods, and beer and wine but
  not distilled spirits. The department may designate facilities
  located on state property to use for purposes of this section.
         (b)  The adjutant general shall adopt regulations to govern
  post exchanges established under this section that are similar to
  the procedures, policies, and restrictions governing exchanges of
  the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, including regulations that
  require an individual to show identification indicating the
  individual is qualified to buy, lease, or rent goods at the post
         (c)  The department shall contract with a person to operate a
  post exchange created under this section.
         (d)  A post exchange may sell, lease, or rent goods and
  services only to:
               (1)  active, retired, and reserve members of the United
  States armed services;
               (2)  active and retired members of the state military
               (3)  full-time employees of the adjutant general's
  department; and
               (4)  dependents of an individual described by this
         (e)  The post exchange services account is a unit fund under
  Section 437.211.  For purposes of Section 437.211, the commander is
  the installation commander.  The post exchange services account is
  exempt from the application of Sections 403.095 and 404.071.  The
  account consists of:
               (1)  money received from the operation of post
  exchanges created under this section; and
               (2)  all interest attributable to money held in the
         (f)  A post exchange created under this section may sell
  goods and services, including beer and wine but not distilled
  spirits, for off-premises consumption if the operator of the
  exchange holds the appropriate license or permit issued by the
  Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. The licensee or permittee
  shall comply in all respects with the Alcoholic Beverage Code and
  the rules of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
         (g)  Chapter 94, Human Resources Code, does not apply to
  vending facilities operated at a post exchange.
         Sec. 437.111.  DONATIONS. (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsections (d) and (e), all money paid to the department under this
  chapter is subject to Subchapter F, Chapter 404.
         (b)  The department may accept funds, property, or services
  donated by any public or private entity, including:
               (1)  a state agency or department;
               (2)  a political subdivision, including a county,
  municipality, or public school district; or
               (3)  a special purpose district or authority.
         (c)  The department may solicit and accept gifts, grants, or
  donations from any private or public entity to support the Texas
  military forces or the Texas Military Forces Museum and may spend
  the proceeds consistent with donor limitations and for the use of
  the Texas military forces, the museum, or the department.
         (d)  The department may accept a donation or transfer of
  funds from the federal government directly or through another
  agency or from an agency or political subdivision of this state.  
  The funds shall be deposited with the comptroller.  The funds may be
  used for the legal purposes of the department as provided in the
  donation or transfer.  The comptroller shall make payments from the
  funds on a properly drawn warrant issued by the comptroller on
  request of the adjutant general and approval of the governor under
  rules adopted by the comptroller.
         (e)  A unit may accept funds for the benefit of a particular
  military unit in a unit fund as prescribed in Section 437.211.
  (a)  The department shall prepare information of public interest
  describing the functions of the department and the procedures by
  which complaints are filed with and resolved by the department.  The
  department shall make the information available to the public and
  appropriate state agencies.
         (b)  The adjutant general shall adopt policies to establish
  methods for notifying the public and members of the Texas National
  Guard of the department's name, mailing address, and telephone
  number for the purpose of directing complaints to the department.
         (c)  The department shall maintain a file on each written
  complaint filed with the department. The file must include:
               (1)  the name of the person who filed the complaint;
               (2)  the date the complaint is received by the
               (3)  the subject matter of the complaint;
               (4)  the name of each person contacted in connection
  with the complaint;
               (5)  a summary of the results of the review or
  investigation of the complaint; and
               (6)  an explanation of the reason the file was closed,
  if the department closed the file without taking action other than
  to investigate the complaint.
         (d)  The department shall provide to the person filing the
  complaint and to each person who is the subject of the complaint a
  copy of the department's policies and procedures relating to
  complaint investigation and resolution unless the notice would
  jeopardize an undercover investigation.
         (e)  The department, at least quarterly until final
  disposition of the complaint, shall notify the person filing the
  complaint and each person who is the subject of the complaint of the
  status of the investigation unless the notice would jeopardize an
  undercover investigation.
  (a)  The department shall develop and implement a policy to
  encourage the use of appropriate alternative dispute resolution
  procedures under Chapter 2009 to assist in the resolution of
  internal and external disputes within the department's
         (b)  The department's procedures relating to alternative
  dispute resolution must conform, to the extent possible, to any
  model guidelines issued by the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings for the use of alternative dispute resolution by state
         (c)  The department shall designate a trained person to:
               (1)  coordinate the implementation of the policy
  adopted under Subsection (a);
               (2)  serve as a resource for any training needed to
  implement the procedures for negotiated rulemaking or alternative
  dispute resolution; and
               (3)  collect data concerning the effectiveness of those
  procedures, as implemented by the department.
         Sec. 437.114.  SUPPLIES. (a)  The department may purchase
  from money appropriated to the department and keep ready for use,
  store, or issue a necessary amount of ordnance, subsistence,
  medical, signal, engineering, and other supplies.
         (b)  The department may dispose of or exchange supplies owned
  by this state that are unfit for further use as the department
  determines is in the best interest of the Texas military forces.
         (c)  The department shall provide each state military unit
  with the arms, equipment, instruction and record books, and other
  supplies necessary for performance of the duties required of the
  unit by this chapter.  The unit shall keep the property in proper
  repair and good condition.  The department may execute bonds in the
  name of this state as necessary to obtain this property.
         Sec. 437.115.  BIDS. The department shall adopt rules
  governing the preparation, submission, and opening of bids for
         Sec. 437.116.  PROGRAM ACCESSIBILITY. The department shall
  comply with federal and state laws related to program
  accessibility.  The department shall also prepare and maintain a
  written plan that describes how a person who does not speak English
  can be provided reasonable access to the department's programs and
         Sec. 437.117.  TEXAS CHALLENGE ACADEMY. (a)  For each
  student enrolled in the Texas ChalleNGe Academy, the department is
  entitled to allotments from the Foundation School Program under
  Chapter 42, Education Code, as if the academy were a school district
  without a tier one local share for purposes of Section 42.253,
  Education Code.
         (b)  The department shall contract with an appropriate
  school district for the provision of educational services for
  students enrolled in the academy. The school district with which
  the department contracts shall be responsible for ensuring
  compliance with any applicable regulatory requirements imposed
  under the Education Code and enforced by the commissioner of
  education and the Texas Education Agency.
  TRAINING. (a)  The department may use appropriated money to
  purchase food and beverages for charged military housing and
  training functions required of the Texas military forces.
         (b)  The department shall maintain and operate charged
  military housing in accordance with policies and regulations
  adopted by the adjutant general and published on the department's
  Internet website.  The department shall deposit room fees in a
  billeting account.
         Sec. 437.151.  REAL PROPERTY ADVISORY COUNCIL. (a)  The
  real property advisory council is composed of the following eight
               (1)  two deputy adjutants general;
               (2)  the executive director; and
               (3)  five public members who are not actively serving
  in the Texas National Guard and who have experience in
  architecture, construction management, engineering, property
  management, facilities maintenance management, real estate
  services, or real property law.
         (b)  The public members of the advisory council are appointed
  to staggered three-year terms by the adjutant general.
         (c)  The adjutant general shall adopt regulations specifying
  the requirements, term limits, and expectations for the advisory
         (d)  The adjutant general shall designate one of the public
  members of the advisory council as the presiding officer of the
  advisory council to serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the
  adjutant general.
         (e)  The director of the facilities management office is
  responsible for administration and coordination of council
  meetings and preparation of materials with input from the council
         (f)  The council shall meet at least two times each fiscal
  year to advise the department on:
               (1)  the facility master plan;
               (2)  the long-range construction plan;
               (3)  the selection of architecture and engineering
               (4)  requests for bonding authority for state military
               (5)  the disposal or sale of department property;
               (6)  surface leases of department property;
               (7)  natural resources management plans; and
               (8)  environmental studies and agreements.
         (g)  Each public member of the advisory council is entitled
  to a per diem as provided by the General Appropriations Act for each
  day that the member engages in the business of the council.
         (h)  Each member of the advisory council is entitled to
  reimbursement for meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental
               (1)  under the rules for reimbursement that apply to
  the member's office or employment, if the member is a state officer
  or employee; or
               (2)  as provided by the General Appropriations Act if
  the member is not a state officer or employee.
         (i)  The advisory council is not subject to Chapter 2110.
         Sec. 437.152.  PUBLIC COMMENT. The advisory council shall
  develop and implement policies that provide the public with a
  reasonable opportunity to at least annually appear before the
  council and speak on any issue related to the construction, repair,
  and maintenance of Texas military forces armories, facilities, and
  improvements under the jurisdiction of the department.
  (a)  The department may borrow money in the amount and under
  circumstances allowed by the Texas Constitution and may request the
  Texas Public Finance Authority, on behalf of the department, to
  issue and sell fully negotiable bonds to acquire, construct,
  remodel, repair, or equip one or more facilities.
         (b)  The Texas Public Finance Authority may sell the bonds in
  any manner it determines to be in the best interest of the
  department, except that it may not sell a bond that has not been
  approved by the attorney general and registered with the
         Sec. 437.154.  REPORT OF MILITARY USE OF PROPERTY. (a)  If
  the department receives notice from the General Land Office as
  provided by Section 31.156, Natural Resources Code, the department
  shall produce a report evaluating the military use of any real
  property under the management and control of the department.
         (b)  Not later than August 1 of the year in which the
  commissioner of the General Land Office submits a report as
  provided by Section 31.157, Natural Resources Code, the department
  shall submit a preliminary report of the report required under
  Subsection (a) to the commissioner of the General Land Office
  identifying the real property used for military purposes.  Not
  later than September 1 of the year in which the commissioner of the
  General Land Office submits a report as provided by Section 31.157,
  Natural Resources Code, the department shall submit the final
  report as required by Subsection (a) to:
               (1)  the governor;
               (2)  the presiding officer of each house of the
               (3)  the Legislative Budget Board; and
               (4)  the governor's budget office.
  ISSUES, AND PROFITS.  (a)  The department by gift, lease, or
  purchase may acquire real property, including leasehold estates in
  real property, for any purpose the department considers necessary
  for the use of the Texas military forces.
         (b)  The department may acquire furniture and equipment
  suitable for facility purposes by gift, purchase, or construction.
         (c)  The department may:
               (1)  hold, manage, or maintain the property;
               (2)  after the analysis required under Section
  437.163(b), if applicable, lease or sell the property; and
               (3)  pledge all or part of the rents, issues, and
  profits of the property.
         (d)  The department may own and operate or contract with a
  vendor to provide temporary lodging facilities for use of military
  and retired military personnel.  The department shall publish
  information on the department's Internet website outlining the
  operation, use, and fee structure for temporary lodging facilities.  
  Out of the money received for operating the temporary lodging
  facilities, the department may procure the necessary furnishings,
  goods, and services to manage and operate the temporary lodging
         (e)  The adjutant general, deputy adjutant general for the
  air, and deputy adjutant general for the army may reside in
  state-owned housing and are exempt from paying housing costs.  The
  department may allocate existing department housing to other
  department employees who demonstrate a need based on location and
  job description at a rate in accordance with the General
  Appropriations Act.
         (f)  The department shall deposit proceeds from any land
  lease or other revenue under this section, other than daily fee
  deposits that qualify as unit funds, into the state treasury to the
  credit of the department for the use and benefit of the facilities
  of the Texas military forces.  If any part of these funds remains
  unexpended and unobligated at the end of the state fiscal year, that
  amount is dedicated for the same purposes in the subsequent year.  
  Money in the fund may not be diverted for any other purpose.
  (a)  The department may construct buildings on real property held
  by the department in fee simple or otherwise.  The department may
  furnish and equip the buildings.
         (b)  The department may construct a building on land
  comprising a site licensed or otherwise provided to this state by
  the federal government.  If the department constructs a building on
  that site, the site becomes the property of the department for all
  purposes of this chapter as if the site had been acquired by gift to
  or purchase by the department.
         (c)  Department buildings that are constructed or undergoing
  major renovations must include information distribution system
  provisions in the contract.
         Sec. 437.157.  LEASE OF PROPERTY. (a)  In this section,
  "lease" includes a sublease.
         (b)  After the analysis required under Section 437.163(b),
  if applicable, the department may lease property to any person.
         (c)  The law requiring notice and competitive bids does not
  apply to a lease under this section.
         Sec. 437.158.  TRANSFER TO STATE. When property that the
  Texas Public Finance Authority owns in accordance with Section
  437.159 is fully paid for and free of liens and all obligations
  incurred in connection with the acquisition and construction of the
  property have been fully paid, the Texas Public Finance Authority
  shall donate and transfer the property to the department by
  appropriate instruments of transfer.  The instruments of transfer
  shall be kept in the custody of the department.
         Sec. 437.159.  PROPERTY FINANCED BY BONDS. Notwithstanding
  any other provision of this chapter, property used by this state for
  military purposes that was acquired, constructed, remodeled, or
  repaired using money from bonds and that has not yet been
  transferred under Section 437.158 is owned by the Texas Public
  Finance Authority and a reference to the department in this chapter
  in relation to that ownership means the Texas Public Finance
  Authority until the property is transferred.
         Sec. 437.160.  DONATION OF PROPERTY. The governing body of a
  county or municipality, on behalf of the county or municipality,
  may donate real property to the department for use as a Texas
  military forces facility.  The donation may be in fee simple or
         Sec. 437.161.  TAX STATUS OF PROPERTY. Property held by the
  department and rents, issues, and profits from the property are
  exempt from taxation by the state, a municipality, a county or other
  political subdivision, or a taxing district of this state.
         Sec. 437.162.  FACILITY ACCESSIBILITY. The department for
  new facility construction shall comply with federal and state laws
  related to facility accessibility.
  (a)  When department property that is owned or transferred to this
  state is fully paid for and free of liens incurred in connection
  with the acquisition and construction of the property, the
  department may, after conducting the analysis required under this
  section, if applicable, properly dispose of the property that is
  designated by the adjutant general as surplus.
         (b)  Before granting or conveying an interest in real
  property under this subchapter, the department must conduct an
  analysis to determine whether the disposal of property is in the
  best interests of the Texas military forces and evaluate whether
  each unit of the Texas military forces has adequate facility space
  to ensure that ongoing operations are maintained.
         (c)  To accomplish the purposes of Subsection (a), the
  department may remove, dismantle, or sever any of the property or
  authorize its removal, dismantling, or severance.
         (d)  If property under this section is designated as surplus,
  the department may sell the property to the highest and best bidder
  for cash using either sealed bid or public auction.  The department
  may reject any or all bids.  If the site is considered historical,
  the department may evaluate other factors relating to ensuring the
  long-term care of the site when selecting the winning bidder.
         (e)  If property under this section is designated for
  exchange, the department may exchange the property for one or more
  parcels of land equal to or exceeding the value of the property to
  be exchanged.
         (f)  A sale, deed, or exchange made under this section must
  reserve to this state a one-sixteenth mineral interest free of cost
  of production.
         (g)  The department may:
               (1)  reconvey to the original grantor or donor all
  rights, title, and interests, including mineral interests, to all
  or part of the land conveyed by that person; and
               (2)  convey to the original grantor or donor, on a
  negotiated basis at fair market value, improvements constructed on
  the land reconveyed.
         (h)  The department shall deposit proceeds of sales under
  this section in the state treasury to the credit of the department
  for the use and benefit of the Texas military forces.
         Sec. 437.201.  CERTIFICATION OF MILITARY UNITS. The
  adjutant general shall issue each unit a certificate stating that
  the unit has been duly organized according to the laws and
  regulations of the Texas military forces and is entitled to the
  rights, powers, privileges, amenities, and immunities conferred by
  law and military regulation.  The certificate is evidence in a state
  court that the unit is duly incorporated.
  EMPLOYEES. (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), a
  person who is an officer or employee of this state, a municipality,
  a county, or another political subdivision of this state and who is
  a member of the Texas military forces, a reserve component of the
  armed forces, or a member of a state or federally authorized urban
  search and rescue team is entitled to a paid leave of absence from
  the person's duties on a day on which the person is engaged in
  authorized training or duty ordered or authorized by proper
  authority for not more than 15 workdays in a fiscal year.  During a
  leave of absence, the person may not be subjected to loss of time,
  efficiency rating, personal time, sick leave, or vacation time.
         (b)  An officer or employee of this state is entitled to
  carry forward from one fiscal year to the next the net balance of
  unused accumulated leave under Subsection (a) that does not exceed
  45 workdays.
         (c)  A member of the legislature is entitled to pay for all
  days that the member is absent from a session of the legislature and
  engaged in training or duty as provided by Subsection (a).
         (d)  A state employee who is a member of the Texas military
  forces, a reserve component of the armed forces, or a member of a
  state or federally authorized urban search and rescue team and who
  is ordered to duty by proper authority is entitled, when relieved
  from duty, to be restored to the position that the employee held
  when ordered to duty.
         Sec. 437.203.  DUAL OFFICE HOLDING. A position in or
  membership in the Texas military forces is not considered to be a
  civil office of emolument.
  TRAINING OR DUTY. (a)  An employer may not terminate the
  employment of an employee who is a member of the state military
  forces of this state or any other state because the employee is
  ordered to authorized training or duty by a proper authority.  The
  employee is entitled to return to the same employment held when
  ordered to training or duty and may not be subjected to loss of
  time, efficiency rating, vacation time, or any benefit of
  employment during or because of the absence.  The employee, as soon
  as practicable after release from duty, must give written or actual
  notice of intent to return to employment.
         (b)  A violation of this section is an unlawful employment
  practice.  A person injured by a violation of this section may file
  a complaint with the Texas Workforce Commission civil rights
  division under Subchapter I.
         Sec. 437.205.  OATH. (a)  A commissioned officer of the
  Texas military forces may administer oaths for purposes of military
  administration.  The officer's signature, without seal, and the
  title of the officer's assignment is prima facie evidence of the
  officer's authority.
         (b)  A person appointed, enlisted, or drafted in the Texas
  military forces shall take and subscribe an oath prescribed by the
  adjutant general.
         Sec. 437.206.  COMMISSIONS. (a)  An initial state
  commission in the Texas military forces must be:
               (1)  in the name and by authority of this state;
               (2)  sealed with the state seal;
               (3)  signed by the governor and attested by the
  secretary of state;
               (4)  recorded by the Texas military forces; and
               (5)  conferred without fee.
         (b)  On the recommendation of the commanding officer or
  noncommissioned officer of the Texas military forces, the governor
  may confer on the officer or noncommissioned officer a brevet of a
  grade higher than the ordinary commission or brevet held by the
  officer or noncommissioned officer for gallant conduct or
  meritorious military service.  The adjutant general shall specify
  the criteria for gallant conduct or meritorious military service.
         (c)  The governor may confer on an officer in active service
  in the Texas military forces who has previously served in the forces
  of the United States during a war a brevet of a grade equal to the
  highest grade in which the officer previously served.
         (d)  A commission under Subsection (b) or (c) carries only
  the privileges or rights allowed for similar commissions in the
  military service of the United States.
         (e)  The governor, without examination, may appoint and
  confer a brevet of second lieutenant on an enlisted service member
  who has served well and faithfully in the Texas military forces for
  25 years or more.  The service member shall immediately be placed on
  the retired list.
         (f)  The governor may delegate the powers granted by this
  section to the adjutant general.
         Sec. 437.207.  MILITARY UNIT AS CORPORATE BODY. (a)  A
  military unit in the Texas military forces is, from the time of its
  creation, a body politic and corporate and may:
               (1)  take, purchase, own, hold, transfer, pledge, and
  convey under its corporate name property of a total value, when
  acquired, of not more than $200,000;
               (2)  sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and
  prosecute and defend in court under its corporate name;
               (3)  have and use a common seal in a form it adopts;
               (4)  adopt bylaws to govern and regulate its affairs,
  consistent with state law and United States law and the orders and
  regulations of the governor; and
               (5)  otherwise act as necessary and proper to carry out
  its purpose.
         (b)  The officers of the unit are its directors. The senior
  officer is its president.
         (c)  The power of a unit to hold or handle property is not
  affected by a natural increase in the property's value after it is
         Sec. 437.208.  ORGANIZATION PROHIBITED. (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsection (b), a body of persons other than the
  regularly organized Texas military forces, the armed forces of the
  United States, or the active militia of another state may not
  associate as a military company or organization or parade in public
  with firearms in a municipality of the state.
         (b)  With the consent of the governor, students in an
  educational institution at which military science is a prescribed
  part of the course of instruction may drill and perform ceremonies
  with firearms in public.  The governor may delegate the powers
  granted by this subsection to the adjutant general.
         Sec. 437.209.  FOREIGN TROOPS. A military force from
  another state, territory, or district, except a force that is on
  federal orders and acting as a part of the United States armed
  forces, may not enter this state without the permission of the
  governor.  The governor may delegate the powers granted by this
  section to the adjutant general.
  (a)  A person commits an offense if the person physically and
  intentionally hinders, delays, or obstructs or intentionally
  attempts to hinder, delay, or obstruct a portion of the Texas
  military forces on active duty in performance of a military duty.
         (b)  An offense under Subsection (a) is a Class B
         (c)  The commanding officer of a portion of the Texas
  military forces parading or performing a military duty in a street
  or highway may require a person in the street or highway to yield
  the right-of-way to the forces, except that the commanding officer
  may not interfere with the carrying of the United States mail, a
  legitimate function of the police, or the progress or operation of
  an emergency medical services provider or fire department.
         (d)  During an occasion of duty, a commanding officer may
  detain a person who:
               (1)  trespasses on a place of duty;
               (2)  interrupts or molests the orderly discharge of
  duty by those under orders; or
               (3)  disturbs or prevents the passage of troops going
  to or coming from duty.
         (e)  The commanding officer shall make a reasonable effort to
  forward detained individuals to civil authorities as soon as
         Sec. 437.211.  MANAGEMENT OF UNIT FUNDS. (a)  The
  commanding officer of each unit is the custodian of the unit fund.  
  The commanding officer shall:
               (1)  receive, keep, properly disburse, and document the
  use of the money in the fund; and
               (2)  submit to the department an itemized statement of
  money received and disbursed during the preceding reporting period:
                     (A)  on September 1 of each year; and
                     (B)  when there is a change of the commanding
  officer of the unit.
         (b)  The unit fund consists of:
               (1)  donations made to the fund;
               (2)  rental income from state facilities under the
  management of the unit that are leased for less than three days;
               (3)  revenue received from the sale of goods or
  services to members of the unit and visitors; and
               (4)  depository interest and investment income earned
  on amounts in the fund.
         (c)  A unit fund is a special fund held outside the state
  treasury to be administered by the commanding officer of the unit
  without further appropriation.  A unit fund is not subject to
  Chapter 2256.  The department shall develop policies and procedures
  concerning the administration of the funds.  If any part of the fund
  remains unexpended and unobligated at the end of the state fiscal
  year, that amount is dedicated for the same purposes in the
  subsequent year.  Money in the fund may not be diverted for any
  other purpose.
         (d)  Chapter 94, Human Resources Code, does not apply to
  vending facilities operated for the benefit of a unit fund.
  TRAINING, AND OTHER DUTY. (a)  This state may make suitable
  provision for the pay, transportation, subsistence, and housing of
  service members on state active duty or state training and other
  duty as necessary to accomplish the mission.
         (b)  Pay and benefits received by service members of the
  Texas military forces under this chapter are not a gratuity, but are
  compensation for services provided as a condition of membership in
  the Texas military forces.
         (c)  Service members who are state employees when called by
  proper authority into a state active duty status or for state
  training and other duty status are entitled to the regular benefits
  provided by the employing agency and a paid leave of absence as
  provided by Section 437.202.
         (d)  A service member who is not a state employee when called
  by proper authority into a state active duty status or state
  training and other duty status becomes a temporary state employee
  when in this status and is limited to the benefits specified in this
  chapter.  A temporary state employee status does not apply to a
  service member who is a federal civil servant or on active guard
  reserve status, including a member serving on orders issued under
  Title 10 or 32, United States Code.
         (e)  A service member compensated under this section is
  eligible for state workers' compensation coverage under Chapter
  501, Labor Code.
         (f)  A volunteer in the Texas State Guard who is not a
  full-time or part-time state employee and who has been on state
  active duty or on state training or other duty for more than 90 days
  is eligible to participate in the state group benefits program
  under Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, to purchase health or dental
  insurance coverage, subject to the following requirements:
               (1)  the participant must be a member of the Texas State
  Guard at the time of enrollment in the group benefits program;
               (2)  the participant must pay the full cost of health or
  dental insurance coverage under the group benefits program and may
  not receive a state contribution for premiums; and
               (3)  an application under this subsection for group
  benefit health or dental insurance coverage must be submitted in
  accordance with procedures established by the Employees Retirement
  System of Texas.
         (g)  The adjutant general and the Employees Retirement
  System of Texas shall coordinate and consult to implement the
  benefits program provided by Subsection (f) and shall adopt a
  memorandum of understanding to establish:
               (1)  the procedures that a member of the Texas State
  Guard may use to elect to participate in the state group benefits
  program; and
               (2)  an appropriate method to annually confirm
  continuing eligibility to participate in the group benefits
         (h)  A service member who is on active guard reserve status,
  including a member serving on orders issued under Title 10 or 32,
  United States Code, may not receive state active duty pay or state
  training and other duty pay.
         (i)  A service member who is a federal technician in a paid
  status may not receive state active duty pay or pay for state
  training and other duty unless the member is on a military leave or
  leave without pay status from the federal employment.
  SERVICE. A service member of the Texas military forces who is
  ordered to state active duty or to state training and other duty by
  the governor, the adjutant general, or another proper authority
  under the law of this state is entitled to the same benefits and
  protections provided to persons:
               (1)  performing service in the uniformed services as
  provided by 38 U.S.C. Sections 4301-4313 and 4316-4319, as that law
  existed on April 1, 2003; and
               (2)  in the military service of the United States as
  provided by 50 App. U.S.C. Sections 501-536, 560, and 580-594, as
  that law existed on April 1, 2003.
         Sec. 437.214.  MILITARY FUNERALS AND HONORS. (a)  On the
  request of a person listed in Subsection (b), the Texas military
  forces may provide a military funeral and honor service for a
  decedent who served in the Texas military forces.
         (b)  The following persons may request a military funeral and
  honor service from the Texas military forces:
               (1)  the decedent's spouse;
               (2)  the decedent's adult children, if there is no
               (3)  the decedent's parents, if there is no spouse or
  adult child;
               (4)  the decedent's brothers or sisters, if there is no
  spouse, adult child, or parent; or
               (5)  the executor or administrator of the decedent's
  estate, if there is no spouse, adult child, parent, or brother or
         (c)  A service member is not eligible for a military funeral
  and honor service under this section if the service member is
  eligible for a military funeral and honor service under federal
         (d)  The Texas military forces shall model the military
  funeral and honor service after the service provided by the federal
  (a)  On the request of a person listed in Subsection (b), the
  department shall provide a grave marker for a decedent who served in
  the Texas military forces.
         (b)  The grave marker may be requested from the department by
  a person described by Section 437.214(b).
         (c)  A service member is not eligible for a grave marker
  under this section if the service member is eligible for a grave
  marker under federal law.
         (d)  The department shall model the grave markers after the
  grave markers provided by the federal government.
         (e)  The department shall publish information about its
  grave marker program on the department's Internet website.
         Sec. 437.216.  SERVICE REFERRAL PROGRAM. (a)  The Texas
  military forces shall develop a program to provide referrals to
  service members for reintegration services.
         (b)  The program shall:
               (1)  identify and make referrals to community-based
  organizations that have existing programs that provide
  reintegration services to service members and their families;
               (2)  focus on early intervention and appropriate
  referral to promote the health of service members and the children
  and other family members of the service members;
               (3)  promote family cohesion and sustainability;
               (4)  be based on evidence-based best practices related
  to meeting the needs of service members and the children and other
  family members of the service members;
               (5)  be provided, when appropriate, in a community
  setting through peer counseling and other means effective for
  community outreach;
               (6)  use existing service delivery facilities,
  including churches, National Guard Bureau family education
  facilities, and veterans centers and support facilities;
               (7)  use community-based and faith-based
               (8)  be developed and administered in a manner that
  promotes collaboration of service providers and results in the
  referral of service members, their children, and other family
  members to the appropriate federal, state, and community services
  for which they are eligible; and
               (9)  provide information and referral services
  regarding the risks and consequences of trauma, including
  post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and other
  conditions for which service members are at risk.
         (c)  The Texas military forces shall ensure that:
               (1)  each person who provides referrals to service
  members under the referral program has received sufficient training
  to ensure that service members receive accurate information; and
               (2)  service members are notified in a timely manner
  about the service referral program.
         (d)  In developing the referral program, the Texas military
  forces shall consult with the National Guard Bureau, the United
  States Veterans Health Administration, the Health and Human
  Services Commission, the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of
  Medicine, and The University of Texas Health Science Center at San
  PERSONNEL. (a)  A member of the National Guard on federal active
  duty, or a member of the armed forces of the United States on active
  duty, who is preparing to be deployed to serve in a hostile fire
  zone as designated by the United States secretary of defense is
  exempt from paying the following state or local governmental fees
  the member incurs because of the deployment to arrange the member's
  personal affairs:
               (1)  fees for obtaining copies of:
                     (A)  a birth certificate;
                     (B)  a recorded marriage license;
                     (C)  a divorce decree;
                     (D)  a child support order;
                     (E)  guardianship documents; and
                     (F)  property tax records;
               (2)  fees for issuing a marriage license or duplicate
  marriage license; and
               (3)  fees for transferring title to real or personal
         (b)  The governmental entity responsible for collecting a
  fee described by Subsection (a) may rely on a letter issued by the
  commander of the service member's unit for purposes of providing an
  exemption under Subsection (a).
         Sec. 437.218.  TAX EXEMPTION. (a)  An officer or enlisted
  service member in the Texas military forces who complies with the
  service member's military duties as prescribed by this chapter is
  exempt from payment of a road or street tax.
         (b)  To obtain the exemption, a service member must file in
  the county tax assessor-collector's office an affidavit, sworn to
  before a notary public or other person authorized to administer
  oaths in this state, in the following form:
         "I, __________, do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I am a
  service member in good standing of the Texas military forces of the
  State of Texas.
         Subscribed to and sworn to before me this ______ day of
  __________, ______
                                             Notary Public in and for
                                             __________ County, Texas"
         (c)  The county tax assessor-collector may rely on a letter
  issued by the commander of the service member's unit for purposes of
  providing the exemption under this section.
         Sec. 437.219.  COMPENSATION. (a)  Except as provided by
  Section 437.220, a member of the Texas military forces who performs
  training or other military duty under authority of the United
  States Code may not receive pay or allowances from this state for
  that duty.
         (b)  When orders are issued for state active duty or state
  training or other duty, a National Guard service member of the Texas
  military forces performing the duty or training is entitled, during
  the period of the duty or training, to receive pay and allowances as
  provided by law for the United States armed forces.  Pay is a
  stipend for duty or training and is salary or base pay.  The pay may
  not be reduced because of food, shelter, or transportation that
  this state pays or furnishes in connection with the duty or
         (c)  The adjutant general shall set the daily pay rate and
  allowance rate for state active duty and for state training and
  other duty for Texas State Guard service members called to duty or
  training under this chapter.  The rate established by the adjutant
  general may not exceed the meal and lodging rate set by the
  comptroller by more than $25 per day.  The department shall publish
  information about the established pay rates on the department's
  Internet website.
         (d)  Duty or training by volunteers in the Texas State Guard
  without pay is considered for insurance and state coverage purposes
  as if it were duty or training for pay.
  (a)  A person who is called to military duty as a member of the
  Texas National Guard in the service of this state or the United
  States by proper federal or state authority and who suffers an
  economic hardship as a result of serving on military duty is
  eligible to receive supplemental pay for serving in accordance with
  this section.  Payment under this subsection is subject to the
  availability of funds.
         (b)  The comptroller shall establish the Texas National
  Guard members' supplemental military duty pay account in the
  general revenue fund.  Money in the account may be appropriated only
  for purposes of implementing this section.  The comptroller,
  governor, or adjutant general may accept gifts and grants for
  deposit to the credit of the account.  The legislature may transfer
  money into the account or may appropriate money to implement this
  section and the comptroller shall credit that money to the account.
         (c)  A member of the Texas National Guard described by
  Subsection (a) is eligible to receive supplemental pay under this
  section in an amount not to exceed the lesser of:
               (1)  the amount required to alleviate the economic
  hardship the member suffers as a result of serving on active duty;
               (2)  the difference between the amount of income that
  the member has lost from civilian employment as a result of being
  called to military duty and the amount of military pay and
  allowances the member receives from state or federal sources while
  on military duty.
         (d)  The adjutant general shall determine whether a member is
  eligible to receive supplemental pay under this section and the
  amount of supplemental pay a member may receive.  In determining the
  amount, the adjutant general shall consider the total amount that
  is available for supplemental pay during a period and the probable
  total need for supplemental pay during that period.
         (e)  The adjutant general may adopt regulations to implement
  this section, including regulations that prescribe the procedure
  for requesting supplemental pay and that prescribe evidence a
  member may or must present to demonstrate hardship.  The
  comptroller, in consultation with the adjutant general, may adopt
  rules to govern the manner and method of paying supplemental pay
  under this section.
  The governor or the adjutant general, if designated by the
  governor, may require other duty for officers and enlisted persons
  in the Texas military forces.  The other duty may include community
  service missions.
         Sec. 437.222.  LIABILITY OF SERVICE MEMBER. (a)  A service
  member of the Texas military forces ordered into service of this
  state by proper authority is not personally liable in the person's
  private capacity for any act performed or for any contract or other
  obligation entered into or undertaken in an official capacity in
  good faith and without intent to defraud in connection with the
  administration, management, or conduct of the department in
  business, programs, or other related affairs, under the limited
  waiver of governmental immunity provided by the Texas Tort Claims
  Act (Chapter 101, Civil Practice and Remedies Code).
         (b)  If a suit is instituted against a service member of the
  Texas military forces for an act of the service member in the
  service member's official capacity in the discharge of duty or
  against a person acting under the authority, order, or lawfully
  issued warrant of the service member, the court shall require the
  plaintiff to file security for the payment of court costs that may
  be awarded to the defendant.  The defendant in the case may make a
  general denial and give the special matter in evidence.  If the
  plaintiff is nonsuited or the verdict or judgment is against the
  plaintiff, the defendant is entitled to recover three times the
  court costs.
         (c)  If a service member of the Texas military forces is sued
  for injury to a person or property occurring in the performance of
  or an attempt to perform a duty required by law, the court shall
  remove venue of the case to a court in another county not subject to
  disqualification if:
               (1)  the defendant applies for the removal; and
               (2)  the application is supported by affidavit of two
  credible persons stating that they have good reason to believe the
  defendant cannot have a fair and impartial trial before the court.
         Sec. 437.223.  EXEMPTION FROM ARREST. (a)  A member of the
  Texas military forces may not be arrested, except for treason,
  felony, or breach of the peace, while the person is going to or
  coming from a place that the person was required to be for military
         (b)  This section does not prevent a peace officer from
  issuing a traffic summons or citation to appear in court at a later
  date that does not conflict with the member's duty hours.
         Sec. 437.224.  VOTING. (a)  A unit, force, division, or
  command of the Texas military forces that is engaged in regular
  training on a day on which a primary, general, or special election
  for a state or federal office is held shall provide time off or
  arrange duty hours to permit all personnel to vote in the election.
         (b)  This section does not apply during war, invasion,
  insurrection, riot, or tumult, during imminent danger of one of
  those situations, or during annual active duty for training not
  exceeding 15 days.
         Sec. 437.225.  DISCHARGE. (a)  A service member may be
  discharged from the Texas military forces according to regulations
  adopted by the adjutant general or by federal law or regulations.
         (b)  On termination of the appointment of an officer or
  enlistment of an enlisted service member in the Texas military
  forces, the officer or enlisted service member shall be given a
  certificate of discharge stating the character of the person's
         Sec. 437.226.  ASSISTANCE FOR TUITION AND FEES. (a)  In
  this section, "institution of higher education" and "private or
  independent institution of higher education" have the meanings
  assigned by Section 61.003, Education Code.
         (b)  To be eligible for assistance for tuition and mandatory
  fees under this section, a person must:
               (1)  be a service member in good standing, as certified
  by the adjutant general, of the Texas military forces who is:
                     (A)  an enlisted member;
                     (B)  a warrant officer of a grade from Warrant
  Officer One through Chief Warrant Officer Three; or
                     (C)  a commissioned officer of a grade from Second
  Lieutenant through Lieutenant Colonel; and
               (2)  meet any additional qualification established by
  the adjutant general to carry out the purposes of this section or to
  further the institutional needs of the Texas military forces.
         (c)  The adjutant general shall grant assistance for tuition
  and mandatory fees under this section to eligible service members,
  in an amount not to exceed the amount provided in the General
  Appropriations Act.  The adjutant general may apportion the number
  of assistance awards among the components of the Texas military
  forces necessary to meet the recruitment and retention needs of
  those components.  The number of assistance awards made to members
  of the Texas State Guard may not exceed 30 for any semester unless
  the adjutant general finds a compelling need for additional awards
  to members of the Texas State Guard.
         (d)  Assistance for tuition and mandatory fees may be awarded
  under this section for tuition and mandatory fees charged for any
  undergraduate or graduate course at an institution of higher
  education or private or independent institution of higher
  education, including a vocational or technical course.
         (e)  A service member may not receive assistance for tuition
  under this section for more than 12 semester credit hours in any
         (f)  A service member may not receive assistance for tuition
  and mandatory fees under this section for more than 5 academic years
  or 10 semesters, whichever occurs first for the service member.
         (g)  Before each semester, the department must certify to the
  appropriate public and private institutions of higher education a
  list of the service members to whom the adjutant general has awarded
  assistance for tuition and mandatory fees under this section for
  that semester.  The amount of assistance awarded by the adjutant
  general under this section may not exceed the amount of money
  available to fund the assistance awards.
         (h)  From money appropriated for purposes of this section,
  the department shall authorize the comptroller to reimburse an
  institution of higher education in an amount equal to the amount of
  the exemption from tuition and mandatory fees the institution
  grants to a person under Section 54.345, Education Code.
         (i)  From money appropriated for purposes of this section,
  the department shall authorize the comptroller to make a grant to a
  service member attending a private or independent institution of
  higher education to whom the adjutant general has awarded
  assistance for tuition and mandatory fees for the semester under
  this section.  The amount of a grant under this subsection is an
  amount equal to the average amount of reimbursement the department
  estimates will be paid per student for the same semester under
  Subsection (h).
         Sec. 437.227.  COMPENSATION FOR DEATH OR INJURY.  A member of
  the Texas military forces who is on state active duty, on state
  training or other duty, or traveling to or from the member's duty
  location and who is killed or injured while engaged in authorized
  duty, training, or travel is entitled to receive compensation and
  protections under Title 5, Labor Code.
  MILITARY PROPERTY. (a)  A service member to whom the department
  issues a uniform or other military property shall give a receipt for
  the uniform or property.  The adjutant general shall prescribe the
  manner in which the uniform and property shall be accounted for and
         (b)  The uniform or other property may be used only for
  military purposes.  An officer or enlisted service member of the
  Texas military forces who is responsible for public property may
  not lend the property for private use or permit it to be used for a
  purpose for which it was not intended.
         Sec. 437.229.  UNIFORM. (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsection (b), the uniform of the officers and enlisted service
  members of the Texas military forces is the uniform prescribed for
  the United States armed forces with modifications that the
  governor, or adjutant general if delegated the authority, considers
         (b)  The uniforms of the officers and enlisted personnel of
  the Texas State Guard are the uniforms prescribed for the United
  States armed forces with any modifications the governor, or the
  adjutant general if delegated the authority by the governor,
  considers necessary to distinguish the Texas State Guard from the
  Texas National Guard.
         Sec. 437.230.  EXEMPTION FROM LEVY AND SALE. Arms,
  equipment, clothing, and other military supplies issued by the
  department to units or service members of the Texas military forces
  for military purposes are exempt from levy and sale because of
  execution for debt or other legal proceedings.
         Sec. 437.231.  SEIZURE. (a)  On a finding by the adjutant
  general that a person unlawfully possesses, and refuses or fails to
  deliver up, arms, equipment, or other military property issued by
  the department for use of the Texas military forces, the governor
  may by warrant command the sheriff of the county in which the person
  resides or is located to seize the arms, equipment, or other
  military property and keep the property subject to the governor's
  further order.  The sheriff in executing the warrant may invoke the
  power of the county.
         (b)  Each sheriff may collect military arms or property
  issued by the department that is liable to loss or in the hands of
  unauthorized persons and safely keep the arms and property subject
  to order of the governor. The sheriff shall make a report of the
  collection to the governor. The sheriff's official bond covers
  faithful performance of duties under this subchapter.
         Sec. 437.251.  COMPOSITION. The Texas National Guard may
  not exceed half of one percent of the population of the state except
  in case of war, insurrection, or invasion, the prevention of
  invasion, the suppression of riot, or the aiding of civil
  authorities to execute state law.
         Sec. 437.252.  LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE. Funds, other
  property, or services may be donated to a unit of the Texas National
  Guard by any public or private entity, including:
               (1)  a state agency or department;
               (2)  a political subdivision, including a county,
  municipality, or public school district; or
               (3)  a special purpose district or authority.
         Sec. 437.253.  PROPERTY FORFEITURE. When the National Guard
  Counterdrug Program assists a federal law enforcement agency in
  enforcing drug laws, the National Guard Counterdrug Program is
  considered to be a law enforcement agency of this state for the
  purpose of participating in the sharing of property seized or
  forfeited to the United States under federal law.
  LEAVE.  (a)  A state employee called to state active duty as a
  member of the Texas military forces by the governor or other
  appropriate authority in response to a natural or man-made disaster
  is entitled to receive paid emergency leave without loss of
  military leave under Section 437.202 or annual leave.
         (b)  A state employee called to federal active duty for the
  purpose of providing assistance to civil authorities in a declared
  emergency or for training for that purpose is entitled to receive
  paid emergency leave for not more than 22 workdays without loss of
  military leave under Section 437.202 or annual leave.
         (c)  The duty or training under Subsection (b) does not
  include duty or training carried out under Section 437.202.
         Sec. 437.301.  COMMANDER.  The commander of the Texas State
  Guard is responsible:
               (1)  for the welfare, strength, and management of the
  Texas State Guard;
               (2)  for the organization, training, and
  administration of all Texas State Guard components;
               (3)  to the adjutant general to ensure the Texas State
  Guard missions remain relevant and responsive as a force provider
  to this state; and
               (4)  to field and staff the volunteer components of the
  Texas State Guard.
         Sec. 437.302.  COMPOSITION. (a)  The Texas State Guard is
  composed of units the governor, or adjutant general if delegated
  the authority, considers advisable.
         (b)  To serve in the Texas State Guard, a person:
               (1)  must be a resident of this state for at least 180
               (2)  must be a citizen of the United States or a person
  who has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent
  residence under the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C.
  Section 1101 et seq.);
               (3)  must be at least 18 years of age and not older than
  70 years of age;
               (4)  must undergo a criminal history check;
               (5)  must not be a registered sex offender; and
               (6)  must be acceptable to and approved by the governor
  or adjutant general under the governor's direction.
         Sec. 437.303.  GOVERNOR'S AUTHORITY. (a)  The governor has
  full control and authority over the Texas State Guard.
         (b)  The governor may adopt regulations governing
  enlistment, organization, administration, uniforms, equipment,
  maintenance, command, training, and discipline of the Texas State
  Guard. The regulations to the extent practicable and desirable
  must conform to law and regulations governing the Texas National
         (c)  The governor may delegate the powers granted by this
  section to the adjutant general.
         Sec. 437.304.  ASSISTANCE. (a)  Funds or other property or
  services may be solicited by or donated to a unit in the Texas State
  Guard by any public or private entity, including:
               (1)  a state agency or department;
               (2)  a political subdivision, including a county,
  municipality, or public school district; or
               (3)  a special purpose district or authority.
         (b)  A public school district may permit the Texas State
  Guard to use a school building.
         (c)  The assistance solicited or received under this section
  is governed by the policies and regulations adopted by the adjutant
  state employee called to state active duty as a member of the Texas
  State Guard by the governor or other appropriate authority in
  response to a natural or man-made disaster is entitled to receive
  paid emergency leave without loss of military leave under Section
  437.202 or annual leave.
  STATE. (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), the
  Texas State Guard may not be required to serve outside the state.
         (b)  The governor, on request of the governor of another
  state, may order all or part of the Texas State Guard to assist a
  military or civil authority of that state in defending that state.  
  The governor may recall these forces.
         (c)  If authorized by the law of another state, an
  organization, unit, or detachment of the Texas State Guard, on
  order of the officer in immediate command, may continue in fresh
  pursuit of an insurrectionist, a saboteur, an enemy, or enemy
  forces into that state until the apprehension or capture of the
  person or forces pursued or until military or police forces of that
  state or the United States have had a reasonable opportunity to
  apprehend, capture, or take up the pursuit of the person or forces.  
  The Texas State Guard without unnecessary delay shall surrender a
  person apprehended or captured in another state to the military or
  police forces of that state or the United States.  This surrender is
  not a waiver by this state of a right to extradite or prosecute the
  person for a crime committed in this state.
         (d)  Military forces of another state may continue a fresh
  pursuit into this state in the same manner permitted the Texas State
  Guard under Subsection (c).  The military forces of the other state
  shall without unnecessary delay surrender a person captured or
  arrested in this state to the military or police forces of this
  state to be dealt with according to law.  This subsection does not
  prohibit an arrest in this state permitted by other law.
         Sec. 437.307.  FEDERAL SERVICE. This chapter does not
  authorize the calling, ordering, or drafting of all or part of the
  Texas State Guard into military service of the United States.  A
  person is not exempted by enlistment or commission in the Texas
  State Guard from military service under federal law.
         Sec. 437.308.  RECORDS; ARMS; EQUIPMENT. (a)  The commander
  of the Texas State Guard shall maintain and preserve the individual
  and unit records of the Texas State Guard and the Texas State Guard
  Honorary Reserve.
         (b)  The governor may request for use of the Texas State
  Guard arms and equipment that the United States government
  possesses and can spare.  The governor, or the adjutant general if
  delegated the authority by the governor, shall make available to
  the Texas State Guard state armories and available state property.
         Sec. 437.309.  TEXAS STATE GUARD HONORARY RESERVE. (a)  The
  governor, or adjutant general under the governor's authority and
  direction, may transfer to the Texas State Guard Honorary Reserve
  an officer or enlisted service member of the Texas State Guard who:
               (1)  is physically disabled;
               (2)  is at least 60 years of age; or
               (3)  has served the federal or state military
  satisfactorily for at least 20 years.
         (b)  The governor may advance the service member one grade or
  rank at the time of the transfer into the honorary reserve.  For a
  service member who is not a general officer, the adjutant general
  may advance the service member one grade or rank at the time of the
  transfer into the honorary reserve.
  (a)  A special revolving fund is established outside the state
  treasury to be known as the Texas State Guard uniform and insignia
  fund.  The fund may be used only to purchase uniforms and insignia
  to be used by members of the Texas State Guard.  The fund shall be
  administered in accordance with Section 437.211.
         (b)  The fund consists of:
               (1)  donations made to the fund;
               (2)  revenue received by the Texas State Guard from the
  sale of uniforms and insignia to members of the guard; and
               (3)  depository interest and investment income earned
  on money in the fund.
         (c)  If any part of the fund remains unexpended and
  unobligated at the end of the state fiscal year, that amount is
  dedicated for the same purposes in the subsequent year.  Money in
  the fund may not be diverted for any other purpose.
         SECTION 1.02.  Subchapter J, Chapter 431, Government Code,
  is transferred to Chapter 437, Government Code, as added by this
  Act, redesignated as Subchapter H, Chapter 437, Government Code,
  and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 437.351 [431.131].  TEXAS LEGISLATIVE MEDAL OF HONOR.
  (a)  The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor shall be awarded to a
  member of the state or federal military forces designated by
  concurrent resolution of the legislature who voluntarily performs a
  deed of personal bravery or self-sacrifice involving risk of life
  that is so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the service member
  [person] for gallantry and intrepidity above the service member's
  [person's] comrades. Awarding of the medal shall be considered on
  the standard of extraordinary merit. The medal may be awarded only
  on incontestable proof of performance of the deed. To be eligible
  for the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor, a service member [person]
               (1)  have been born in this state;
               (2)  reside in this state or have been a resident of
  this state on the service member's [person's] death; or
               (3)  have been a resident of this state when the service
  member [person] entered military service.
         (b)  A service member [person] is not ineligible for the
  Texas Legislative Medal of Honor because the service member
  [person] has received any other medal or award for military
  service, including a medal or award made by the United States.
         (c)  To receive the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor, a
  service member [person] must be nominated during a regular session
  of the legislature by majority vote of all the members of a
  nominating committee consisting of:
               (1)  the adjutant general or the adjutant general's
  designated representative;
               (2)  the lieutenant governor or the lieutenant
  governor's designated representative;
               (3)  the speaker of the house of representatives or the
  speaker's designated representative; and
               (4)  the chair of the standing committee of each house
  of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over military and
  veterans affairs.
         (d)  The legislature by concurrent resolution may direct the
  governor to award the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor to a service
  member [person] nominated by the nominating committee. The
  committee chairs serving on the nominating committee shall jointly
  prepare a concurrent resolution directing the governor to award the
  medal to a service member [person] nominated. The legislature may
  direct the medal to be awarded only during a regular session and may
  not, during a regular session, direct the medal to be awarded to
  more than:
               (1)  one service member for service in the state or
  federal military forces during the period beginning after 1835 but
  before 1956; and
               (2)  one service member for service in the state or
  federal military forces after 1955 [person during a regular
         Sec. 437.352 [431.132].  LONE STAR MEDAL OF VALOR. The Lone
  Star Medal of Valor shall be awarded to a member of the military
  forces of this state, another state, or the United States who
  performs specific acts of bravery or outstanding courage, or who
  performs within an exceptionally short period a closely related
  series of heroic acts, if the acts involve personal hazard or danger
  and the voluntary risk of life and result in an accomplishment so
  exceptional and outstanding as to clearly set the person apart from
  the person's comrades or from other persons in similar
  circumstances. Awarding of the medal requires a lesser degree of
  gallantry than awarding of the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor,
  but requires that the acts be performed with marked distinction.
         [Sec.   431.133.     LONE STAR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL. The
  Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal shall be awarded to a member
  of the military forces of this state, another state, or the United
  States for exceptionally outstanding achievement or service to the
  state in performance of a duty of great responsibility while
  serving with the state military forces.
         [Sec.   431.134.     OTHER AWARDS. (a)     The adjutant general may
  adopt rules and regulations relating to the:
               [(1)     Texas Faithful Service Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a member of the state military forces who has completed
  five years of honorable service during which the person has shown
  fidelity to duty, efficient service, and great loyalty to the
               [(2)     Federal Service Medal, which shall be awarded to
  a person who was inducted into federal service from the state
  military forces between June 15, 1940, and January 1, 1946, or after
  June 1, 1950, if the service was for more than 90 days;
               [(3)     Texas Medal of Merit, which may be presented to a
  member of the military forces of this state, another state, or the
  United States who performs outstanding service or attains
  extraordinary achievement in behalf of the state or United States;
               [(4)     Texas Outstanding Service Medal, which may be
  presented to a member of the military forces of this state, another
  state, or the United States who has performed service in a superior
  and clearly outstanding manner;
               [(5)     Texas State Guard Service Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a person who completes three consecutive years of
  honorable service in the Texas State Guard during which the person
  has shown fidelity to duty, efficient service, and great loyalty to
  the state;
               [(6)     Texas Desert Shield/Desert Storm Campaign Medal,
  which shall be awarded to a person who was inducted into federal
  service from the Texas National Guard after August 1, 1990, in
  support of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert Storm,
  without regard to the place that the person was deployed while
  serving on active federal military duty;
               [(7)     Texas Humanitarian Service Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a person who:
                     [(A)     does not meet the criteria for an award of
  the federal Humanitarian Service Medal;
                     [(B)     is a member of the state military forces;
                     [(C)     while serving on state active duty or active
  duty under state authority in accordance with Title 32 of the United
  States Code, participates satisfactorily in defense support to a
  mission under civilian authority to protect life or property during
  or soon after a natural disaster or civil unrest in the state;
               [(8)     Texas Cavalry Medal, which shall be awarded to a
  person who:
                     [(A)     served on or after September 11, 2001, in
  the 124th Cavalry, Texas Army National Guard; and
                     [(B)     served in a hostile fire zone as designated
  by the United States secretary of defense;
               [(9)     Texas Combat Service Ribbon, which shall be
  awarded to a member of the Texas National Guard who served, after
  September 11, 2001, in a hostile fire zone as designated by the
  United States secretary of defense;
               [(10)     Texas Purple Heart Medal, which shall be awarded
  to a person who, after September 11, 2001:
                     [(A)     was inducted into federal service from the
  Texas National Guard; and
                     [(B)     meets the criteria for an award of the
  federal Purple Heart Medal;
               [(11)     Texas Superior Service Medal, which shall be
  awarded to:
                     [(A)     a member of the state military forces who
                           [(i)     completed 30 or more years of
  honorable state service or a combination of state and federal
  service; and
                           [(ii)     continually demonstrated superior
  performance and service while assigned to key leadership positions
  demanding responsibility; or
                     [(B)     a civilian who has contributed significant
  service to the state military forces;
               [(12)     Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal, which
  shall be awarded to a member of the state military forces who
                     [(A)  on or after September 11, 2001;
                     [(B)     on state active duty or active duty under
  state authority in accordance with Title 32 of the United States
  Code; and
                     [(C)     satisfactorily in defense support to a
  mission in the state under civilian authority;
               [(13)     Texas Iraqi Campaign Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a person who was inducted into federal service from the
  Texas National Guard, without regard to the place that the person
  was deployed while serving on active federal military duty, after:
                     [(A)     March 19, 2003, in support of Operation
  Iraqi Freedom; or
                     [(B)     August 31, 2010, in support of Operation New
  Dawn; and
               [(14)     Texas Afghanistan Campaign Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a person who was inducted into federal service from the
  Texas National Guard after October 6, 2001, in support of Operation
  Enduring Freedom, without regard to the place that the person was
  deployed while serving on active federal military duty.
         [(b)     A member of the state military forces or a civilian
  described by Subsection (a)(11) may be awarded the Texas Superior
  Service Medal only one time.]
         Sec. 437.353 [431.135].  RECOMMENDATIONS.  (a)  A
  recommendation for award of the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor
  or[,] Lone Star Medal of Valor[, or Lone Star Distinguished Service
  Medal] shall be forwarded through military channels to the adjutant
  general. An individual having personal knowledge of an act or
  achievement or exceptional service believed to warrant the award of
  one of these medals may submit a letter of recommendation to the
  adjutant general.
         (b)  A letter of recommendation for award of the Texas
  Legislative Medal of Honor or Lone Star Medal of Valor must give an
  account of the occurrence and statements of eyewitnesses, extracts
  from official records, sketches, maps, diagrams, or photographs to
  support and amplify the stated facts.
         (c)  [A letter of recommendation for award of the Lone Star
  Distinguished Service Medal must give an account of the exceptional
  service or achievement, facts, and extracts from official documents
  and photographs to support and amplify the facts.
         [(d)]  If the adjutant general determines that a case meets
  the criteria established by Section 437.352 [this subchapter] for
  award of the Lone Star Medal of Valor [the awarding of one of these
  medals], the adjutant general shall by endorsement recommend to the
  governor the awarding of the [appropriate] medal.
         Sec. 437.354 [431.136].  AWARDING. The governor awards the
  Texas Legislative Medal of Honor as directed by the legislature
  under Section 437.351 [431.131].  The governor awards the Lone Star
  Medal of Valor[, Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal, or any
  other award authorized by this subchapter] on recommendation of the
  adjutant general.
         Sec. 437.355.  OTHER AWARDS. (a)  The governor or adjutant
  general, if delegated the authority, may adopt policies and
  regulations relating to awarding:
               (1)  the Texas Purple Heart Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a service member who, after September 11, 2001:
                     (A)  was inducted into federal service from the
  Texas National Guard; and
                     (B)  meets the criteria for an award of the
  federal Purple Heart Medal;
               (2)  the Texas Superior Service Medal, which shall be
  awarded to:
                     (A)  a service member of the Texas military forces
  who has:
                           (i)  completed 30 or more years of honorable
  state service or a combination of state and federal service; and
                           (ii)  continually demonstrated superior
  performance and service while assigned to key leadership positions
  demanding responsibility; or
                     (B)  a civilian who has contributed significant
  service to the Texas military forces;
               (3)  the Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal, which
  shall be awarded to a member of the military forces of this state,
  another state, or the United States for exceptionally outstanding
  achievement or service to this state in performance of a duty of
  great responsibility while serving with the Texas military forces
  for whom the department receives a letter of recommendation for
  award of the Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal that:
                     (A)  gives an account of the exceptional
  achievement or service; and
                     (B)  includes facts and photographs, and extracts
  from official documents to support and amplify the facts;
               (4)  the Texas Outstanding Service Medal, which shall
  be awarded to a service member of the military forces of this state,
  another state, or the United States who has performed service in a
  superior and clearly outstanding manner;
               (5)  the Texas Humanitarian Service Medal, which shall
  be awarded to a service member who:
                     (A)  does not meet the criteria for an award of the
  federal Humanitarian Service Medal;
                     (B)  is a member of the Texas military forces; and
                     (C)  while serving on state active duty or active
  duty under state authority in accordance with Title 32, United
  States Code, participates satisfactorily in defense support to a
  mission under civilian authority to protect life or property during
  or soon after a natural disaster or civil unrest in the state;
               (6)  the Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal, which
  shall be awarded to a service member of the Texas military forces
  who served:
                     (A)  on or after September 11, 2001;
                     (B)  on state active duty or active duty under
  state authority in accordance with Title 32, United States Code;
                     (C)  satisfactorily in defense support to a
  mission in the state under civilian authority;
               (7)  the Federal Service Medal, which shall be awarded
  to a service member who was inducted into federal service from the
  Texas military forces between June 15, 1940, and January 1, 1946, or
  after June 1, 1950, if the service was for more than 90 days;
               (8)  the Texas Combat Service Ribbon, which shall be
  awarded to a service member of the Texas National Guard who served,
  after September 11, 2001, in a hostile fire zone as designated by
  the United States secretary of defense;
               (9)  the Texas Faithful Service Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a member of the Texas military forces who has completed
  five years of honorable service during which the service member has
  shown fidelity to duty, efficient service, and great loyalty to
  this state;
               (10)  the Texas Medal of Merit, which shall be awarded
  to a member of the military forces of this state, another state, or
  the United States who performs outstanding service or attains
  extraordinary achievement in behalf of the state or United States;
               (11)  the Texas State Guard Service Medal, which shall
  be awarded to a service member who completes three consecutive
  years of honorable service in the Texas State Guard during which the
  service member has shown fidelity to duty, efficient service, and
  great loyalty to this state;
               (12)  the Texas Desert Shield/Desert Storm Campaign
  Medal, which shall be awarded to a service member who was inducted
  into federal service from the Texas National Guard after August 1,
  1990, in support of Operation Desert Shield or Operation Desert
  Storm, without regard to the place that the service member was
  deployed while serving on active federal military duty;
               (13)  the Texas Iraqi Campaign Medal, which shall be
  awarded to a service member who was inducted into federal service
  from the Texas National Guard, without regard to the place that the
  service member was deployed while serving on active federal
  military duty, after:
                     (A)  March 19, 2003, in support of Operation Iraqi
  Freedom; or
                     (B)  August 31, 2010, in support of Operation New
  Dawn; and
               (14)  the Texas Afghanistan Campaign Medal, which shall
  be awarded to a service member who was inducted into federal service
  from the Texas National Guard after October 6, 2001, in support of
  Operation Enduring Freedom, without regard to the place that the
  service member was deployed while serving on active federal
  military duty.
         (b)  A person may be awarded only one Texas Superior Service
         Sec. 437.356 [431.137].  POSTHUMOUS AWARDS. An award may be
  made to a person who has died in the same manner as an award to a
  living person, except the orders and citation must indicate that
  the award is made posthumously.
         Sec. 437.357 [431.138].  DESIGN; RIBBONS. (a)  The
  department [adjutant general] shall design and have manufactured
  the medals, awards, decorations, and ribbons awarded under this
  subchapter and others that the adjutant general has approved for
         (b)  The department may purchase or replace medals, awards,
  decorations, and ribbons authorized under this subchapter for the
  recipient, the decedent's family, and nonprofit and governmental
  entities honoring the recipient or decedent.
         (c)  The adjutant general shall adopt [rules and]
  regulations prescribing when a ribbon may be appropriately worn
  instead of the medal it symbolizes.
         SECTION 1.03.  Subchapter K, Chapter 431, Government Code,
  is transferred to Chapter 437, Government Code, as added by this
  Act, redesignated as Subchapter I, Chapter 437, Government Code,
  and amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 437.401 [431.151].  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Texas Workforce Commission
  civil rights division.
               (2)  "Complainant" means an individual who brings an
  action or proceeding under this subchapter.
               (3)  "Respondent" means the person charged in a
  complaint filed under this subchapter.
         Sec. 437.402 [431.152].  FILING OF COMPLAINT; FORM AND
  CONTENT; SERVICE. (a)  A person claiming to be aggrieved by an
  unlawful employment practice under Section 437.204 [431.006] or the
  person's agent may file a complaint with the commission.
         (b)  The complaint must be in writing and made under oath.
         (c)  The complaint must state:
               (1)  that an unlawful employment practice under Section
  437.204 [431.006] has been committed;
               (2)  the facts on which the complaint is based,
  including the date, place, and circumstances of the alleged
  unlawful employment practice; and
               (3)  facts sufficient to enable the commission to
  identify the respondent.
         (d)  The commission shall serve the respondent with a copy of
  the perfected complaint not later than the 10th day after the date
  the complaint is filed.
         (e)  A complaint may be amended to cure technical defects or
  omissions, including a failure to verify the complaint or to
  clarify and amplify an allegation made in the complaint.
         (f)  An amendment to a complaint alleging additional facts
  that constitute an unlawful employment practice under Section
  437.204 [431.006] relating to or arising from the subject matter of
  the original complaint relates back to the date the complaint was
  first received by the commission.
         Sec. 437.403 [431.153].  ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION.  
  The use of alternative means of dispute resolution, including
  settlement negotiations, conciliation, facilitation, mediation,
  fact-finding, minitrials, and arbitration, is encouraged to
  resolve disputes arising under Section 437.204 [431.006].  The
  settlement of a disputed claim under this subchapter that results
  from the use of traditional or alternative means of dispute
  resolution is binding on the parties to the claim.
         Sec. 437.404 [431.154].  INVESTIGATION BY COMMISSION.  The
  commission shall investigate a complaint arising under Section
  437.204 [431.006] and determine if there is reasonable cause to
  believe that the respondent engaged in an unlawful employment
  practice as alleged in the complaint.
         Sec. 437.405 [431.155].  LACK OF REASONABLE CAUSE;
  DISMISSAL OF COMPLAINT. (a)  If, after investigation, the
  commission determines that reasonable cause does not exist to
  believe that the respondent engaged in an unlawful employment
  practice under Section 437.204 [431.006] as alleged in a complaint,
  the commission shall issue a written determination incorporating
  the finding that the evidence does not support the complaint and
  dismissing the complaint.
         (b)  The commission shall serve a copy of the determination
  on the complainant, the respondent, and other agencies as required
  by law.
         Sec. 437.406 [431.156].  DETERMINATION OF REASONABLE CAUSE;
  REVIEW BY PANEL.  If, after investigation, the commission
  determines that there is reasonable cause to believe that the
  respondent engaged in an unlawful employment practice under Section
  437.204 [431.006] as alleged in a complaint, the commission shall:
               (1)  issue a written determination incorporating the
  finding that the evidence supports the complaint; and
               (2)  serve a copy of the determination on the
  complainant, the respondent, and other agencies as required by law.
         Sec. 437.407 [431.157].  RESOLUTION BY INFORMAL METHODS.
  (a)  If a determination of reasonable cause is made, the commission
  shall endeavor to eliminate the alleged unlawful employment
  practice arising under Section 437.204 [431.006] by informal
  methods of conference, conciliation, and persuasion.
         (b)  Without the written consent of the complainant and
  respondent, the commission, its executive director, or its other
  officers or employees may not disclose to the public information
  about the efforts in a particular case to resolve an alleged
  unlawful employment practice by conference, conciliation, or
  persuasion, regardless of whether there is a determination of
  reasonable cause.
         Sec. 437.408 [431.158].  NOTICE OF DISMISSAL OR UNRESOLVED
  COMPLAINT.  If the commission dismisses a complaint or does not
  resolve the complaint, the commission shall inform the complainant
  of the dismissal or failure to resolve the complaint in writing by
  certified mail.
         Sec. 437.409 [431.159].  TEMPORARY INJUNCTIVE RELIEF.
  (a)  If the commission concludes from a preliminary investigation
  of an unlawful employment practice arising under Section 437.204
  [431.006] alleged in a complaint that prompt judicial action is
  necessary, the commission shall file a petition seeking appropriate
  temporary relief against the respondent pending final
  determination of a proceeding under this subchapter.
         (b)  The petition shall be filed in a district court in a
  county in which:
               (1)  the alleged unlawful employment practice that is
  the subject of the complaint occurred; or
               (2)  the respondent resides.
         (c)  A court may not issue temporary injunctive relief unless
  the commission shows:
               (1)  a substantial likelihood of success on the merits;
               (2)  irreparable harm to the complainant in the absence
  of the preliminary relief pending final determination on the
         Sec. 437.410 [431.160].  CIVIL ACTION BY COMMISSION.
  (a)  The commission may bring a civil action against a respondent
               (1)  the commission determines that there is reasonable
  cause to believe that the respondent engaged in an unlawful
  employment practice under Section 437.204 [431.006]; and
               (2)  the commission's efforts to resolve the
  discriminatory practice to the satisfaction of the complainant and
  respondent through informal methods have been unsuccessful.
         (b)  The complainant may intervene in a civil action brought
  by the commission.
         Sec. 437.411 [431.161].  NOTICE OF COMPLAINANT'S RIGHT TO
  FILE CIVIL ACTION. (a)  A complainant who receives notice under
  Section 437.408 [431.158] that the complaint is dismissed or not
  resolved is entitled to request from the commission a written
  notice of the complainant's right to file a civil action.
         (b)  The complainant must request the notice in writing.
         (c)  The executive director of the commission may issue the
         (d)  Failure of the executive director of the commission to
  issue the notice of a complainant's right to file a civil action
  does not affect the complainant's right under this subchapter to
  bring a civil action against the respondent.
         Sec. 437.412 [431.162].  CIVIL ACTION BY COMPLAINANT.  
  Within 60 days after the date a notice of the right to file a civil
  action is received, the complainant may bring a civil action
  against the respondent.
         Sec. 437.413 [431.163].  COMMISSION'S INTERVENTION IN CIVIL
  ACTION BY COMPLAINANT.  After receipt of a timely application, a
  court may permit the commission to intervene in a civil action filed
  under Section 437.412 [431.162] if:
               (1)  the commission certifies that the case is of
  general public importance; and
               (2)  before commencement of the action, the commission
  issued a determination of reasonable cause to believe that Section
  437.204 [431.006] was violated.
         Sec. 437.414 [431.164].  ASSIGNMENT TO EARLY HEARING.  The
  court shall set an action brought under this subchapter for hearing
  at the earliest practicable date to expedite the action.
         Sec. 437.415 [431.165].  INJUNCTION; EQUITABLE RELIEF.
  (a)  On finding that a respondent engaged in an unlawful employment
  practice under Section 437.204 [431.006] as alleged in a complaint,
  a court may:
               (1)  prohibit by injunction the respondent from
  engaging in an unlawful employment practice under Section 437.204
  [431.006]; and
               (2)  order additional equitable relief as may be
         (b)  Additional equitable relief may include:
               (1)  hiring or reinstating with or without back pay;
               (2)  upgrading an employee with or without pay; and
               (3)  paying court costs.
         (c)  Liability under a back pay award may not accrue for a
  date more than two years before the date a complaint is filed with
  the commission.  Interim earnings, workers' compensation benefits,
  and unemployment compensation benefits received operate to reduce
  the back pay otherwise allowable.
         Sec. 437.416 [431.166].  COMPENSATORY AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES.
  (a)  On finding that a respondent engaged in an intentional
  unlawful employment practice under Section 437.204 [431.006] as
  alleged in a complaint, a court may, as provided by this section,
               (1)  compensatory damages; and
               (2)  punitive damages.
         (b)  A complainant may recover punitive damages against a
  respondent, other than a respondent that is a governmental entity,
  if the complainant demonstrates that the respondent engaged in an
  unlawful employment practice under Section 437.204 [431.006] with
  malice or with reckless indifference to the state-protected rights
  of an aggrieved individual.
         (c)  Compensatory damages awarded under this section may not
               (1)  back pay;
               (2)  interest on back pay; or
               (3)  other relief authorized under Section 437.415(b)
         (d)  The sum of the amount of compensatory damages awarded
  under this section for future pecuniary losses, emotional pain,
  suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of
  life, and other nonpecuniary losses and the amount of punitive
  damages awarded under this section may not exceed, for each
               (1)  $50,000 in the case of a respondent that has fewer
  than 101 employees;
               (2)  $100,000 in the case of a respondent that has more
  than 100 and fewer than 201 employees;
               (3)  $200,000 in the case of a respondent that has more
  than 200 and fewer than 501 employees; and
               (4)  $300,000 in the case of a respondent that has more
  than 500 employees.
         (e)  For the purposes of Subsection (d), in determining the
  number of employees of a respondent, the requisite number of
  employees must be employed by the respondent for each of 20 or more
  calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year.
         Sec. 437.417 [431.167].  ATTORNEY'S FEES; COSTS. (a)  In a
  proceeding under this subchapter, a court may allow the prevailing
  party, other than the commission, a reasonable attorney's fee as
  part of the costs.
         (b)  The state, a state agency, or a political subdivision is
  liable for costs, including attorney's fees, to the same extent as a
  private person.
         (c)  In awarding costs and attorney's fees in an action or a
  proceeding under this subchapter, the court, in its discretion, may
  include reasonable expert fees.
         Sec. 437.418 [431.168].  COMPELLED COMPLIANCE.  If an
  employer fails to comply with a court order issued under this
  subchapter, a party to the action or the commission, on the written
  request of a person aggrieved by the failure, may commence
  proceedings to compel compliance with the order.
         Sec. 437.419 [431.169].  TRIAL DE NOVO. (a)  A judicial
  proceeding under this subchapter is by trial de novo.
         (b)  A commission finding, recommendation, determination, or
  other action is not binding on a court.
         SECTION 2.01.  Subsection (a), Section 7.111, Education
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The board shall provide for the administration of high
  school equivalency examinations, including administration by the
  Texas Military Department [adjutant general's department] for
  students described by Subdivision (2)(C).  A person who does not
  have a high school diploma may take the examination in accordance
  with rules adopted by the board if the person is:
               (1)  over 17 years of age;
               (2)  16 years of age or older and:
                     (A)  is enrolled in a Job Corps training program
  under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. Section 2801
  et seq.), and its subsequent amendments;
                     (B)  a public agency providing supervision of the
  person or having custody of the person under a court order
  recommends that the person take the examination; or
                     (C)  is enrolled in the Texas Military
  Department's [adjutant general's department's] Seaborne ChalleNGe
  Corps; or
               (3)  required to take the examination under a justice
  or municipal court order issued under Article 45.054(a)(1)(C), Code
  of Criminal Procedure.
         SECTION 2.02.  Subsection (b), Section 411.121, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The adjutant general is entitled to obtain from the
  department criminal history record information maintained by the
  department that relates to a person who is:
               (1)  a member of the Texas [state] military forces;
               (2)  an employee of the Texas Military Department
  [adjutant general's department];
               (3)  an applicant for enlistment in the Texas [state]
  military forces; or
               (4)  an applicant for employment with the Texas
  Military Department [adjutant general's department].
         SECTION 2.03.  Subsection (a), Section 421.021, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The Homeland Security Council is composed of the
  governor or the governor's designee, the speaker of the house of
  representatives or the speaker's designee, the lieutenant governor
  or the lieutenant governor's designee, and one representative of
  each of the following entities, appointed by the single statewide
  elected or appointed governing officer, administrative head, or
  chair, as appropriate, of the entity:
               (1)  Department of Agriculture;
               (2)  office of the attorney general;
               (3)  General Land Office;
               (4)  Public Utility Commission of Texas;
               (5)  Department of State Health Services;
               (6)  Department of Information Resources;
               (7)  Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas;
               (8)  Texas Division of Emergency Management;
               (9)  Texas Military Department [adjutant general's
               (10)  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality;
               (11)  Railroad Commission of Texas;
               (12)  Texas [Strategic] Military Preparedness 
  [Planning] Commission;
               (13)  Texas Department of Transportation;
               (14)  Commission on State Emergency Communications;
               (15)  Office of State-Federal Relations;
               (16)  secretary of state;
               (17)  Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and Military
               (18)  Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Affairs
  [Transportation] and Homeland Security;
               (19) [(18)]  House Committee on Defense and Veterans'
               (20)  House Committee on Homeland Security and Public
               (21) [(19)]  Texas Animal Health Commission;
               (22) [(20)  Texas Association of Regional Councils;
               [(21)]  Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer
  Standards and Education;
               (23) [(22)]  state fire marshal's office;
               (24) [(23)]  Texas Education Agency;
               (25) [(24)]  Texas Commission on Fire Protection;
               (26) [(25)]  Parks and Wildlife Department;
               (27) [(26)]  Texas A&M Forest Service; and
               (28) [(27)]  Texas Water Development Board.
         SECTION 2.04.  Subsection (a), Section 432.072, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person not subject to this chapter commits an offense
  if the person:
               (1)  has been duly subpoenaed to appear as a witness or
  to produce books and records before a military court or before a
  military or civil officer or peace officer designated to take a
  deposition to be read in evidence before a court;
               (2)  has been duly paid or tendered by the Texas
  military forces [adjutant general's department] the fees and
  mileage of a witness at the rates allowed to witnesses under Section
  432.192; and
               (3)  wilfully neglects or refuses to appear, qualify as
  a witness, testify, or produce evidence that the person may have
  been legally subpoenaed to produce.
         SECTION 2.05.  Subsection (a), Section 432.109, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The Texas Court of Military Appeals[, located for
  administrative purposes only in the adjutant general's
  department,] consists of five judges appointed by the adjutant
  general on the advice and recommendation of the state judge
  advocate general for staggered six-year terms. A judge appointed
  to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for
  which the judge's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only
  for the unexpired term of his predecessor. The adjutant general, on
  the advice and recommendation of the state judge advocate general,
  shall appoint the chief judge of the court. A person is eligible
  for appointment to the court if the person:
               (1)  is a member of the State Bar of Texas;
               (2)  is a commissioned officer of the Texas [state]
  military forces, active or retired, or a retired commissioned
  officer in the reserves of the armed forces of the United States;
               (3)  has been engaged in the active practice of law for
  at least five years and has at least five years' experience as a
  staff judge advocate, judge advocate, or legal officer with the
  Texas [state] military forces, except that the requirements of this
  subdivision are satisfied by equivalent experience or practice in
  the armed forces of the United States.
         SECTION 2.06.  Subsection (b), Section 432.192, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A person not in the employ of this state and not
  belonging to its active military forces, who has been duly summoned
  to appear as a witness before a military court, is entitled to
  receive $50 a day for each day actually in attendance on the court,
  and 12 cents a mile for going from his place of residence to the
  place of trial or hearing, and 12 cents a mile for returning.
  Civilian witnesses will be paid by the Texas military forces
  [adjutant general's department].
         SECTION 2.07.  Section 432.194, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 432.194.  EXPENSES OF ADMINISTRATION. The adjutant
  general may pay all expenses incurred in the administration of
  state military justice, including the expenses of courts-martial
  and expenses incurred under Sections 432.109, 432.184, and 432.192,
  from any funds appropriated to the Texas military forces [adjutant
  general's department].
         SECTION 2.08.  Section 434.153, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 434.153.  COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL.  The council is
  composed of the executive head of the following agencies, or that
  person's designated representative:
               (1)  the Texas Veterans Commission;
               (2)  the Veterans' Land Board;
               (3)  the Texas Military Department [adjutant general's
               (4)  the Health and Human Services Commission; and
               (5)  the State Bar of Texas.
         SECTION 2.09.  Subsection (a), Section 1232.101, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  With respect to all bonds authorized to be issued by or
  on behalf of the Texas Military Department [adjutant general's
  department], Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Agricultural
  Finance Authority, Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
  Authority, Midwestern State University, and Texas Southern
  University, the authority has the exclusive authority to act on
  behalf of those entities in issuing bonds on their behalf.  In
  connection with those issuances and with the issuance of refunding
  bonds on behalf of those entities, the authority is subject to all
  rights, duties, and conditions surrounding issuance previously
  applicable to the issuing entity under the statute authorizing the
  issuance.  A reference in an authorizing statute to the entity on
  whose behalf the bonds are being issued applies equally to the
  authority in its capacity as issuer on behalf of the entity.
         SECTION 2.10.  Subsection (d), Section 161.552, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The department and commission shall develop and
  maintain the directory in collaboration with local, state, and
  national private and government organizations, including:
               (1)  the United States Veterans Health Administration;
               (2)  the United States Department of Defense;
               (3)  the Texas military forces [adjutant general's
               (4)  the Texas Veterans Commission; and
               (5)  other public and private national and
  community-based organizations that provide support to
  servicemembers and their families.
         SECTION 2.11.  Section 412.0128, Labor Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  Information in or derived from a workers' compensation claim file
  regarding an employee, and information in or derived from a risk
  management review related to facility security or continuity of
  operations of the Texas military forces, is confidential and may
  not be disclosed by the office except as provided by this subchapter
  or other law. Classified or sensitive information of the Texas
  military forces specifically preempted from disclosure by federal
  law retains the confidentiality protection provided by this section
  for all purposes, including disclosure to the office.
         SECTION 2.12.  Subsection (e), Section 31.156, Natural
  Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (e)  In any year that the division will evaluate real
  property under the management and control of the Texas Military
  Department [adjutant general's department], the division shall
  notify the department before the division begins the evaluation.
         SECTION 2.13.  Subsection (d), Section 31.157, Natural
  Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (d)  If under the Texas Military Department's [adjutant
  general's] report submitted as provided by Section 437.154 
  [431.030], Government Code, the department [adjutant general]
  determines that real property under the management and control of
  the [adjutant general's] department is used for military purposes,
  the commissioner may not recommend a real estate transaction
  involving that real property in the final report submitted as
  provided by Subsection (e).
         SECTION 2.14.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  74.404, Property Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A military award or decoration delivered to the
  comptroller under this chapter:
               (1)  may not be sold under Section 74.401 or destroyed;
               (2)  shall be delivered by the comptroller to the Texas
  military forces [adjutant general's department].
         (c)  The Texas military forces [adjutant general's
  department] shall conduct a reasonable search of public records to
  locate the person to whom the military award or decoration was
  awarded. If the department cannot locate the person, the
  department shall attempt to locate the person's next of kin. If the
  department locates the person or the person's next of kin, the
  department shall deliver the award or decoration to the person or
  the person's next of kin, as applicable.
         (d)  If the Texas military forces [adjutant general's
  department] cannot locate the person to whom a military award or
  decoration was awarded or the person's next of kin, the award or
  decoration shall be held in trust for the comptroller at:
               (1)  a museum established by the department; or
               (2)  if no museum exists, any other public facility
  designated by the department.
         SECTION 3.01.  Subsection (a), Section 721.002, Business &
  Commerce Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A person commits an offense if the person uses, in an
  advertisement for a commercial purpose, the name of an individual
  who is an active duty or former member of the United States armed
  forces, who is a member or former member of a reserve component of
  the United States armed forces, or who is a member or former member
  of the state military forces, as defined by Section 437.001
  [431.001], Government Code, or a picture of the individual in
  uniform in which the individual is clearly identifiable, without
  obtaining the consent of:
               (1)  the individual, if the individual is living; or
               (2)  the individual's surviving spouse or personal
  representative or a majority of the individual's adult heirs, if
  the individual is deceased.
         SECTION 3.02.  Subsection (a), Section 54.345, Education
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  For each semester, the adjutant general of the state
  military forces shall certify to institutions of higher education
  as described by Section 437.226 [431.090], Government Code,
  information identifying the persons to whom the adjutant general
  has awarded assistance for tuition and mandatory fees under that
         SECTION 3.03.  Subsection (a), Section 411.121, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Adjutant general" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 437.001 [431.022].
               (2)  "State military forces" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 437.001 [431.001].
         SECTION 3.04.  Subsection (a), Section 411.1881, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  a person may not be required to complete the range instruction
  portion of a handgun proficiency course to obtain or renew a
  concealed handgun license issued under this subchapter if the
               (1)  is currently serving in or is honorably discharged
                     (A)  the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or
  marine corps of the United States or an auxiliary service or reserve
  unit of one of those branches of the armed forces; or
                     (B)  the Texas [state] military forces, as defined
  by Section 437.001 [431.001]; and
               (2)  has, within the five years preceding the date of
  the person's application for an original or renewed license, as
  applicable, completed a course of training in handgun proficiency
  or familiarization as part of the person's service with the armed
  forces or Texas [state] military forces.
         SECTION 3.05.  Subsection (a), Section 411.1951, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "veteran" means a person who:
               (1)  has served in:
                     (A)  the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or
  marine corps of the United States;
                     (B)  the Texas [state] military forces as defined
  by Section 437.001 [431.001]; or
                     (C)  an auxiliary service of one of those branches
  of the armed forces; and
               (2)  has been honorably discharged from the branch of
  the service in which the person served.
         SECTION 3.06.  Section 418.006, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 418.006.  CIVIL LIABILITY. An officer or employee of a
  state or local agency, or a volunteer acting at the direction of an
  officer or employee of a state or local agency, is considered for
  purposes of Section 437.222 [431.085] to be a member of the Texas 
  [state] military forces ordered into active service of the state by
  proper authority and is considered to be discharging a duty in that
  capacity if the person is performing an activity related to
  sheltering or housing individuals in connection with the evacuation
  of an area stricken or threatened by disaster.
         SECTION 3.07.  Subsections (a), (b), and (d), Section
  421.061, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An officer or employee of a state or local agency
  performing a homeland security activity or a volunteer performing a
  homeland security activity at the request or under the direction of
  an officer or employee of a state or local agency is considered for
  purposes of Section 437.222 [431.085] to be a member of the Texas 
  [state] military forces ordered into active service of the state by
  proper authority and is considered to be discharging a duty in that
  capacity if:
               (1)  the officer, employee, or volunteer is performing
  the homeland security activity under procedures prescribed or
  circumstances described for the purpose of this section in the
  governor's homeland security strategy;
               (2)  in the case of a volunteer, the volunteer is acting
  within the course and scope of the request or direction of the
  officer or employee of the state or local agency; and
               (3)  in the case of an officer or employee of a state or
  local agency, the officer or employee is acting within the course
  and scope of the person's authority.
         (b)  A person described by Subsection (a) is not immune from
  civil liability under Section 437.222 [431.085] for damages
  resulting from the performance of a homeland security activity if,
  under the circumstances, the person's performance of the homeland
  security activity was wilfully or wantonly negligent or done with
  conscious indifference or reckless disregard for the safety of
  persons this chapter is intended to protect.
         (d)  This section does not affect the application of Section
  437.222 [431.085] on its own terms to a person who is a member of the
  Texas [state] military forces ordered into active service of the
  state by proper authority under other law.
         SECTION 3.08.  Section 661.903, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 661.903.  NATIONAL GUARD EMERGENCY. A state employee
  who is called to state active duty as a member of the Texas [state]
  military forces by the governor because of an emergency is entitled
  to a leave of absence without a deduction in salary in accordance
  with Section 437.254 [431.0825]. A state employee who is called to
  federal active duty as a member of the Texas [state] military forces
  may not receive the employee's state salary except as provided by
  Sections 661.904(d) and (f) and 661.9041.
         SECTION 3.09.  Subsection (b), Section 1232.1025,
  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  After receiving a request under Section 437.153
  [431.0292 or 431.0302(c)], the board shall promptly issue and sell
  bonds in the name of the authority to provide the requested
         SECTION 3.10.  Subdivision (2), Section 2308.251,
  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "Veteran" means a person who:
                     (A)  has served in:
                           (i)  the army, navy, air force, coast guard,
  or marine corps of the United States or the United States Public
  Health Service under 42 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq., as amended;
                           (ii)  the Texas [state] military forces as
  defined by Section 437.001 [431.001]; or
                           (iii)  an auxiliary service of one of those
  branches of the armed forces; and
                     (B)  has been honorably discharged from the branch
  of the service in which the person served.
         SECTION 3.11.  Subdivision (3), Section 161.551, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (3)  "Servicemember" means [a resident of this state
  who is] a member or former member of the state military forces or a
  component of the United States armed forces, including a reserve
  component.  In this section, "state military forces" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code.
         SECTION 3.12.  Subsections (d) and (e), Section 775.039,
  Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The differential pay provided by Subsection (a) begins
  when the benefits allowed under Section 437.202 [431.005],
  Government Code, are exhausted and continues until the employee's
  active military duty terminates.
         (e)  The board may extend the insurance benefits provided by
  the district to a district employee who is a member of the state
  military forces or a reserve component of the United States armed
  forces who is called to active duty and to the employee's
  dependents.  The extension period begins when the benefits allowed
  under Section 437.202 [431.005], Government Code, are exhausted and
  continues until the employee's active military duty terminates.
         SECTION 3.13.  Subsection (a), Section 1001.076, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "veteran" means a person who:
               (1)  has served in:
                     (A)  the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or
  marine corps of the United States;
                     (B)  the state military forces as defined by
  Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code; or
                     (C)  an auxiliary service of one of those branches
  of the armed forces; and
               (2)  has been honorably discharged from the branch of
  the service in which the person served.
         SECTION 3.14.  Subsection (a), Section 408.0445, Labor Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  For purposes of computing income benefits or death
  benefits under Section 437.227 [431.104], Government Code, the
  average weekly wage of a member of the state military forces as
  defined by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code, who is
  engaged in authorized training or duty is an amount equal to the sum
  of the member's regular weekly wage at any employment the member
  holds in addition to serving as a member of the state military
  forces, disregarding any period during which the member is not
  fully compensated for that employment because the member is engaged
  in authorized military training or duty, and the member's regular
  weekly wage as a member of the state military forces, except that
  the amount may not exceed 100 percent of the state average weekly
  wage as determined under Section 408.047.
         SECTION 3.15.  Subdivision (5), Section 501.001, Labor Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
               (5)  "Employee" means a person who is:
                     (A)  in the service of the state pursuant to an
  election, appointment, or express oral or written contract of hire;
                     (B)  paid from state funds but whose duties
  require that the person work and frequently receive supervision in
  a political subdivision of the state;
                     (C)  a peace officer employed by a political
  subdivision, while the peace officer is exercising authority
  granted under:
                           (i)  Article 2.12, Code of Criminal
  Procedure; or
                           (ii)  Articles 14.03(d) and (g), Code of
  Criminal Procedure;
                     (D)  a member of the state military forces, as
  defined by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code, who is
  engaged in authorized training or duty; or
                     (E)  a Texas Task Force 1 member, as defined by
  Section 88.301, Education Code, who is activated by the Texas
  Division of Emergency Management or is injured during training
  sponsored or sanctioned by Texas Task Force 1.
         SECTION 3.16.  Subsection (a), Section 392.067, Local
  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "veteran" means a person who has served
  on active duty in the armed forces of the United States or in the
  state military forces as defined by Section 437.001 [431.001],
  Government Code.
         SECTION 3.17.  Subdivision (1), Section 1804.001,
  Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (1)  "Veteran" means a person who has served on active
  duty in the armed forces of the United States or in the state
  military forces as defined by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government
         SECTION 3.18.  Subdivision (2), Subsection (a), Section
  31.121, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "State military forces" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code.
         SECTION 3.19.  Subdivision (2), Subsection (a), Section
  32.54, Penal Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "State military forces" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code.
         SECTION 3.20.  Subsections (b), (d), and (f), Section 46.15,
  Penal Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Section 46.02 does not apply to a person who:
               (1)  is in the actual discharge of official duties as a
  member of the armed forces or state military forces as defined by
  Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code, or as a guard employed
  by a penal institution;
               (2)  is traveling;
               (3)  is engaging in lawful hunting, fishing, or other
  sporting activity on the immediate premises where the activity is
  conducted, or is en route between the premises and the actor's
  residence, motor vehicle, or watercraft, if the weapon is a type
  commonly used in the activity;
               (4)  holds a security officer commission issued by the
  Texas Private Security Board, if the person is engaged in the
  performance of the person's duties as an officer commissioned under
  Chapter 1702, Occupations Code, or is traveling to or from the
  person's place of assignment and is wearing the officer's uniform
  and carrying the officer's weapon in plain view;
               (5)  acts as a personal protection officer and carries
  the person's security officer commission and personal protection
  officer authorization, if the person:
                     (A)  is engaged in the performance of the person's
  duties as a personal protection officer under Chapter 1702,
  Occupations Code, or is traveling to or from the person's place of
  assignment; and
                     (B)  is either:
                           (i)  wearing the uniform of a security
  officer, including any uniform or apparel described by Section
  1702.323(d), Occupations Code, and carrying the officer's weapon in
  plain view; or
                           (ii)  not wearing the uniform of a security
  officer and carrying the officer's weapon in a concealed manner;
               (6)  is carrying a concealed handgun and a valid
  license issued under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, to
  carry a concealed handgun of the same category as the handgun the
  person is carrying;
               (7)  holds an alcoholic beverage permit or license or
  is an employee of a holder of an alcoholic beverage permit or
  license if the person is supervising the operation of the permitted
  or licensed premises; or
               (8)  is a student in a law enforcement class engaging in
  an activity required as part of the class, if the weapon is a type
  commonly used in the activity and the person is:
                     (A)  on the immediate premises where the activity
  is conducted; or
                     (B)  en route between those premises and the
  person's residence and is carrying the weapon unloaded.
         (d)  The provisions of Section 46.02 prohibiting the
  carrying of a firearm or carrying of a club do not apply to a public
  security officer employed by the adjutant general under Section
  437.053 [431.029], Government Code, in performance of official
  duties or while traveling to or from a place of duty.
         (f)  Section 46.03(a)(6) does not apply to a person who
  possesses a firearm or club while in the actual discharge of
  official duties as:
               (1)  a member of the armed forces or state military
  forces, as defined by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code;
               (2)  an employee of a penal institution.
         SECTION 3.21.  Section 151.344, Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
  (a)  A taxable item sold, leased, or rented to, or stored, used, or
  consumed by, a post exchange under Section 437.110 [431.040],
  Government Code, is exempt from the taxes imposed by this chapter.
         (b)  A taxable item sold, leased, or rented by a post
  exchange under Section 437.110 [431.040], Government Code, is
  exempt from the taxes imposed by this chapter.
         SECTION 3.22.  Subsection (a), Section 521.1235,
  Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "veteran" means a person who:
               (1)  has served in:
                     (A)  the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or
  marine corps of the United States; or
                     (B)  the Texas National Guard as defined by
  Section 437.001 [431.001], Government Code; and
               (2)  has been honorably discharged from the branch of
  the service in which the person served.
         SECTION 3.23.  Subsection (g), Section 36.354, Utilities
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (g)  For the purposes of this section, the term "military
  base" does not include a military base:
               (1)  that has been closed or realigned under the
  Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (10 U.S.C. Section
  2687) and its subsequent amendments;
               (2)  that is administered by an authority established
  by a municipality under Chapter 379B [378], Local Government Code
  [, as added by Chapter 1221, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular
  Session, 1999];
               (3)  that is operated by or for the benefit of the Texas
  National Guard, as defined by Section 437.001 [431.001], Government
  Code, unless the base is served by a municipally owned utility owned
  by a city with a population of 650,000 or more; or
               (4)  for which a municipally owned utility has acquired
  the electric distribution system under 10 U.S.C. Section 2688.
         SECTION 4.01.  The following provisions of the Government
  Code are repealed:
               (1)  Sections 431.002, 431.003, 431.004, 431.005,
  431.0055, 431.006, 431.007, 431.008, 431.009, 431.010, 431.011,
  431.012, 431.013, 431.014, 431.015, 431.016, 431.017, 431.0175,
  431.018, and 431.0185; and
               (2)  Subchapters B, C, D, F, G, and I, Chapter 431.
         SECTION 4.02.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.