83R10602 JTS-D
  By: Zaffirini S.B. No. 1596
  relating to the annexation by a municipality of territory of an
  emergency services district.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 775.022(a) and (c), Health and Safety
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If a municipality completes all other procedures
  necessary to annex territory in a district and if the municipality
  intends to remove the territory from the district and be the sole
  provider of [provide] emergency services to the territory by the
  use of municipal personnel or by some method other than by use of
  the district, the municipality shall send written notice of those
  facts [that fact] to the board. The municipality must send the
  notice to the secretary of the board by certified mail, return
  receipt requested. The territory remains part of the district and
  does not become part of the municipality until the secretary of the
  board receives the notice. On receipt of the notice, the board
  shall immediately change its records to show that the territory has
  been disannexed from the district and shall cease to provide
  further services to the residents of that territory.  This
  subsection does not require a municipality to remove from a
  district territory the municipality has annexed.
         (c)  If a municipality removes [annexes] territory from [in]
  a district that the municipality has annexed, the municipality
  shall compensate the district immediately after disannexation of
  the territory under Subsection (a) in an amount equal to the annexed
  territory's pro rata share of the district's bonded and other
  indebtedness as computed according to the formula in Subsection
  (e). The district shall apply compensation received from a
  municipality under this subsection exclusively to the payment of
  the annexed territory's pro rata share of the district's bonded and
  other indebtedness.
         SECTION 2.  Section 43.056, Local Government Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (f) and adding Subsection (p) to
  read as follows:
         (f)  A service plan may not:
               (1)  require the creation of another political
               (2)  require a landowner in the area to fund the capital
  improvements necessary to provide municipal services in a manner
  inconsistent with Chapter 395 unless otherwise agreed to by the
  landowner; or
               (3)  provide services in the area in a manner that would
  have the effect of reducing by more than a negligible amount the
  level of fire and police protection and emergency medical services
  provided within the area [corporate boundaries of the municipality
  before annexation].
         (p)  An annexation plan that includes the annexation of
  territory of an emergency services district may provide that the
  required fire and police protection and emergency medical services
  in the area of the district be provided by the emergency services
  district or by cooperation of the municipality and the district.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.