By: Williams S.B. No. 1648
  relating to the motor fuel tax on compressed natural gas and
  liquefied natural gas; providing penalties.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that:
               (1)  this Act does not impose a new tax;
               (2)  compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas
  are currently taxed and this Act leaves the tax rate effectively
               (3)  this Act provides a new collection mechanism for
  an existing tax; and
               (4)  this Act provides a more efficient method of tax
  administration for taxpayers and for this state.
         SECTION 2.  Section 162.001, Tax Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivisions (4), (16), (19), (29), (38), (39), (42), and
  (43) and adding Subdivisions (19-a), (24-a), (29-a), and (40-a) to
  read as follows:
               (4)  "Aviation fuel dealer" means a person who:
                     (A)  is the operator of an aircraft servicing
                     (B)  delivers gasoline, [or] diesel fuel,
  compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas exclusively into
  the fuel supply tanks of aircraft or into equipment used solely for
  servicing aircraft and used exclusively off-highway; and
                     (C)  does not use, sell, or distribute gasoline,
  [or] diesel fuel, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas
  on which a fuel tax is required to be collected or paid to this
               (16)  "Compressed natural gas" means natural gas that
  has been compressed [and dispensed into motor fuel storage
  containers] and is advertised, offered for sale, sold, suitable for
  use, or used as an engine motor fuel.
               (19)  "Diesel fuel" means kerosene or another liquid,
  or a combination of liquids blended together, offered for sale,
  sold, used, or capable of use as fuel for the propulsion of a
  diesel-powered engine.  The term includes products commonly
  referred to as kerosene, light cycle oil, #1 diesel fuel, #2 diesel
  fuel, dyed or undyed diesel fuel, aviation jet fuel, renewable
  diesel, biodiesel, distillate fuel, cutter stock, or heating oil,
  but does not include compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas,
  gasoline, aviation gasoline, or liquefied gas.
               (19-a)  "Diesel gallon equivalent" means:
                     (A)  6.310 pounds of compressed natural gas; or
                     (B)  6.060 pounds of liquefied natural gas.
               (24-a)  "Fleet user" means a person who produces
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas or maintains
  storage facilities for compressed natural gas or liquefied natural
  gas and who delivers all or part of the fuel produced or stored into
  the fuel supply tank of two or more motor vehicles owned or leased
  by that person.
               (29)  "Gasoline" means any liquid or combination of
  liquids blended together, offered for sale, sold, used, or capable
  of use as fuel for a gasoline-powered engine.  The term includes
  gasohol, aviation gasoline, and blending agents, but does not
  include compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, racing
  gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation jet fuel, or liquefied gas.
               (29-a)  "Gasoline gallon equivalent" means
                     (A)  5.660 pounds of compressed natural gas; or,
                     (B)  5.370 pounds of liquefied natural gas.
               (38)  "License holder" means a person licensed by the
  comptroller under Section 162.105, 162.205, 162.304, 162.305, [or]
  162.306, 162.357, or 162.358.
               (39)  "Liquefied gas" means all combustible gases that
  exist in the gaseous state at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and at a
  pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute, but does not
  include compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, gasoline, or
  diesel fuel.
               (40-a)  "Liquefied natural gas" mean natural gas that
  has been cooled to a liquid state and is advertised, offered for
  sale, sold, suitable for use, or used as an engine motor fuel.
               (42)  "Motor fuel" means gasoline, diesel fuel,
  liquefied gas, gasoline blended fuel, compressed natural gas,
  liquefied natural gas, and other products that are offered for
  sale, sold, used, or capable of use as fuel for a gasoline-powered
  engine or a diesel-powered engine.
               (43)  "Motor fuel transporter" means a person who
  transports gasoline, diesel fuel, gasoline blended fuel, aviation
  fuel, or any other motor fuel, except liquefied gas, compressed
  natural gas, or liquefied natural gas, outside the bulk
  transfer/terminal system by means of a transport vehicle, a
  railroad tank car, or a marine vessel. The term does not include a
  person who:
                     (A)  is licensed under this chapter as a supplier,
  permissive supplier, or distributor; and
                     (B)  exclusively transports gasoline, diesel
  fuel, gasoline blended fuel, aviation fuel, or any other motor fuel
  to which the person retains ownership while the fuel is being
  transported by the person.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter D-1 to read as follows:
  SUPPLY TANK OF MOTOR VEHICLE. (a) A tax is imposed on the sale of
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas that is delivered
  into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle in connection with a
  sale of the compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas.
         (b)  The dealer is liable for the tax imposed under this
  section, including a delivery of compressed natural gas or
  liquefied natural gas delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle at no cost to the motor vehicle owner unless a documented
  exemption pursuant to this sub-chapter applies.
         (c)  The dealer shall add the amount of the tax to the selling
  price so that the tax is paid by the purchaser. When the amount of
  the tax is added:
               (1)  it becomes a part of the sales price;
               (2)  it is a debt of the purchaser to the dealer; and
               (3)  if unpaid, it is recoverable at law in the same
  manner as the original sales price.
         (d)  The dealer shall provide to the purchaser an invoice or
  receipt that states the rate and amount of tax added to the selling
  price or indicates that no tax was added to the selling price.
  is imposed on the delivery of compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle by a fleet
  user or other dealer not in connection with a sale of the compressed
  natural gas or liquefied natural gas.
         (b)  The fleet user or other dealer is liable for the tax
  imposed under this section.
         Sec. 162.353.  TAX RATE. The rate of the tax under Sections
  162.351 and 162.352 is 15 cents for each:
               (1)  gasoline gallon equivalent or fractional part of
  compressed natural gas; or
               (2)  diesel gallon equivalent or fractional part of
  liquefied natural gas.
         Sec. 162.354.  BACKUP TAX; LIABILITY. (a) A backup tax is
  imposed at the rate prescribed by Section 162.353 on:
               (1)  a person who obtains a refund of tax on compressed
  natural gas or liquefied natural gas by claiming the fuel was used
  for an exempt purpose, but actually uses the fuel for a taxable
               (2)  a person who operates a motor vehicle on a public
  highway using compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas on
  which tax has not been paid;
               (3)  a person who sells compressed natural gas or
  liquefied natural gas that is delivered into the fuel supply tank of
  a motor vehicle, on which tax was not paid, and who knew or had
  reason to know that the fuel would be used for a taxable purpose;
               (4)  a person who delivers into the fuel supply tank of
  a motor vehicle compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas on
  which tax was not paid and who knew or had reason to know that the
  fuel would be used for a taxable purpose.
         (b)  If the person who operates a motor vehicle described by
  Subsection (a)(2) is not the owner or lessee of the motor vehicle,
  both the owner or lessee and the operator are liable for the tax.
         (c)  The tax imposed under Subsection (a)(3) is also imposed
  on the ultimate consumer.
         (d)  The tax imposed under Subsection (a)(4) is also imposed
  on the operator of the motor vehicle or the motor vehicle's owner or
         (e)  The tax liability imposed by this section is in addition
  to any penalty imposed under this chapter.
         Sec. 162.355.  FUEL PRESUMED SUBJECT TO TAX. (a) All
  compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas sold by a dealer
  and delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle is
  presumed to be subject to tax, and the dealer is liable for the tax
  under Section 162.351(b)and in accordance with Section 162.012
  unless the dealer maintains adequate records to establish that the
  fuel was exempt from tax under Section 162.356.
         (b)  All compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas
  delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle by a fleet
  user or other dealer not in connection with a sale is presumed to be
  subject to tax, and the fleet user or other dealer is liable for the
  tax under Section 162.352(b) unless the fleet user or other dealer
  maintains adequate records to establish that the fuel was exempt
  from tax under Section 162.356.
         Sec. 162.356.  EXEMPTIONS. The tax imposed by this
  subchapter does not apply to compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas delivered into the fuel supply tank of:
               (1)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by the United
  States, provided that the exemption does not apply with respect to
  fuel delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle of a
  person operating under a contract with the United States;
               (2)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by a public
  school district in this state;
               (3)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by a
  commercial transportation company or a metropolitan rapid transit
  authority operating under Chapter 451, Transportation Code, that
  provides public school transportation services to a school district
  under Section 34.008, Education Code, and that uses the fuel only to
  provide those services;
               (4)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by a
  volunteer fire department in this state;
               (5)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by a county
  in this state;
               (6)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by a
  nonprofit electric cooperative corporation organized under Chapter
  161, Utilities Code;
               (7)  a motor vehicle operated exclusively by a
  nonprofit telephone cooperative corporation organized under
  Chapter 162, Utilities Code;
               (8)  a motor vehicle that is not registered for use on
  the public highways of this state and that is used exclusively
  off-highway; or
               (9)  off-highway equipment, a stationary engine, a
  motorboat, an aircraft, equipment used solely for servicing
  aircraft and used exclusively off-highway, a locomotive, or any
  device other than a motor vehicle operated or intended to be
  operated on the public highways.
         Sec. 162.357.  DEALER'S LICENSE. (a) A person may not sell
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas that is delivered
  into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle and on which tax is
  imposed under Section 162.351 unless the person holds a compressed
  natural gas and liquefied natural gas dealer's license issued by
  the comptroller.
         (b)  A person may not deliver compressed natural gas or
  liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle
  not in connection with a sale and on which tax is imposed under
  Section 162.352, or otherwise conduct the activities of a fleet
  user, unless the person holds a compressed natural gas and
  liquefied natural gas dealer's license issued by the comptroller.
         (c)  A person may not conduct the activities of an aviation
  fuel dealer who delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas unless the person holds a compressed natural gas and
  liquefied natural gas dealer's license issued by the comptroller.
         (d)  A compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas
  dealer's license is permanent and is valid during the period the
  license holder has in force and effect the required bond or security
  and furnishes timely reports and supplements as required, or until
  the license is surrendered by the license holder or canceled by the
  comptroller. The comptroller shall cancel a license under this
  subsection if the license holder has not reported a delivery of
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas during the previous
  nine months.
         (e)  A compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas
  dealer's license is not transferable.
         Sec. 162.358.  INTERSTATE TRUCKER'S LICENSE. (a) An
  interstate trucker's license authorizes a person who operates a
  motor vehicle described by Section 162.001(36) and fueled by
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas to report and pay
  the tax and take a credit or claim a refund as provided by this
         (b)  An interstate trucker's license is valid from the date
  of issuance until December 31 of each calendar year or until the
  license is surrendered by the license holder or canceled by the
  comptroller. The comptroller may renew an interstate trucker's
  license each calendar year if the license holder furnishes timely
  reports as required.
         (c)  An interstate trucker's license is not transferable.
         Sec. 162.359.  LICENSE APPLICATION PROCEDURE. An applicant
  for a license under this subchapter must file an application using a
  form adopted by the comptroller that contains:
               (1)  the name under which the applicant transacts or
  intends to transact business;
               (2)  the applicant's principal office, residence, or
  place of business in this state, or other location of the applicant;
               (3)  if the applicant is not an individual, the names of
  the principal officers of an applicant corporation, or the names of
  the members of an applicant partnership, and the office, street, or
  post office addresses of each; and
               (4)  other information required by the comptroller.
         Sec. 162.360.  ISSUANCE AND DISPLAY OF LICENSE. (a) If the
  comptroller approves a license application, the comptroller shall
  issue a license to the applicant. A license holder shall post the
  license in a conspicuous place or keep the license available for
  inspection at the license holder's principal place of business. A
  license holder shall keep a copy of the license at each place of
  business or other place of storage from which compressed natural
  gas or liquefied natural gas is sold or delivered.
         (b)  An interstate trucker's license holder shall reproduce
  the license and carry a photocopy with each motor vehicle being
  operated in or traveling to or from this state.
         Sec. 162.361.  BOND AND OTHER SECURITY FOR TAXES. (a) The
  comptroller shall determine the amount of security required of a
  dealer, taking into consideration the amount of tax that has or is
  expected to become due from the person, any past history of the
  person as a license holder under this chapter or its predecessor,
  and the necessity to protect this state against the failure to pay
  the tax as the tax becomes due.
         (b)  The comptroller may require a license holder to post a
  bond if the comptroller determines it is necessary for the license
  holder to post security to protect the revenues of this state. A
  license holder must post a bond equal to two times the maximum
  amount of tax that could accrue on compressed natural gas or
  liquefied natural gas produced, purchased, acquired, sold, or
  delivered during a reporting period. The minimum bond for a person
  described by Section 162.357(a) is $30,000. The comptroller shall
  prescribe the minimum bond for a person described by Section
  162.357(b) or (c) who is not described by Section 162.357(a). The
  maximum bond is $600,000 unless the comptroller believes there is
  undue risk of loss of tax revenues, in which event the comptroller
  may require one or more bonds or securities in a total amount
  exceeding $600,000.
         (c)  A license holder who has filed a bond or other security
  under this subchapter is entitled, on request, to have the
  comptroller return, refund, or release the bond or security if in
  the judgment of the comptroller the person has for four consecutive
  years continuously complied with the conditions of the bond or
  other security filed under this subchapter. However, if the
  comptroller determines that the revenues of this state would be
  jeopardized by the return, refund, or release of the bond or
  security, the comptroller may elect not to return, refund, or
  release the bond or security and may reimpose a requirement of a
  bond or other security as the comptroller determines necessary to
  protect the revenues of this state.
         (d)  A bond must be a continuing instrument, must constitute
  a new and separate obligation in the penal sum named in the bond for
  each calendar year or portion of a year while the bond is in force,
  and must remain in effect until the surety on the bond is released
  and discharged.
         (e)  Instead of filing a surety bond, an applicant for a
  license may substitute the following security:
               (1)  cash in the form of United States currency in an
  amount equal to the required bond to be deposited in a suspense
  account of the state treasury;
               (2)  an assignment to the comptroller of a certificate
  of deposit in any bank or savings and loan association in this state
  that is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an
  amount at least equal to the bond amount required; or
               (3)  an irrevocable letter of credit to the comptroller
  from any bank or savings and loan association in this state that is
  a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount
  of credit at least equal to the bond amount required.
         (f)  If the amount of an existing bond becomes insufficient
  or a security becomes unsatisfactory or unacceptable, the
  comptroller may require the license holder to file a new or an
  additional bond or security.
         (g)  A surety bond or other form of security may not be
  released until the comptroller determines by examination or audit
  that a tax, penalty, or interest liability does not exist. The
  comptroller shall release the cash or securities not later than the
  60th day after the date the comptroller determines that liability
  does not exist.
         (h)  The comptroller may use the cash or certificate of
  deposit security to satisfy a final determination of delinquent
  liability or a judgment secured in any action by this state to
  recover compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas taxes,
  costs, penalties, and interest found to be due to this state by a
  person on whose behalf the cash or certificate of deposit security
  was deposited.
         (i)  The comptroller shall release and discharge from
  liability to this state a surety on a bond furnished by a license
  holder on the 31st day after the date on which the surety files with
  the comptroller a written request to be released and discharged.
  The request does not relieve, release, or discharge the surety from
  a liability that already accrued or that accrues before the
  expiration of the 30-day period. The comptroller, promptly on
  receipt of the request, shall notify the license holder who
  furnished the bond, and unless the license holder, before the
  expiration date of the existing security, files with the
  comptroller a new bond with a surety company authorized to do
  business under the laws of this state, or other authorized
  security, in the amount required by this section, the comptroller
  shall cancel the license in the manner provided by this chapter.
         (j)  The comptroller shall immediately notify the issuer of a
  letter of credit of a final determination of the license holder's
  delinquent liability or a judgment secured in any action by this
  state to recover compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas
  taxes, costs, penalties, and interest found to be due this state by
  a license holder on whose behalf the letter of credit was issued.
  The letter of credit allowed as security under this section must
  contain a statement that the issuer agrees to respond to the
  comptroller's notice of liability with amounts to satisfy the
  comptroller's delinquency claim against the license holder.
         (k)  A license holder may request an examination or audit to
  obtain release of the security when the license holder relinquishes
  the license or when the license holder wants to substitute one form
  of security for an existing one.
         Sec. 162.362.  RETURNS AND PAYMENTS; ALLOWANCES. (a) A
  licensed dealer, on or before the 25th day of the month following
  the end of each calendar quarter, shall file a report and remit the
  amount of tax due. A licensed dealer who has not made taxable
  deliveries during the reporting period shall file with the
  comptroller a report that includes those facts or that information.
         (b)  If a licensed dealer files a report and remits the tax
  due on or before the due date under Subsection (a), one percent of
  the tax due is allocated to the licensed dealer for the expense of
  collecting, accounting for, reporting, and timely remitting the
  taxes collected and for keeping the records. The licensed dealer
  shall deduct the allocated amount from the tax due when paying the
  tax to this state.
         (c)  A licensed interstate trucker, on or before the 25th day
  of the month following the end of each calendar quarter, shall file
  a report and remit the amount of tax due. A report shall be filed
  with the comptroller on forms provided for that purpose and must
  contain the number of miles traveled in this state, the number of
  miles traveled outside this state, and other information required
  by the comptroller. An interstate trucker who is required to file a
  report under this section and who has not made interstate trips or
  used compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas in motor
  vehicles in this state during the reporting period shall file with
  the comptroller a report that includes those facts or that
         (d)  If a licensed interstate trucker files a report and
  remits the tax due on or before the due date under Subsection (c),
  one-half of one percent of the tax paid on compressed natural gas
  and liquefied natural gas used in this state by the interstate
  trucker is allocated to the interstate trucker for the expense of
  accounting for, reporting, and timely remitting the taxes due and
  for keeping the records. The licensed interstate trucker shall
  deduct the allocated amount from the tax due when paying the tax to
  this state. If the allocated amount exceeds the amount of tax due,
  the interstate trucker may file a refund claim with the
         Sec. 162.363.  RECORDS. (a)  A dealer shall keep a record
               (1)  compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas
  inventories at the first of each month;
               (2)  the amount of natural gas compressed by the dealer
  and the amount of natural gas liquefied by the dealer;
               (3)  all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural
  gas purchased or received, showing the name of the seller and the
  date of each purchase or receipt;
               (4)  all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural
  gas sold and delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle,
  showing the date of the sale;
               (5)  all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural
  gas sold but not delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle, showing the date of the sale;
               (6)  all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural
  gas delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle not in
  connection with a sale, showing the date of the delivery;
               (7)  all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural
  gas sold or delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle
  or other equipment exempt from tax under Section 162.356, showing
  the name of the operator of the vehicle or the owner of the
  equipment and the date of the delivery; and
               (8)  all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural
  gas lost by fire, theft, or accident.
         (b)  An interstate trucker shall keep a record of:
               (1)  the total miles traveled in all states by all
  vehicles traveling to or from this state and the total quantity of
  compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas consumed in those
  vehicles; and
               (2)  the total miles traveled in this state and the
  total quantity of compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas
  purchased and delivered into the fuel supply tanks of motor
  vehicles in this state.
         (c)  The records required by this section must be kept until
  the fourth anniversary of the date they are created and are open to
  inspection at all times by the comptroller and the attorney
         (d)  In addition to the records specifically required by this
  subchapter, a license holder or a person required to hold a license
  shall keep any other records required by the comptroller.
  A person who receives or collects tax under this subchapter holds
  the amount received or collected in trust for the benefit of this
  state and has a fiduciary duty to remit to the comptroller the
  amount of tax received or collected.
         (b)  A dealer who receives a payment of tax under this
  subchapter may not apply the payment of tax to a debt that the
  person making the payment owes for compressed natural gas or
  liquefied natural gas purchased from the dealer.
         (c)  A person required to receive or collect a tax under this
  subchapter is liable for and shall pay the tax in the manner
  provided by this subchapter.
  (a)  A license holder may take a credit on a return for the period
  in which the purchase occurred, and a person who does not hold a
  license under this subchapter may file a refund claim with the
  comptroller if the license holder or person paid tax on compressed
  natural gas or liquefied natural gas and the license holder or
               (1)  is the United States government and the fuel was
  delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle operated
  exclusively by the United States, provided that a credit or refund
  is not allowed for fuel delivered into the fuel supply tank of a
  motor vehicle operated by a person operating under a contract with
  the United States;
               (2)  is a public school district in this state and the
  fuel was delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle
  operated exclusively by the district;
               (3)  is a commercial transportation company that
  provides public school transportation services to a school district
  under Section 34.008, Education Code, and the fuel was delivered
  into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle used to provide those
               (4)  is a volunteer fire department in this state and
  the fuel was delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle
  operated exclusively by the department;
               (5)  is a county in this state and the fuel was
  delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle operated
  exclusively by the county;
               (6)  is a nonprofit electric cooperative corporation
  organized under Chapter 161, Utilities Code, and the fuel was
  delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle operated
  exclusively by the electric cooperative;
               (7)  is a nonprofit telephone cooperative corporation
  organized under Chapter 162, Utilities Code, and the fuel was
  delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle operated
  exclusively by the telephone cooperative;
               (8)  uses the fuel in off-highway equipment, in a
  stationary engine, in a motorboat, in an aircraft, in equipment
  used solely for servicing aircraft and used exclusively
  off-highway, in a locomotive, or for other nonhighway purposes and
  not in a motor vehicle operated or intended to be operated on the
  public highways; or
               (9)  uses the fuel in a motor vehicle that is operated
  exclusively off-highway, except for incidental travel on the public
  highways as determined by the comptroller, provided that a credit
  or refund may not be allowed for the portion used in the incidental
  highway travel.
         (b)  A licensed interstate trucker may take a credit on a
  return for the period in which the purchase occurred if the licensed
  interstate trucker paid tax on compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas and uses the fuel outside this state in commercial
  vehicles operated under an interstate trucker license, provided
  that a credit taken under this subsection must be taken within the
  limitation period provided by Section 162.369.
         (c)  A transit company that paid tax on the purchase of
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas may apply to the
  comptroller for and obtain a refund in an amount equal to one cent
  per gasoline gallon equivalent of compressed natural gas or diesel
  gallon equivalent of liquefied natural gas used in transit
         (d)  The right to receive a refund or take a credit under this
  section is not assignable.
         (e)  The comptroller may adopt rules specifying procedures
  and requirements that must be followed to take a credit or receive a
  refund under this section.
         Sec. 162.366.  CREDIT FOR BAD DEBT OR NONPAYMENT. (a) A
  licensed dealer may take a credit on a return filed under this
  subchapter if:
               (1)  the dealer paid the taxes imposed by this
  subchapter on compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas sold
  on account;
               (2)  the dealer determines that the account is
  uncollectible and worthless; and
               (3)  the account is written off as a bad debt on the
  dealer's accounting books.
         (b)  The return on which the credit is taken must state, if
  applicable, the name of the person whose account has been written
  off as a bad debt or who failed to remit the tax and any other
  information required by the comptroller. The amount of the credit
  that may be taken under Subsection (a) may be equal to but may not
  exceed the amount of taxes paid on the compressed natural gas or
  liquefied natural gas to which the written-off account applies.
         (c)  If, after a credit is taken under Subsection (a), the
  account on which the credit was based is paid, or if the comptroller
  otherwise determines that the credit was not authorized by
  Subsection (a), the dealer who took the credit shall pay the unpaid
  taxes plus a penalty of 10 percent of the amount of the unpaid taxes
  and interest at the rate provided by Section 111.060 beginning on
  the day the report showing the credit was filed and ending on the
  date the taxes and penalty are paid.
         (d)  This section does not apply to a sale of compressed
  natural gas or liquefied natural gas for which payment is made
  through the use and acceptance of a credit card.
         (e)  A credit under this section must be taken at the time the
  account is written off as a bad debt, but may only be taken before
  the expiration of the applicable limitation period as provided by
  Chapter 111.
         (f)  The comptroller may take action against a person in
  relation to whom a dealer has taken a credit for collection of the
  tax owed and for penalty and interest as provided by Chapter 111.
         Sec. 162.367.  CLAIMS FOR REFUNDS. (a) A refund claim must
  be filed on a form provided by the comptroller, be supported by the
  original invoice issued by the dealer, and contain:
               (1)  the stamped or preprinted name and address of the
               (2)  the name of the purchaser or person who received
  the delivery of fuel;
               (3)  the date of delivery of the fuel;
               (4)  the date the invoice was issued, if different from
  the date of fuel delivery;
               (5)  the number of gasoline gallon equivalents of
  compressed natural gas or diesel gallon equivalents of liquefied
  natural gas delivered;
               (6)  the rate and the amount of tax added to the selling
  price; and
               (7)  the type of vehicle or equipment into which the
  fuel is delivered.
         (b)  The purchaser or person who received the delivery of
  compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas must obtain the
  original invoice from the dealer not later than the 30th day after
  the date the fuel is delivered. If the purchase or delivery of fuel
  is made through an automated method in which the purchase or
  delivery is automatically applied to the purchaser or recipient's
  account, one invoice may be issued at the time of billing that
  covers multiple purchases or deliveries made during a 30-day
  billing cycle.
         (c)  The comptroller shall pay a refund by warrant to a
  person who files a valid refund claim.
         (d)  A person who files a claim for a tax refund on compressed
  natural gas or liquefied natural gas used for a purpose for which a
  tax refund is not authorized or who files an invoice supporting a
  refund claim on which the date, figures, or any material
  information has been falsified or altered forfeits the person's
  right to the entire amount of the refund claim filed unless the
  claimant provides proof satisfactory to the comptroller that the
  incorrect refund claim filed was due to a clerical or mathematical
  calculation error.
         (e)  After examining the refund claim and before issuing a
  refund warrant, the comptroller shall deduct from the amount of the
  refund the one percent originally deducted by the dealer under
  Section 162.362(b).
  AUTHORITIES. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, a
  metropolitan rapid transit authority operating under Chapter 451,
  Transportation Code, that is a party to a contract governed by
  Section 34.008, Education Code, is entitled to a refund of taxes
  paid under this subchapter for compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle
  used to provide services under the contract and may file a refund
  claim with the comptroller for the amount of those taxes.
         (b)  The refund claim under Subsection (a) must contain
  information regarding:
               (1)  vehicle mileage;
               (2)  hours of service provided;
               (3)  fuel consumed;
               (4)  the total number of student passengers per route;
               (5)  the total number of non-student passengers per
         (c)  If in any month of a school year the number of
  non-student passengers is greater than five percent of the total
  passengers for any single route under a contract governed by
  Section 34.008, Education Code, the metropolitan rapid transit
  authority is not entitled to a refund of taxes paid under this
  subchapter for the route for that month.
         (d)  A metropolitan rapid transit authority that requests a
  refund under this section shall maintain all supporting
  documentation relating to the refund until the sixth anniversary of
  the date of the request.
  otherwise provided by this section, a claim for a refund must be
  filed with the comptroller before the first anniversary of the
  first day of the calendar month following the purchase, use, or
  delivery of compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas,
  whichever period expires latest.
         (b)  If the amount of credit that a licensed interstate
  trucker is entitled to take under Section 162.365(b) exceeds the
  amount of tax due on that reporting period, the excess credit amount
  may be claimed on any of three successive quarterly returns
  following the period in which the credit was established, or the
  licensed interstate trucker may seek a refund from the comptroller
  on or before the due date of the third successive quarterly return
  following the period in which the credit was established. A credit
  that is not claimed within the period prescribed by this subsection
         (c)  If the comptroller assesses a dealer for a tax-free sale
  that is taxable, and the dealer subsequently collects the tax from
  the purchaser, the purchaser may file a refund claim before the
  first anniversary of the date the dealer's deficiency assessment
  becomes final if the purchaser used the fuel in an exempt manner.
         (d)  A dealer who determines taxes were erroneously reported
  and remitted or who paid more taxes than were due because of a
  mistake of fact or law may take a credit on the quarterly tax report
  on which the error occurred and the tax payment was made to the
  comptroller.  The credit must be taken before the expiration of the
  applicable period of limitation as provided by Chapter 111.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter F, Chapter 162, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 162.506 to read as follows:
  LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS TAX. On or before the fifth workday after the
  end of each month, the comptroller, after making deductions for
  refund purposes and for the administration and enforcement of this
  chapter, shall allocate the remainder of the taxes collected under
  Subchapter D-1 as follows:
               (1)  one-fourth of the taxes shall be deposited to the
  credit of the available school fund; and
               (2)  three-fourths of the taxes shall be deposited to
  the credit of the state highway fund.
         SECTION 5.  Section 162.402(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (a)  A person forfeits to the state a civil penalty of not
  less than $25 and not more than $200 if the person:
               (1)  refuses to stop and permit the inspection and
  examination of a motor vehicle transporting or using motor fuel on
  demand of a peace officer or the comptroller;
               (2)  operates a motor vehicle in this state without a
  valid interstate trucker's license or a trip permit when the person
  is required to hold one of those licenses or permits;
               (3)  operates a liquefied gas-propelled motor vehicle
  that is required to be licensed in this state, including motor
  vehicles equipped with dual carburetion, and does not display a
  current liquefied gas tax decal or multistate fuels tax agreement
               (4)  makes a tax-free sale or delivery of liquefied gas
  into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle that does not display a
  current Texas liquefied gas tax decal;
               (5)  makes a taxable sale or delivery of liquefied gas
  without holding a valid dealer's license;
               (6)  makes a tax-free sale or delivery of liquefied gas
  into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle bearing out-of-state
  license plates;
               (7)  makes a delivery of liquefied gas into the fuel
  supply tank of a motor vehicle bearing Texas license plates and no
  Texas liquefied gas tax decal, unless licensed under a multistate
  fuels tax agreement;
               (8)  transports gasoline or diesel fuel in any cargo
  tank that has a connection by pipe, tube, valve, or otherwise with
  the fuel injector or carburetor of, or with the fuel supply tank
  feeding the fuel injector or carburetor of, the motor vehicle
  transporting the product;
               (9)  sells or delivers gasoline or diesel fuel from any
  fuel supply tank connected with the fuel injector or carburetor of a
  motor vehicle;
               (10)  owns or operates a motor vehicle for which
  reports or mileage records are required by this chapter without an
  operating odometer or other device in good working condition to
  record accurately the miles traveled;
               (11)  furnishes to a licensed supplier or distributor a
  signed statement for purchasing diesel fuel tax-free and then uses
  the tax-free diesel fuel to operate a diesel-powered motor vehicle
  on a public highway;
               (12)  fails or refuses to comply with or violates a
  provision of this chapter;
               (13)  fails or refuses to comply with or violates a
  comptroller's rule for administering or enforcing this chapter;
               (14)  is an importer who does not obtain an import
  verification number when required by this chapter; [or]
               (15)  purchases motor fuel for export, on which the tax
  imposed by this chapter has not been paid, and subsequently diverts
  or causes the motor fuel to be diverted to a destination in this
  state or any other state or country other than the originally
  designated state or country without first obtaining a diversion
               (16)  delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle and the
  person does not hold a valid compressed natural gas and liquefied
  natural gas dealer's license; or
               (17)  makes a tax-free delivery of compressed natural
  gas or liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle, unless the delivery is exempt from tax under Section
         SECTION 6.  Section 162.403, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 162.403.  CRIMINAL OFFENSES. Except as provided by
  Section 162.404, a person commits an offense if the person:
               (1)  refuses to stop and permit the inspection and
  examination of a motor vehicle transporting or using motor fuel on
  the demand of a peace officer or the comptroller;
               (2)  is required to hold a valid trip permit or
  interstate trucker's license, but operates a motor vehicle in this
  state without a valid trip permit or interstate trucker's license;
               (3)  operates a liquefied gas-propelled motor vehicle
  that is required to be licensed in this state, including a motor
  vehicle equipped with dual carburetion, and does not display a
  current liquefied gas tax decal or multistate fuels tax agreement
               (4)  transports gasoline or diesel fuel in any cargo
  tank that has a connection by pipe, tube, valve, or otherwise with
  the fuel injector or carburetor or with the fuel supply tank feeding
  the fuel injector or carburetor of the motor vehicle transporting
  the product;
               (5)  sells or delivers gasoline or diesel fuel from a
  fuel supply tank that is connected with the fuel injector or
  carburetor of a motor vehicle;
               (6)  owns or operates a motor vehicle for which reports
  or mileage records are required by this chapter without an
  operating odometer or other device in good working condition to
  record accurately the miles traveled;
               (7)  sells or delivers dyed diesel fuel for the
  operation of a motor vehicle on a public highway;
               (8)  uses dyed diesel fuel for the operation of a motor
  vehicle on a public highway except as allowed under Section
               (9)  makes a tax-free sale or delivery of liquefied gas
  into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle that does not display a
  current Texas liquefied gas tax decal;
               (10)  makes a sale or delivery of liquefied gas on which
  the person knows the tax is required to be collected, if at the time
  the sale is made the person does not hold a valid dealer's license;
               (11)  makes a tax-free sale or delivery of liquefied
  gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle bearing
  out-of-state license plates;
               (12)  makes a delivery of liquefied gas into the fuel
  supply tank of a motor vehicle bearing Texas license plates and no
  Texas liquefied gas tax decal, unless licensed under a multistate
  fuels tax agreement;
               (13)  refuses to permit the comptroller or the attorney
  general to inspect, examine, or audit a book or record required to
  be kept by a license holder, other user, or any person required to
  hold a license under this chapter;
               (14)  refuses to permit the comptroller or the attorney
  general to inspect or examine any plant, equipment, materials, or
  premises where motor fuel is produced, processed, blended, stored,
  sold, delivered, or used;
               (15)  refuses to permit the comptroller, the attorney
  general, an employee of either of those officials, a peace officer,
  an employee of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or an
  employee of the Department of Agriculture to measure or gauge the
  contents of or take samples from a storage tank or container on
  premises where motor fuel is produced, processed, blended, stored,
  sold, delivered, or used;
               (16)  is a license holder, a person required to be
  licensed, or another user and fails or refuses to make or deliver to
  the comptroller a report required by this chapter to be made and
  delivered to the comptroller;
               (17)  is an importer who does not obtain an import
  verification number when required by this chapter;
               (18)  purchases motor fuel for export, on which the tax
  imposed by this chapter has not been paid, and subsequently diverts
  or causes the motor fuel to be diverted to a destination in this
  state or any other state or country other than the originally
  designated state or country without first obtaining a diversion
               (19)  conceals motor fuel with the intent of engaging
  in any conduct proscribed by this chapter or refuses to make sales
  of motor fuel on the volume-corrected basis prescribed by this
               (20)  refuses, while transporting motor fuel, to stop
  the motor vehicle the person is operating when called on to do so by
  a person authorized to stop the motor vehicle;
               (21)  refuses to surrender a motor vehicle and cargo
  for impoundment after being ordered to do so by a person authorized
  to impound the motor vehicle and cargo;
               (22)  mutilates, destroys, or secretes a book or record
  required by this chapter to be kept by a license holder, other user,
  or person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (23)  is a license holder, other user, or other person
  required to hold a license under this chapter, or the agent or
  employee of one of those persons, and makes a false entry or fails
  to make an entry in the books and records required under this
  chapter to be made by the person or fails to retain a document as
  required by this chapter;
               (24)  transports in any manner motor fuel under a false
  cargo manifest or shipping document, or transports in any manner
  motor fuel to a location without delivering at the same time a
  shipping document relating to that shipment;
               (25)  engages in a motor fuel transaction that requires
  that the person have a license under this chapter without then and
  there holding the required license;
               (26)  makes and delivers to the comptroller a report
  required under this chapter to be made and delivered to the
  comptroller, if the report contains false information;
               (27)  forges, falsifies, or alters an invoice or
  shipping document prescribed by law;
               (28)  makes any statement, knowing said statement to be
  false, in a claim for a tax refund filed with the comptroller;
               (29)  furnishes to a licensed supplier or distributor a
  signed statement for purchasing diesel fuel tax-free and then uses
  the tax-free diesel fuel to operate a diesel-powered motor vehicle
  on a public highway;
               (30)  holds an aviation fuel dealer's license and makes
  a taxable sale or use of any gasoline or diesel fuel;
               (31)  fails to remit any tax funds collected or
  required to be collected by a license holder, another user, or any
  other person required to hold a license under this chapter;
               (32)  makes a sale of dyed diesel fuel tax-free into a
  storage facility of a person who:
                     (A)  is not licensed as a distributor, as an
  aviation fuel dealer, or as a dyed diesel fuel bonded user; or
                     (B)  does not furnish to the licensed supplier or
  distributor a signed statement prescribed in Section 162.206;
               (33)  makes a sale of gasoline tax-free to any person
  who is not licensed as an aviation fuel dealer;
               (34)  purchases any motor fuel tax-free when not
  authorized to make a tax-free purchase under this chapter;
               (35)  purchases motor fuel with the intent to evade any
  tax imposed by this chapter or accepts a delivery of motor fuel by
  any means and does not at the same time accept or receive a shipping
  document relating to the delivery;
               (36)  transports motor fuel for which a cargo manifest
  or shipping document is required to be carried without possessing
  or exhibiting on demand by an officer authorized to make the demand
  a cargo manifest or shipping document containing the information
  required to be shown on the manifest or shipping document;
               (37)  imports, sells, uses, blends, distributes, or
  stores motor fuel within this state on which the taxes imposed by
  this chapter are owed but have not been first paid to or reported by
  a license holder, another user, or any other person required to hold
  a license under this chapter;
               (38)  blends products together to produce a blended
  fuel that is offered for sale, sold, or used and that expands the
  volume of the original product to evade paying applicable motor
  fuel taxes; [or]
               (39)  evades or attempts to evade in any manner a tax
  imposed on motor fuel by this chapter;
               (40)  delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied
  natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle and the
  person does not hold a valid compressed natural gas and liquefied
  natural gas dealer's license; or
               (41)  makes a tax-free delivery of compressed natural
  gas or liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor
  vehicle, unless the delivery is exempt from tax under Section
         SECTION 7.  Section 162.405(b), Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (b)  An offense under Section 162.403(9), (10), (11), (12),
  (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), [or] (18), (40), or (41) is a Class B
         SECTION 8.  As soon as practicable before, on, or after the
  effective date of this Act, the comptroller of public accounts
               (1)  adopt any rules necessary to implement the changes
  in law made by this Act; and
               (2)  begin accepting applications for and issuing
  compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas dealer's licenses
  and interstate trucker's licenses under Sections 162.357 and
  162.358, Tax Code, as added by this Act, that become effective on or
  after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 9.  A person who holds a liquefied gas tax decal
  license under Section 162.305, Tax Code, that is valid on or after
  the effective date of this Act, for a vehicle fueled by compressed
  natural gas or liquefied natural gas may, not later than December
  31, 2013, apply to the comptroller of public accounts for and obtain
  a pro rata refund of the unused portion of the advanced taxes paid
  for the period after the effective date of this Act. The comptroller
  shall provide application forms for refunds under this section.
         SECTION 10.  The changes in law made by this Act do not
  affect tax liability accruing before the effective date of this
  Act. That liability continues in effect as if this Act had not been
  enacted, and the former law is continued in effect for the
  collection of taxes due and for civil and criminal enforcement of
  the liability for those taxes.
         SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect July 1, 2013, if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for effect on that
  date, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013.