By: Ellis S.B. No. 1693
  relating to the management of federal and state funds for the Texas
  Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, and other programs directed
  toward the accommodation of pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with
  disabilities, children, senior citizens, users of public
  transportation, and persons of all ages and abilities on separate
  facilities and in conjunction with motorists on street and highway
  corridors, hereafter the "All-Ages, Active, Safe, and Economical
  Transportation in Texas (AASETT)" program.
         SECTION 1.  (a) The Texas Transportation Commission
  (Commission) shall use funds allowed by federal and state law for
  Safe Routes to School and funds allowed for Transportation
  Enhancement and other related programs to create infrastructure and
  programs that address the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, persons
  with disabilities, children, senior citizens, users of public
  transportation, and persons of all ages and abilities for whom the
  benefit of such programs are directed.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter H, Chapter 201 Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section [xxx] to read as follows:
         [1.] Definitions
         "All-Ages, Active, Safe, and Economical Transportation
  funding for Texas" or "AASETT funding" means MAP-21 Transportation
  Alternative funds, other funds from future federal transportation
  acts as allowed by federal and state law to create infrastructure
  and programs that address the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists,
  persons with disabilities, children, senior citizens, users of
  public transportation, and persons of all ages and abilities for
  whom the benefit of such programs are permitted; additional funds
  from state, local, and/or other sources also designated for such
  purposes may be included.
         "Texas Safe Routes to School (SRTS)" means program functions
  providing for safe travel of Texas children to and from schools as
  defined by the federal Safe Routes to School program and state
  transportation code Section 201.614 also known as the "Matthew
  Brown Act".
         [2.] Applicability
         This act addresses funding received from (a) the federal
  government pursuant to the MAP-21 Transportation Act, (b)
  subsequent federal transportation acts as subject to federal and
  state law, and (c) other public and private programs that may
  provide resources for Safe Routes to School and AASETT projects as
  subject to federal and state law.
         All MAP-21 and subsequent federal transportation acts as
  subject to federal and state law remain eligible for SRTS and AASETT
  projects. These programs are not intended as a substitute for a
  "Complete Streets" model of inclusion of bicycle, pedestrian, and
  other infrastructure in new construction and reconstruction
         [3.] Use of MAP-21 and other related funds.
         (a)  The State of Texas shall implement and administer a SRTS
  program and an AASETT program as defined above.
         (b)  At least ninety (90) percent of MAP-21 Transportation
  Alternative and other future SRTS/AASETT eligible funds received by
  the Department shall be applied to SRTS and AASETT Projects.
         (c)  The remaining ten (10) percent of funds referenced in
  (b) shall be applied to projects as permitted by law and may include
  Safe Routes to School and AASETT projects.
         (d)  Safe Routes to School and AASETT eligible funds shall
  each make up at least 35% of the available MAP-21 Transportation
  Alternative or related program funds referenced in (b).
         (e)  Within the SRTS program, no less than 20% of available
  funds shall be directed to non-infrastructure programs and no more
  than 80% of available funds shall be directed to infrastructure
  programs, without written and signed documentation.
         (f)  SRTS planning grants that address infrastructure
  projects shall be funded from infrastructure funds. A single
  planning project proposal may address multiple infrastructure
         (g)  The Department may contract with one or more qualified
  vendor(s) to implement multiple approved SRTS and/or AASETT
  projects across the state as consistent with federal and state law.
         (h)  The Department shall make appropriate rules per SRTS and
  AASETT program activities.
          (i) The Department, in addressing SRTS and AASETT programs
  shall consider best practices and guidance from:
               (1)  the United States Department of Transportation
  Federal Highway Administration;
               (2)  the American Association of State Highway and
  Transportation Officials;
               (3)  the National Association of City Transportation
               (4)  the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
               (5)  the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
               (6)  the Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility
  Guidelines; and
               (7)  the recommended practice titled "Designing
  Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach,"
  issued by the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
         (j)  The Department Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) shall
  review all SRTS and AASETT program applications and report its
  findings to the Department; the Department may provide the BAC with
  criteria for the review process.
         Section 3.  Required Reports
          The Texas Transportation Commission shall publish a best
  practices report no later than September 1, 2014. The report shall
  describe how the Texas Department of Transportation, local
  authorities, and metropolitan planning organizations have changed
  their procedures to implement the SRTS and AASETT programs required
  under Section, Transportation Code, as added by this Act.
  The commission shall include a list of transportation projects
  exempted under Subsection (xxx), Section, Transportation
  Code, as added by this Act, in the best practices report. The
  commission, in publishing a best practices report under this
  section, shall consider:
               (1)  procedures for identifying the needs of users of
  all ages and abilities;
               (2)  the types and designs of facilities needed to
  serve the needs of users described by Subdivision (1) of this
               (3)  measures of effectiveness that document the
  results of implementing Section, Transportation Code, as
  added by this Act, on transportation projects under the
  commission's jurisdiction; and
               (4)  procedures for identifying and overcoming
  barriers to implementing the SRTS and AASETT programs required
  under Section, Transportation Code, as added by this Act.
         Section 4.  This act takes effect on September 1, 2013.