83R10484 JRJ-F
  By: Rodriguez S.B. No. 1722
  relating to reforming the electoral process; providing a criminal
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 1, Election Code, is amended by adding
  Section 1.021 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1.021.  BIPARTISAN ELECTION COMMISSION. (a)  The
  Bipartisan Election Commission is composed of eight members as
               (1)  two members from each political party whose
  nominee for governor in the most recent gubernatorial general
  election received 20 percent or more of the total number of votes
  received by all candidates for governor in the election, appointed
  by the senate; and
               (2)  two members from each political party whose
  nominee for governor in the most recent gubernatorial general
  election received 20 percent or more of the total number of votes
  received by all candidates for governor in the election, appointed
  by the house of representatives.
         (b)  A member of the commission serves at the will of the
  appointing house of the legislature.
         (c)  The commission shall:
               (1)  study methods to reduce election fraud, increase
  voter turnout, and improve election practices in this state; and
               (2)  monitor the implementation of the changes in law
  made by Chapter 123 (S.B. 14), Acts of the 82nd Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2011.
         (d)  The commission shall report its findings to the
  committees of each house of the legislature with jurisdiction over
  elections.  The commission shall submit one report not later than
  December 1, 2014, and a second report not later than December 1,
  2016.  This subsection expires September 1, 2017.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter A, Chapter 12, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 12.007 to read as follows:
  REGISTRARS.  An election officer serving a polling place for early
  voting by personal appearance is a deputy voter registrar and has
  the same authority as a regular deputy registrar.
         SECTION 3.  Section 15.005(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The notice included on the certificate under this
  section must state: "All eligible voters shall be accepted for
  voting if identification is provided that includes one form of
  photo identification or two forms of nonphoto identification.  If
  an eligible voter cannot provide these documents, the voter shall
  be allowed to vote if a signed affidavit subject to verification is
  provided." [secretary of state shall prescribe the wording of the
  notice to be included on the certificate under this section.]
         SECTION 4.  Section 31.012, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.012.  VOTER IDENTIFICATION EDUCATION. (a)  The
  secretary of state, in cooperation with appropriate nonprofit
  organizations as determined by the secretary of state and with each
  party whose nominee for governor in the most recent gubernatorial
  general election received 20 percent or more of the total number of
  votes received by all candidates for governor in the election,
  shall establish a statewide voter education project to [and the
  voter registrar of each county that maintains a website shall]
  provide notice of the identification requirements for voting
  prescribed by Chapter 63 and to increase awareness regarding the
  methods of acquiring the required identification [on each entity's
  respective website in each language in which voter registration
  materials are available.     The secretary of state shall prescribe
  the wording of the notice to be included on the websites].
         (b)  A project established under this section must include:
               (1)  a community outreach program in which information
  about the identification requirements is provided considering the
  needs of individuals in each community; and
               (2)  a communications strategy for providing
  information about the identification requirements through print,
  radio, and television in each electronic media market beginning six
  months in advance of the first election for which photo
  identification is required [The secretary of state shall conduct a
  statewide effort to educate voters regarding the identification
  requirements for voting prescribed by Chapter 63].
         (c)  The county clerk or county elections administrator
  shall administer projects established under this section [of each
  county shall post in a prominent location at the clerk's office a
  physical copy of the notice prescribed under Subsection (a) in each
  language in which voter registration materials are available].
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter A, Chapter 31, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 31.013 and 31.014 to read as follows:
         Sec. 31.013.  ELECTION INTEGRITY TRAINING.  The secretary of
  state and the attorney general jointly shall annually conduct, in
  at least four different geographic regions of the state, election
  integrity training for election officers, law enforcement
  personnel, and prosecutors in methods of detecting, investigating,
  and prosecuting instances of voter fraud and voter suppression.
         Sec. 31.014.  PHOTO IDENTIFICATION ACCESS STUDY. (a) Not
  later than January 1, 2015, the secretary of state shall conduct a
  study on the availability of photo identification and provide
  recommendations to the legislature concerning:
               (1)  the ability to merge the databases of different
  state agencies and governmental entities to obtain photographs of
  voters for use on the voter's voter registration certificate; and
               (2)  ways to make photo identification available at no
  cost to as many voters as possible, including the use of a program
  to obtain photographs of voters using neighborhood mobile units for
  use on the voter's voter registration certificate.
         (b)  This section expires September 1, 2015.
         SECTION 6.  Chapter 61, Election Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter C to read as follows:
  SUPPRESSION PROHIBITED. A person may not knowingly deceive another
  person regarding:
               (1)  the time, place, or manner of conducting an
  election in this state; or
               (2)  the qualifications for or restrictions governing
  voter eligibility for an election in this state.
         Sec. 61.062.  CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  A person commits an
  offense if the person violates Section 61.061 with the intent to
  prevent another person from:
               (1)  voting in an election; or
               (2)  casting a ballot that may legally be counted.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
  SECRETARY. (a) A person may report a suspected violation of
  Section 61.061 to the secretary of state through the voting rights
  hotline or otherwise.
         (b)  Not later than 48 hours after receiving the report, the
  secretary of state shall:
               (1)  refer the matter to the attorney general as
  provided by Section 31.006 if the secretary determines that there
  is reasonable cause to suspect that a criminal offense has been
  committed; and
               (2)  take any action determined necessary to provide
  correct information to the voters affected by the violation.
         (c)  The secretary of state shall adopt rules regarding the
  method of taking corrective action under Subsection (b)(2).
         Sec. 61.064.  REPORT TO LEGISLATURE.  (a) Not later than
  February 1 of each year, the secretary of state shall submit a
  report to the legislature regarding the reported violations of
  Section 61.061 during the preceding calendar year.
         (b)  The report must include:
               (1)  the number of reports of violations received;
               (2)  the number of alleged violations referred to the
  attorney general;
               (3)  a description of the corrective actions taken
  under Section 61.063(b)(2);
               (4)  the geographic locations of and populations
  affected by the alleged violations; and
               (5)  any other information considered appropriate by
  the secretary of state.
         (c)  The secretary of state may withhold specific
  information from a report under this section if the secretary
  determines that the disclosure of that information would unduly
  interfere with an ongoing investigation.
         SECTION 7.  Section 62.011(d), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  The poster must also include the following information:
               (1)  the date of the election and the hours during which
  the polling place is open;
               (2)  general information on voting rights under state
  and federal laws, including information on the right of an
  individual to cast a provisional ballot, the right to receive a
  written and signed explanation if an individual is not accepted to
  cast a regular ballot, and the individuals to contact if a person
  believes these rights have been violated; and
               (3)  general information on state and federal laws that
  prohibit acts of fraud or misrepresentation.
         SECTION 8.  Section 62.0115(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  Except as revised by the secretary of state under
  Subsection (d), the notice must state that a voter has the right to:
               (1)  vote a ballot and view written instructions on how
  to cast a ballot;
               (2)  vote in secret and free from intimidation;
               (3)  receive up to two additional ballots if the voter
  mismarks, damages, or otherwise spoils a ballot;
               (4)  request instructions on how to cast a ballot, but
  not to receive suggestions on how to vote;
               (5)  bring an interpreter to translate the ballot and
  any instructions from election officials;
               (6)  receive assistance in casting the ballot if the
                     (A)  has a physical disability that renders the
  voter unable to write or see; or
                     (B)  cannot read the language in which the ballot
  is written;
               (7)  cast a ballot on executing an affidavit as
  provided by law, if the voter's eligibility to vote is questioned;
               (8)  report an existing or potential abuse of voting
  rights to the secretary of state or the local election official;
               (9)  except as provided by Section 85.066(b), Election
  Code, vote at any early voting location in the county in which the
  voter resides in an election held at county expense, a primary
  election, or a special election ordered by the governor; [and]
               (10)  file an administrative complaint with the
  secretary of state concerning a violation of federal or state
  voting procedures; and
               (11)  receive a written and signed explanation if the
  voter is not accepted to cast a regular ballot.
         SECTION 9.  Section 63.001, Election Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b), (c), (d), (g), and (h) and adding
  Subsection (i) to read as follows:
         (b)  On [Except as provided by Subsection (h), on] offering
  to vote, a voter must present to an election officer at the polling
               (1)  one form of photo identification listed in
  [described by] Section 63.0101(a);
               (2)  two different forms of identification listed in
  Section 63.0101(b); or
               (3)  the voter's voter registration certificate,
  accompanied by the affidavit described by Subsection (h) [63.0101].
         (c)  On presentation of the documentation required by
  [under] Subsection (b), an election officer shall determine whether
  the voter's name on the registration certificate [documentation] is
  on the list of registered voters for the precinct.  [If in making a
  determination under this subsection the election officer
  determines under standards adopted by the secretary of state that
  the voter's name on the documentation is substantially similar to
  but does not match exactly with the name on the list, the voter
  shall be accepted for voting under Subsection (d) if the voter
  submits an affidavit stating that the voter is the person on the
  list of registered voters.]
         (d)  If[, as determined under Subsection (c),] the voter's
  name is on the precinct list of registered voters and the voter
  presents the required [voter's identity can be verified from the]
  documentation [presented] under Subsection (b), the voter shall be
  accepted for voting.
         (g)  If the requirements for identification prescribed by
  Subsection (b) are not met, the voter may be accepted for
  provisional voting only under Section 63.011.  An election officer
  shall inform [For] a voter who is not accepted for voting under this
  section[, an election officer shall:
               [(1)  inform the voter] of the voter's right to cast a
  provisional ballot under Section 63.011[; and
               [(2)     provide the voter with written information, in a
  form prescribed by the secretary of state, that:
                     [(A)  lists the requirements for identification;
                     [(B)     states the procedure for presenting
  identification under Section 65.0541;
                     [(C)     includes a map showing the location where
  identification must be presented; and
                     [(D)     includes notice that if all procedures are
  followed and the voter is found to be eligible to vote and is voting
  in the correct precinct, the voter's provisional ballot will be
         (h)  If the requirement [The requirements] for
  identification prescribed by Subsection (b)(1) or (2) is not met,
  an election officer shall notify the voter that the voter may be
  accepted for voting if the voter executes an affidavit under
  penalty of perjury stating that the voter is the person named on
  [(b) do not apply to a voter who is disabled and presents] the
  [voter's] voter registration certificate. The affidavit must
  include the voter's name, address, year of birth, and signature
  [containing the indication described by Section 15.001(c) on
  offering to vote].
         (i)  An election officer who determines not to accept a voter
  shall provide the voter with a statement signed by the election
  officer listing all reasons why that voter was not accepted and the
  circumstances under which a voter may vote a provisional ballot.
  The statement shall be on a form prescribed by the secretary of
  state. The form shall include a list of common reasons for not
  accepting a voter and a space or box next to each reason to indicate
  whether the reason applies to the voter, and a space or box to
  indicate whether the voter was offered the opportunity to cast a
  provisional ballot.  The secretary of state, to the extent
  practicable, shall prescribe the use of existing forms to provide 
  the statement required by this subsection to minimize the number of
  forms needed at a polling place.
         SECTION 10.  Section 63.006(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A voter who, when offering to vote, presents the
  documentation required under Section 63.001(b)(1) or (2)
  [63.001(b)] but whose name is not on the precinct list of registered
  voters shall be accepted for voting if the voter also presents a
  voter registration certificate indicating that the voter is
  currently registered:
               (1)  in the precinct in which the voter is offering to
  vote if the name listed on the documentation matches the name listed
  on the voter registration certificate; or
               (2)  in a different precinct in the same county as the
  precinct in which the voter is offering to vote and the voter
  executes an affidavit stating that the voter:
                     (A)  is a resident of the precinct in which the
  voter is offering to vote or is otherwise entitled by law to vote in
  that precinct;
                     (B)  was a resident of the precinct in which the
  voter is offering to vote at the time the information on the voter's
  residence address was last provided to the voter registrar;
                     (C)  did not deliberately provide false
  information to secure registration in a precinct in which the voter
  does not reside; and
                     (D)  is voting only once in the election.
         SECTION 11.  Section 63.0101, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 63.0101.  DOCUMENTATION OF PROOF OF
  IDENTIFICATION.  (a)  The following documentation is an acceptable
  form of photo identification under this chapter:
               (1)  a driver's license[, election identification
  certificate,] or personal identification card issued to the person
  by the Department of Public Safety that has not expired or that
  expired no earlier than two years [60 days] before the date of
               (2)  a United States military identification card that
  contains the person's photograph [that has not expired or that
  expired no earlier than 60 days before the date of presentation];
               (3)  a United States citizenship or naturalization
  certificate issued to the person that contains the person's
               (4)  a United States passport issued to the person
  [that has not expired or that expired no earlier than 60 days before
  the date of presentation]; [or]
               (5)  a license to carry a concealed handgun issued to
  the person by the Department of Public Safety; or
               (6)  a valid identification card that contains the
  person's photograph and is issued by:
                     (A)  an agency or institution of the federal
  government; or
                     (B)  an agency, institution, or political
  subdivision of this state.
         (b)  The following documentation is acceptable as proof of
  identification under this chapter:
               (1)  the person's voter registration certificate;
               (2)  a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement,
  government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows
  the name and address of the person;
               (3)  official mail addressed to the person by name from
  a governmental entity;
               (4)  a certified copy of a birth certificate or other
  document confirming birth that is admissible in a court of law and
  establishes the person's identity;
               (5)  United States citizenship papers issued to the
               (6)  an original or certified copy of the person's
  marriage license or divorce decree;
               (7)  court records of the person's adoption, name
  change, or sex change;
               (8)  an identification card issued to the person by a
  governmental entity of this state or the United States for the
  purpose of obtaining public benefits, including veterans benefits,
  Medicaid, or Medicare;
               (9)  a temporary driving permit issued to the person by
  the Department of Public Safety;
               (10)  a pilot's license issued to the person by the
  Federal Aviation Administration or another authorized agency of the
  United States;
               (11)  a library card that contains the person's name
  issued to the person by a public library located in this state;
               (12)  a hunting or fishing license issued to the person
  by the Parks and Wildlife Department; or
               (13)  an identification card issued to the person by a
  public or private institution of higher education located in this
  state [that has not expired or that expired no earlier than 60 days
  before the date of presentation].
         SECTION 12.  Section 64.012, Election Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  The early voting ballot board may examine the signature
  and other information provided with an affidavit executed under
  Section 63.001(h) to determine if there is a reason to suspect voter
  impersonation for the purpose of prosecuting an offense under this
  section.  The early voting ballot board may notify the appropriate
  county or district attorney of a determination of suspicion under
  this subsection.
         SECTION 13.  Section 65.051(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The early voting ballot board shall verify and count
  provisional ballots as provided by this subchapter not later than
  the 10th [seventh] day after the date of an election.
         SECTION 14.  Section 65.054, Election Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (b-1), a [A]
  provisional ballot may [shall] be accepted if the board determines
               [(1)]  from the information in the affidavit or
  contained in public records, the person is eligible to vote in the
  election and has not previously voted in that election[;
               [(2)  the person:
                     [(A)     meets the identification requirements of
  Section 63.001(b) at the time the ballot was cast or in the period
  prescribed under Section 65.0541;
                     [(B)     notwithstanding Chapter 110, Civil Practice
  and Remedies Code, executes an affidavit under penalty of perjury
  that states the voter has a religious objection to being
  photographed and the voter has consistently refused to be
  photographed for any governmental purpose from the time the voter
  has held this belief; or
                     [(C)     executes an affidavit under penalty of
  perjury that states the voter does not have any identification
  meeting the requirements of Section 63.001(b) as a result of a
  natural disaster that was declared by the president of the United
  States or the governor, occurred not earlier than 45 days before the
  date the ballot was cast, and caused the destruction of or inability
  to access the voter's identification; and
               [(3)     the voter has not been challenged and voted a
  provisional ballot solely because the voter did not meet the
  requirements for identification prescribed by Section 63.001(b)].
         (b-1)  A provisional ballot cast under Section 85.0312 shall
  be accepted if the voter registrar determines the applicant is
  eligible for registration under Section 85.0312(d).
         SECTION 15.  Section 67.003, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 67.003.  TIME FOR LOCAL CANVASS.  (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsection (b), each local canvassing authority shall
  convene to conduct the local canvass at the time set by the
  canvassing authority's presiding officer not earlier than the 11th
  [eighth] day or later than the 14th [11th] day after election day.
         (b)  For an election held on the uniform election date in
  May, the local  canvass must occur not later than the 14th [11th]
  day after election day and not earlier than the later of:
               (1)  the third day after election day;
               (2)  the date on which the early voting ballot board has
  verified and counted all provisional ballots, if a provisional
  ballot has been cast in the election; or
               (3)  the date on which all timely received ballots cast
  from addresses outside of the United States are counted, if a ballot
  to be voted by mail in the election was provided to a person outside
  of the United States.
         SECTION 16.  Subchapter B, Chapter 85, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 85.0312 to read as follows:
  VOTING.  (a)  A person who would be eligible to vote in an election
  under Section 11.001, but for the requirement to be a registered
  voter, shall be accepted during early voting by personal appearance
  for voting the ballot for the precinct of the person's residence as
  shown by the identification presented if, on the day the person
  offers to vote, the person:
               (1)  submits a voter registration application that
  complies with Section 13.002 to an election officer at the polling
  place; and
               (2)  presents as proof of residence a photo
  identification under Section 63.0101(a) that states the person's
  current address on the day the person seeks to vote.
         (b)  The election officer shall return the original proof of
  residence to the voter.
         (c)  A person voting under this section shall vote a
  provisional ballot in the manner provided by Section 63.011 except
  that the person is not required to submit the affidavit under
  Section 63.011(a).
         (d)  For each registration corresponding to a ballot cast
  under this section, the voter registrar shall review the
  application and determine whether the applicant is eligible for
  registration as provided by Subchapter C, Chapter 13.  The
  registrar shall inform the early voting ballot board of a
  determination made under this subsection.  A registration approved
  under this subsection takes effect on the date the vote was cast.
         (e)  The secretary of state may by rule prescribe procedures
  to implement this section.
         (f)  An authority holding an election that does not include a
  statewide or federal election is not required to comply with this
         SECTION 17.  Subchapter A, Chapter 273, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 273.005 to read as follows:
         Sec. 273.005.  POST-ELECTION INTEGRITY AUDIT.  (a)  
  Following the general election for state and county officers, the
  county clerk of each county shall conduct a post-election integrity
  audit to examine and investigate any evidence of voter fraud or
  voter suppression.
         (b)  The county clerk shall:
               (1)  not later than the 90th day after the date of the
  general election for state and county officers, file a report with
  the secretary of state and the commissioners court of the county
  providing details of the evidence collected in the audit; and
               (2)  refer any evidence of voter fraud or voter
  suppression collected under the audit to the district attorney or
  criminal district attorney with jurisdiction in the county.
         SECTION 18.  Section 521.422, Transportation Code, is
  amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the [The] fee for
  a personal identification certificate is:
               (1)  $15 for a person under 60 years of age;
               (2)  $5 for a person 60 years of age or older; and
               (3)  $20 for a person subject to the registration
  requirements under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure.
         (d)  The department may not collect a fee for a personal
  identification certificate issued to a person who states that the
  person is obtaining the personal identification certificate for the
  purpose of voting, and:
               (1)  who is a registered voter in this state and
  presents a valid voter registration certificate; or
               (2)  who is eligible for registration under Section
  13.001, Election Code, and submits a registration application to
  the department.
         SECTION 19.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.