83R7698 SLB-F
  By: Uresti S.B. No. 1760
  relating to the development of brackish groundwater.
         SECTION 1.  Section 16.053(e), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  Each regional water planning group shall submit to the
  development board a regional water plan that:
               (1)  is consistent with the guidance principles for the
  state water plan adopted by the development board under Section
               (2)  provides information based on data provided or
  approved by the development board in a format consistent with the
  guidelines provided by the development board under Subsection (d);
               (2-a)  is consistent with the desired future conditions
  adopted under Section 36.108 for the relevant aquifers located in
  the regional water planning area as of the date the board most
  recently adopted a state water plan under Section 16.051 or, at the
  option of the regional water planning group, established subsequent
  to the adoption of the most recent plan;
               (3)  identifies:
                     (A)  each source of water supply in the regional
  water planning area, including information supplied by the
  executive administrator on the amount of modeled available
  groundwater in accordance with the guidelines provided by the
  development board under Subsections (d) and (f);
                     (B)  factors specific to each source of water
  supply to be considered in determining whether to initiate a
  drought response;
                     (C)  actions to be taken as part of the response;
                     (D)  existing major water infrastructure
  facilities that may be used for interconnections in the event of an
  emergency shortage of water;
               (4)  has specific provisions for water management
  strategies to be used during a drought of record;
               (5)  includes but is not limited to consideration of
  the following:
                     (A)  any existing water or drought planning
  efforts addressing all or a portion of the region;
                     (B)  approved groundwater conservation district
  management plans and other plans submitted under Section 16.054;
                     (C)  all potentially feasible water management
  strategies, including but not limited to improved conservation,
  reuse, and management of existing water supplies, conjunctive use,
  acquisition of available existing water supplies, and development
  of new water supplies;
                     (D)  protection of existing water rights in the
                     (E)  opportunities for and the benefits of
  developing regional water supply facilities or providing regional
  management of water supply facilities;
                     (F)  appropriate provision for environmental
  water needs and for the effect of upstream development on the bays,
  estuaries, and arms of the Gulf of Mexico and the effect of plans on
                     (G)  provisions in Section 11.085(k)(1) if
  interbasin transfers are contemplated;
                     (H)  voluntary transfer of water within the region
  using, but not limited to, regional water banks, sales, leases,
  options, subordination agreements, and financing agreements; [and]
                     (I)  emergency transfer of water under Section
  11.139, including information on the part of each permit, certified
  filing, or certificate of adjudication for nonmunicipal use in the
  region that may be transferred without causing unreasonable damage
  to the property of the nonmunicipal water rights holder; and
                     (J)  opportunities for and the benefits of
  developing large-scale desalination facilities for brackish
  groundwater or seawater that serve local or regional brackish
  groundwater production zones identified under Section 16.060;
               (6)  identifies river and stream segments of unique
  ecological value and sites of unique value for the construction of
  reservoirs that the regional water planning group recommends for
  protection under Section 16.051;
               (7)  assesses the impact of the plan on unique river and
  stream segments identified in Subdivision (6) if the regional water
  planning group or the legislature determines that a site of unique
  ecological value exists;
               (8)  describes the impact of proposed water projects on
  water quality; and
               (9)  includes information on:
                     (A)  projected water use and conservation in the
  regional water planning area; and
                     (B)  the implementation of state and regional
  water plan projects, including water conservation strategies,
  necessary to meet the state's projected water demands.
         SECTION 2.  Section 16.060, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (d) to read
  as follows:
         (a)  The board shall undertake or participate in research,
  feasibility and facility planning studies, investigations, and
  surveys as it considers necessary to further the development of
  cost-effective water supplies from seawater or brackish
  groundwater desalination in the state.
         (b)  The board shall prepare a biennial progress report on
  the implementation of seawater or brackish groundwater
  desalination activities in the state and shall submit it to the
  governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of
  representatives not later than December 1 of each even-numbered
  year. The report shall include:
               (1)  results of the board's studies and activities
  relative to seawater or brackish groundwater desalination during
  the preceding biennium;
               (2)  identification and evaluation of research,
  regulatory, technical, and financial impediments to the
  implementation of seawater or brackish groundwater desalination
               (3)  evaluation of the role the state should play in
  furthering the development of large-scale seawater or brackish
  groundwater desalination projects in the state; [and]
               (4)  the anticipated appropriation from general
  revenues necessary to continue investigating water desalination
  activities in the state during the next biennium; and
               (5)  identification of local or regional brackish
  groundwater production zones in areas of the state with moderate to
  high availability and productivity of brackish groundwater that can
  be used to reduce the use of fresh groundwater.
         (d)  The board shall consider the Brackish Groundwater
  Manual for Texas Regional Water Planning Groups, and any updates to
  the manual, when identifying areas of moderate to high availability
  and productivity of brackish groundwater under Subsection (b)(5).
         SECTION 3.  Section 36.001, Water Code, is amended by adding
  Subdivision (31) to read as follows:
               (31)  "Brackish groundwater" means groundwater that
  has a salinity of more than 1,000 milligrams per liter but not more
  than 10,000 milligrams per liter.
         SECTION 4.  Section 36.0015, Water Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 36.0015.  PURPOSE. In order to provide for the
  conservation, preservation, protection, recharging, development,
  and prevention of waste of groundwater, and of groundwater
  reservoirs or their subdivisions, and to control subsidence caused
  by withdrawal of water from those groundwater reservoirs or their
  subdivisions, consistent with the objectives of Section 59, Article
  XVI, Texas Constitution, groundwater conservation districts may be
  created as provided by this chapter. Groundwater conservation
  districts created as provided by this chapter are the state's
  preferred method of groundwater management through rules
  developed, adopted, and promulgated by a district in accordance
  with the provisions of this chapter.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter D, Chapter 36, Water Code, is amended
  by adding Section 36.1015 to read as follows:
  REGULATION. (a) The Texas Water Development Board shall develop
  and make available model rules for the permitting of brackish
  groundwater production. The model rules shall include:
               (1)  a prohibition on limiting the production of
  brackish groundwater to achieve a desired future condition unless
  the executive administrator has determined the amount of modeled
  available groundwater specifically attributed to brackish
               (2)  a minimum term of 30 years for a permit issued for
  a well that produces brackish groundwater;
               (3)  a prohibition on reducing the authorized amount of
  brackish groundwater that may be withdrawn from a well during the
  term of the permit; and
               (4)  other provisions that the Texas Water Development
  Board considers appropriate to encourage the development of
  brackish groundwater desalination projects.
         (b)  The Texas Water Development Board shall consider the
  Brackish Groundwater Manual for Texas Regional Water Planning
  Groups, and any updates to the manual, in developing the rules under
  Subsection (a).
         SECTION 6.  Section 36.1071(a), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Following notice and hearing, the district shall, in
  coordination with surface water management entities on a regional
  basis, develop a management plan that addresses the following
  management goals, as applicable:
               (1)  providing the most efficient use of groundwater;
               (2)  controlling and preventing waste of groundwater;
               (3)  controlling and preventing subsidence;
               (4)  addressing conjunctive surface water management
               (5)  addressing natural resource issues;
               (6)  addressing drought conditions;
               (7)  addressing conservation, recharge enhancement,
  rainwater harvesting, precipitation enhancement, or brush control,
  where appropriate and cost-effective; [and]
               (8)  addressing the desired future conditions adopted
  by the district under Section 36.108; and
               (9)  identifying goals to pursue the reduction of fresh
  groundwater use through brackish groundwater desalination
  strategies in production zones identified under Section 16.060.
         SECTION 7.  Section 36.108(d-2), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d-2)  The desired future conditions proposed under
  Subsection (d) must provide a balance between the highest
  practicable level of groundwater production and the conservation,
  preservation, protection, recharging, and prevention of waste of
  groundwater and control of subsidence in the management area.  To
  reduce reliance on fresh groundwater resources, the desired future
  condition must allow the highest level of brackish groundwater
  production in production zones identified under Section
  16.060.  This subsection does not prohibit the establishment of
  desired future conditions that provide for the reasonable long-term
  management of groundwater resources consistent with the management
  goals under Section 36.1071(a).  The desired future conditions
  proposed under Subsection (d) must be approved by a two-thirds vote
  of all the district representatives for distribution to the
  districts in the management area.  A period of not less than 90 days
  for public comments begins on the day the proposed desired future
  conditions are mailed to the districts.  During the public comment
  period and after posting notice as required by Section 36.063, each
  district shall hold a public hearing on any proposed desired future
  conditions relevant to that district.  During the public comment
  period, the district shall make available in its office a copy of
  the proposed desired future conditions and any supporting
  materials, such as the documentation of factors considered under
  Subsection (d) and groundwater availability model run results.  
  After the public hearing, the district shall compile for
  consideration at the next joint planning meeting a summary of
  relevant comments received, any suggested revisions to the proposed
  desired future conditions, and the basis for the revisions.
         SECTION 8.  Sections 36.117(b) and (c), Water Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by this section, a district shall
  provide an exemption from the district requirement to obtain a
  permit for:
               (1)  drilling or operating a well used solely for
  domestic use or for providing water for livestock or poultry if the
  well is:
                     (A)  located or to be located on a tract of land
  larger than 10 acres; and
                     (B)  drilled, completed, or equipped so that it is
  incapable of producing more than 25,000 gallons of groundwater a
               (2)  drilling a water well used solely to supply water
  for a rig that is actively engaged in drilling or exploration
  operations for an oil or gas well permitted by the Railroad
  Commission of Texas provided that the person holding the permit is
  responsible for drilling and operating the water well and the water
  well is located on the same lease or field associated with the
  drilling rig; [or]
               (3)  drilling a water well authorized under a permit
  issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas under Chapter 134,
  Natural Resources Code, or for production from the well to the
  extent the withdrawals are required for mining activities
  regardless of any subsequent use of the water; or
               (4)  drilling or operating a well associated with a
  desalination project located in a brackish groundwater production
  zone identified under Section 16.060, unless a district has adopted
  the model rules for the permitting of brackish groundwater wells
  developed by the Texas Water Development Board.
         (c)  A district may not restrict the production of water from
  any well described by Subsection (b)(1) or (b)(4).
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.