WHEREAS, The 200th Judicial District Court has ruled that the |
state's school finance system is inequitable and unconstitutional; |
and |
WHEREAS, Concurring with more than 600 school districts that |
sued the state over its funding methods, the court found that the |
school finance system violates the efficiency provision of Section |
1, Article VII, Texas Constitution, because it fails to provide |
substantially equal access to revenues necessary to provide a |
general diffusion of knowledge; the court further ruled that the |
system is not adequately funded and fails to make suitable |
provision for its own support and maintenance, and that it |
arbitrarily funds districts at different levels and below |
constitutional requirements; and |
WHEREAS, The court also declared that the Texas school |
finance system is constitutionally unsuitable for the provision of |
a general diffusion of knowledge to low-income and English Language |
Learner students; in addition, it ruled that the system has left |
school districts without meaningful discretion in setting their tax |
rates, thus creating a state ad valorem tax in violation of Section |
1-e, Article VIII, Texas Constitution; and |
WHEREAS, The framers of the Texas Constitution understood the |
vital importance of a well-educated citizenry; our state cannot |
maintain the vitality of its economy if it continues to fail in its |
constitutional obligations to its public schools, and our children |
should not be asked to wait for the conclusion of an extended |
appeals process before the school finance system is reformed in |
accordance with the ruling of the 200th Judicial District Court; |
now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas |
hereby respectfully urge the attorney general of Texas to |
expeditiously advance any necessary appeals of the ruling of the |
200th Judicial District Court in the school finance case so that the |
legislature can undertake and more quickly conclude the difficult |
work of resolving the current educational crisis; and, be it |
further |
RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward an |
official copy of this resolution to the attorney general of Texas as |
an official expression of the sentiment of the Legislature of the |
State of Texas. |