WHEREAS, Students in two choral ensembles from Robinson
  and Rice Middle Schools in Plano have been selected to sing at the
  Texas Music Educators Association conference in San Antonio on
  February 14, 2013, and before their performances, they are
  visiting the State Capitol on February 13; and
         WHEREAS, Chosen from approximately 200 groups, the two
  choirs from Plano Independent School District will be among 12,
  from the middle school, high school, and university levels,
  performing in the Vocal Division at the Texas Music Educators
  Association conference; this distinction represents one of the
  highest honors for a youth musical group in the state; and
         WHEREAS, The Rice Middle School A Cappella Treble Choir,
  directed by Jennifer Alarcon, and the Robinson Middle School A
  Cappella Women, directed by Kimberly Ahrens, will showcase their
  outstanding abilities before this annual gathering of educators
  as a shining example of vocal mastery; the choirs' success is a
  tribute to the superb music programs at each school and to the
  commitment of the teachers and students to excellence in music
  education; and
         WHEREAS, These fine young Texans have developed their
  remarkable talents through perseverance, dedication, and many
  hours of practice, and they can take justifiable pride in their
  accomplishments; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, hereby recognize members of the Rice Middle School A
  Cappella Treble Choir and the Robinson Middle School A Cappella
  Women on their selection to perform at the Texas Music Educators
  Association conference and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  a memorable visit to the Capitol and for continued success.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 11, 2013.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate