In Memory
  Heywood Carroll Clemons
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas joins the
  citizens of Fort Worth in mourning the loss of Heywood Carroll
  Clemons, who died January 20, 2013, at the age of 91; and
         WHEREAS, Heywood Clemons was born December 20, 1921, in
  Bartlett; he graduated with honors from Texas A&M University in
  1943, and he served his country as a second lieutenant in the army
  field artillery during World War II; and
         WHEREAS, After working in Dallas and San Antonio, he founded
  Clemons Tractor Company in Fort Worth and became a highly
  successful businessman; he also became well known for his
  volunteer work and his many civic and professional activities; and
         WHEREAS, He served as president of the Fort Worth Opera
  Association and of Casa Mañana and was a longtime member of the Van
  Cliburn Foundation Executive Committee; for 16 years, he was
  chairman of the board of Austin College and was awarded an honorary
  doctorate of humanities for his outstanding leadership; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Clemons was a member of the Fort Worth Farm
  and Ranch Association, the Fort Worth North Rotary Club, and the
  Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce; he received the Russell H. Perry
  Award for Distinguished Leadership in Texas Transportation for
  his role in promoting the beginnings of Fort Worth's highway
  system; and
         WHEREAS, He was an exemplary gentleman with a generous
  spirit, and he was respected in the community for his many
  accomplishments; he was devoted to his family, and he was a devout
  Christian and a longtime member of First Presbyterian Church; and
         WHEREAS, Heywood Clemons was a source of strength to others
  and was beloved by many, and he will long be remembered with
  affection and appreciation by all who were privileged to share in
  his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, hereby extend sincere condolences to the bereaved
  family of Heywood Carroll Clemons; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  the members of his family as an expression of deepest sympathy
  from the Texas Senate, and that when the Senate adjourns this
  day, it do so in memory of Heywood Clemons.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 11, 2013,
    by a rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate