WHEREAS, BikeTexas was organized in 1991 to promote the
  advancement of bicyclist and pedestrian access, safety, and
  education in the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, Millions of Texans ride bicycles and walk for
  transportation, fitness, and recreation each year; bicycling and
  walking can be pursued at any age and have been identified by
  public health professionals as activities that can greatly
  reduce the cost of health care; and
         WHEREAS, Bicycling benefits the economy as well, with
  Texans spending nearly $400 million annually on bicycle-related
  goods and services; in addition, bicycle races, tours, rallies,
  and other events taking place throughout the state raise more
  than $50 million annually for Texas charities; these events have
  a positive financial impact on participating communities, as
  each visiting participant spends an estimated $80 per day
  locally; and
         WHEREAS, Mountain bikers in the state play a beneficial
  role in enhancing our parks and other public lands, contributing
  thousands of volunteer hours each year toward the creation and
  maintenance of multiuse trails and the care of the outdoor
  environment; and
         WHEREAS, The application of bicycle and pedestrian safety
  standards to road design and construction and to traffic
  regulations will make communities more bicycle-friendly and more
  pedestrian-friendly and will encourage more people to engage in
  these favorable outdoor activities; and
         WHEREAS, In partnership with the Texas Department of
  Transportation, the BikeTexas Safe Routes to School program has,
  since October 2010, distributed over 1.2 million pieces of
  bicyclist and pedestrian safety material to schoolchildren
  across Texas, including over 90,000 pairs of safety lights; the
  program has also, since 1998, trained over 7,000 Texas physical
  education teachers, law enforcement officers, and other
  professionals concerned about youth safety and wellness, who
  have in turn taught bicycle and pedestrian safety to an estimated
  two million Texas schoolchildren; and
         WHEREAS, BikeTexas has been a national leader in the effort
  to include funding for Safe Routes to School programs in federal
  transportation bills, and Texas has received nearly $70 million
  for its Safe Routes to School programs since 2005; and
         WHEREAS, BikeTexas has worked with cities across Texas as
  they implement bicycle and pedestrian programs such as bike
  shares, sidewalks, bike lanes, cycle tracks, hike and bike
  multiuse trails, and bicycle racks on local buses; and
         WHEREAS, For nearly two decades, with support from over
  30,000 Texans, BikeTexas has worked to enhance the safety of
  Texas roadways for cyclists, pedestrians, and other unprotected
  road users, and the organization has helped 13 Texas cities,
  large and small, to adopt safe passing ordinances to protect such
  road users; it is indeed fitting to recognize this outstanding
  organization; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, hereby commend BikeTexas for its hard work and
  dedication to promoting bicycle safety and extend to its board of
  directors, staff members, and volunteers sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  BikeTexas as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on March 25, 2013.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate