WHEREAS, February 15, 2013, was indeed a special day in the
  lives of the Hassay and Pierson households, for on that day Jason
  Andrew Hassay entered into holy matrimony with Erika Leigh
  Pierson; and
         WHEREAS, The day was a celebration of love and commitment
  between Jason and Erika, and the ceremony took place before God,
  family, and friends; and
         WHEREAS, The family of Jason, including Andrew and Nancy
  Hassay, Jeff Hassay and Sarah Lehrer-Grawer, Shiela Malavasi,
  and Richard and Dorothy Tomasheski, traveled from California to
  be present for the occasion; and
         WHEREAS, The family of Erika, including Mike and Debbie
  Pierson of Colorado, Buddy and Jessica Bishop of Georgia, Chris,
  Lindsey, and Hays Pierson of Lubbock, Texas, and Ken and Beverly
  Drummond of Austin, Texas, also graced the occasion with their
  presence; and
         WHEREAS, The wedding ceremony took place in the Senate
  Chamber at the historic Texas State Capitol building, and the
  officiant, Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, heard Jason and
  Erika's vows and affirmed their promises; and
         WHEREAS, Carlos Martinez, Terra Brimberry, Jessica
  Pierson, Chris Pierson, and Jeff Hassay participated in the
  ceremony by sharing readings from the Bible, and Don Brimberry, a
  friend of the bride and groom, offered a blessing and prayer for
  the couple's future life together; and
         WHEREAS, The friends and family who came together to hear
  and celebrate the wedding vows are deeply loved, and their
  support on that day and in times past is forever appreciated; and
         WHEREAS, The solemn promises spoken on that day bound Jason
  and Erika together for life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, hereby congratulate Jason and Erika Hassay on their
  marriage and extend to them and to the Hassay and Pierson
  families warmest wishes for a bright future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  Jason and Erika Hassay as an expression of high regard from the
  Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 22, 2013.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate