83R31448 PAM-D
  By: Patrick S.R. No. 1081
         BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, That Senate Rule 12.03 be
  suspended in part as provided by Senate Rule 12.08 to enable the
  conference committee appointed to resolve the differences on House
  Bill 5 (public school accountability, including assessment, and
  curriculum requirements; providing a criminal penalty) to consider
  and take action on the following matters:
         (1)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
  committee to amend text not in disagreement in SECTION 13 of the
  bill, in amended Section 28.0212(a), Education Code, to read as
         (a)  A principal of a junior high or middle school shall
  designate a school [guidance] counselor, teacher, or other
  appropriate individual to develop and administer a personal
  graduation plan for each student enrolled in the [a] junior high
  or[,] middle[, or high] school who:
               (1)  does not perform satisfactorily on an assessment
  instrument administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39; or
               (2)  is not likely to receive a high school diploma
  before the fifth school year following the student's enrollment in
  grade level nine, as determined by the district.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to conform to other
  references to school counselor in the Education Code.
         (2)  Senate Rule 12.03(3) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter not in disagreement in SECTION 14
  of the bill, in added Section 28.02121(b), Education Code, to read
  as follows:
         (b)  A school district shall publish the information
  provided to the district under Subsection (a) on the Internet
  website of the district and ensure that the information is
  available to students in grades nine and above and the parents or
  legal guardians of those students in the language in which the
  parents or legal guardians are most proficient. A district is
  required to provide information under this subsection in the
  language in which the parents or legal guardians are most
  proficient only if at least 20 students in a grade level primarily
  speak that language.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to establish procedures
  for providing information to parents or legal guardians of students
  in the language in which the parent or legal guardian is most
         (3)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
  committee to change text not in disagreement in SECTION 14 of the
  bill, in added Section 28.02121(c), Education Code, to read as
         (c)  A principal of a high school shall designate a school
  counselor or school administrator to review personal graduation
  plan options with each student entering grade nine together with
  that student's parent or guardian. The personal graduation plan
  options reviewed must include the distinguished level of
  achievement described by Section 28.025(b-15) and the endorsements
  described by Section 28.025(c-1). Before the conclusion of the
  school year, the student and the student's parent or guardian must
  confirm and sign a personal graduation plan for the student.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to conform to other
  references to school counselor in the Education Code.
         (4)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter not included in either the house
  or senate version of the bill by adding the following text in
  SECTION 16 of the bill, in amended Section 28.025, Education Code,
  to read as follows:
         (c-3)  In adopting rules under Subsection (c-1), the State
  Board of Education shall adopt criteria to allow a student
  participating in the arts and humanities endorsement under
  Subsection (c-1)(4), with the written permission of the student's
  parent or a person standing in parental relation to the student, to
  comply with the curriculum requirements for science required under
  Subsection (c-2)(1)(B) by substituting for an advanced course
  requirement a course related to that endorsement.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to require parental
  permission to substitute certain curriculum requirements.
         (5)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter not included in either the house
  or senate version of the bill by adding the following text in
  SECTION 16 of the bill, in amended Section 28.025, Education Code,
  to read as follows:
         (h-2)  This subsection applies only to a student
  participating in the minimum, recommended, or advanced high school
  program who is completing the fourth year of high school during the
  2013-2014 school year. The commissioner by rule shall permit a
  student who does not satisfy the curriculum requirements of the
  high school program in which the student is participating to
  graduate if the student satisfies the curriculum requirements
  established for the foundation high school program under this
  section as amended by H.B. No. 5, 83rd Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2013, and any other requirement required for graduation.
  This subsection expires September 1, 2015.
         Explanation: The addition is necessary to provide
  flexibility in implementation of changes to curriculum
         (6)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (3) are suspended to permit
  the committee to change and add text on a matter not in disagreement
  in SECTION 16 of the bill to read as follows:
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section,
  this section applies beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.
         (c)  Section 28.025(h-2), Education Code, as added by this
  section, applies during the 2013-2014 school year.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to provide flexibility
  in implementation of changes to curriculum requirements.
         (7)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter which is not included in either
  the house or senate version of the bill by adding the following text
  to SECTION 20 of the bill, in amended Section 29.081, Education
  Code, to read as follows:
         (d)  For purposes of this section, "student at risk of
  dropping out of school" includes each student who is under 26 [21]
  years of age and who:
               (1)  was not advanced from one grade level to the next
  for one or more school years;
               (2)  if the student is in grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12,
  did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two
  or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in
  the preceding or current school year or is not maintaining such an
  average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the
  current semester;
               (3)  did not perform satisfactorily on an assessment
  instrument administered to the student under Subchapter B, Chapter
  39, and who has not in the previous or current school year
  subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate
  instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of
  satisfactory performance on that instrument;
               (4)  if the student is in prekindergarten,
  kindergarten, or grade 1, 2, or 3, did not perform satisfactorily on
  a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the
  current school year;
               (5)  is pregnant or is a parent;
               (6)  has been placed in an alternative education
  program in accordance with Section 37.006 during the preceding or
  current school year;
               (7)  has been expelled in accordance with Section
  37.007 during the preceding or current school year;
               (8)  is currently on parole, probation, deferred
  prosecution, or other conditional release;
               (9)  was previously reported through the Public
  Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to have dropped out
  of school;
               (10)  is a student of limited English proficiency, as
  defined by Section 29.052;
               (11)  is in the custody or care of the Department of
  Protective and Regulatory Services or has, during the current
  school year, been referred to the department by a school official,
  officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official;
               (12)  is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section
  11302, and its subsequent amendments; or
               (13)  resided in the preceding school year or resides
  in the current school year in a residential placement facility in
  the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse
  treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital,
  halfway house, or foster group home.
         Explanation: This addition is necessary to expand the
  definition of "student at risk of dropping out of school" to include
  a student who is at least 21 years of age and under 26 years of age.
         (8)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter which is not included in either
  the house or senate version of the bill by adding the following text
  to SECTION 31 of the bill, in amended Section 39.023, Education
  Code, to read as follows:
         (a-2)  Except as required by federal law, a [A] student is
  not required to be assessed in a subject otherwise assessed at the
  student's grade level under Subsection (a) if the student:
               (1)  is enrolled in a course in the subject intended for
  students above the student's grade level and will be administered
  an assessment instrument adopted or developed under Subsection (a)
  that aligns with the curriculum for the course in which the student
  is enrolled; or
               (2)  is enrolled in a course in the subject for which
  the student will receive high school academic credit and will be
  administered an end-of-course assessment instrument adopted under
  Subsection (c) for the course.
         Explanation: This addition is necessary to ensure compliance
  with federal law.
         (9)  Senate Rule 12.03(2) is suspended to permit the
  committee to omit text not in disagreement in amended Section
  39.025, Education Code, which reads as follows:
         (a-2)  This subsection applies only to a student who, before
  entering the ninth grade in the 2011-2012 or 2012-2013 school year,
  completed a course before the 2011-2012 school year in a subject for
  which the student received high school credit and for which an
  end-of-course assessment instrument under Section 39.023 is
  required during the 2013-2014 school year or a later school year,
  such as Algebra I. The commissioner shall determine a method by
  which a student's satisfactory performance on an end-of-course
  assessment instrument for a course in the same general subject area
  in which the student is enrolled during or after the ninth grade,
  such as geometry, shall be used to satisfy the requirements for the
  end-of-course assessment instrument for the course completed
  before entering the ninth grade and before the 2011-2012 school
  year. The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary for the
  administration of this section. This subsection expires September
  1, 2016 [In addition to the cumulative score requirements under
  Subsection (a), a student must achieve a score that meets or exceeds
  the score determined by the commissioner under Section 39.0241(a)
  for English III and Algebra II end-of-course assessment instruments
  to graduate under the recommended high school program].
         Explanation: This omission of text is necessary to provide
  flexibility in implementation of changes to end-of-course
  assessment instrument requirements.
         (10)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
  committee to change text not in disagreement in SECTION 40 of the
  bill, in added Section 39.038, Education Code, to read as follows:
  COMMITTEES. The commissioner may not appoint a person to a
  committee or panel that advises the commissioner or agency
  regarding state accountability systems under this title or the
  content or administration of an assessment instrument if the person
  is retained or employed by an assessment instrument vendor.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to allow persons
  reimbursed by an assessment instrument vendor to be appointed to a
  committee or panel described by Section 39.038, Education Code.
         (11)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
  committee to change text not in disagreement in SECTION 51 of the
  bill, in added Section 39.0824(a), Education Code, to read as
         (a)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school
  assigned the lowest rating under Section 39.082 shall submit to the
  commissioner a corrective action plan to address the financial
  weaknesses of the district or school. A corrective action plan must
  identify the specific areas of financial weaknesses, such as
  financial weaknesses in transportation, curriculum, or teacher
  development, and include strategies for improvement.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to conform to financial
  accountability rating references.
         (12)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (3) are suspended to permit
  the committee to change and add text on a matter not in disagreement
  in SECTION 56 of the bill, in amended Section 39.235(b), Education
  Code, to read as follows:
         (b)  Before awarding a grant under this section, the
  commissioner may require a campus or school district to:
               (1)  obtain local matching funds; or
               (2)  meet other conditions, including developing a
  personal graduation plan under Section 28.0212 or 28.02121, as
  applicable, for each student enrolled at the campus or in a district
  middle, junior high, or high school.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to conform to
  appropriately reference a high school personal graduation plan.
         (13)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter which is not included in either
  the house or senate version of the bill by adding the following text
  to SECTION 77 of the bill, in amended Section 130.008, Education
  Code, to read as follows:
         (f)  A student described by Subsection (a) may enroll in not
  more than three courses each school year offered as provided by this
         Explanation: The change is necessary to establish a limit on
  the number of dual enrollment courses a student may enroll in each
  school year.
         (14)  Senate Rule 12.03(3) is suspended to permit the
  committee to add text on a matter which is not in disagreement by
  adding text in SECTIONS 78(a)(1) and (5) of the bill to read as
         (a)  Effective September 1, 2013, the following sections of
  the Education Code are repealed:
               (1)  Sections 29.190(b), (d), and (e);
               (2)  Sections 39.024(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and
               (3)  Section 39.0241(a-2);
               (4)  Section 39.0242;
               (5)  Sections 39.025(a-2) and (a-3); and
               (6)  Section 130.008(d-1).
         Explanation: The changes are necessary to repeal:
               (1)  Section 29.190(d), a provision granting the
  commissioner of education authority to adopt rules to implement the
  existing law; and
               (2)  Section 39.025(a-2), a provision relating to
  Algebra II and English III end-of-course assessment instruments.
         (15)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (3) are suspended to permit
  the committee to change and add text on a matter not in disagreement
  in SECTIONS 79(b) and (c) of the bill to read as follows:
         (b)  Students who have entered the ninth grade during or
  after the 2011-2012 school year and before the 2013-2014 school
  year may be administered only those end-of-course assessment
  instruments that would have been administered to those students
  under Section 39.025, Education Code, as amended by Section 35 of
  this Act, and Section 39.025, Education Code, as amended by Section
  35 of this Act, is continued in effect for purposes of satisfying
  those end-of-course testing requirements.
         (c)  The commissioner of education may by rule adopt a
  transition plan to implement the amendments made by this Act
  relating to end-of-course testing requirements during the
  2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to provide flexibility
  in implementation of changes to end-of-course assessment
  instrument requirements.
         (16)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
  committee to change text not in disagreement in SECTION 80 of the
  bill to read as follows:
         SECTION 80.  Not later than October 1, 2013, the
  commissioner of education shall adopt rules to administer Section
  39.025(a-1), Education Code, as amended by this Act.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to omit a reference to
  adopting rules to administer amended Section 39.025(a-2),
  Education Code, which the committee omitted.
         (17)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
  committee to change text not in disagreement in SECTION 84 of the
  bill to read as follows:
         SECTION 84.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act:
               (1)  this Act takes effect immediately if it receives a
  vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution; and
               (2)  if this Act does not receive the vote necessary for
  immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013.
         Explanation: The change is necessary to clarify the
  effective dates of the bill.