WHEREAS, It is with great pride that the Texas Senate honors
  one of its most loyal and respected staff members, Linda Tubbs,
  by naming her the 2013 administrative recipient of the Betty King
  Public Service Award; and
         WHEREAS, During her long and productive tenure as a
  legislative employee and as an officer of the Texas Senate, Linda
  has exemplified the best in Senate service, and she has earned
  the enduring admiration and affection of the senators and her
  Capitol colleagues; and
         WHEREAS, Linda began her Senate employment in 1993 when she
  became an administrative aide for Senator Florence Shapiro; she
  joined the Senate Calendar Clerk's office in 1994 as a bill
  clerk, became Assistant Calendar Clerk in 1996, and was elected
  to the position of Calendar Clerk in 2005; and
         WHEREAS, As Calendar Clerk, Linda has been the custodian of
  all legislative documents awaiting action in the Senate, and she
  has been in charge of the accurate endorsement of all legislation
  that passes through the Senate in the course of the legislative
  process; she has also been responsible for preparing the Notice
  of Intent Calendar and the Senate Agenda for each legislative
  day; and
         WHEREAS, A trusted employee who is known for her high
  standards and attention to detail, she has deftly handled the
  many responsibilities of her position, and she has a
  long-established reputation for carrying out her duties with
  dedication and proficiency; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout her tenure, Linda has demonstrated
  remarkable composure and perseverance while facing long hours
  and demanding deadlines; she has distinguished herself as an
  effective team leader who is known for her convivial personality,
  as well as for her many organizational and professional
  strengths; and
         WHEREAS, Linda is a much-cherished and highly regarded
  Senate staff member, and she is most deserving of her selection
  for the prestigious Betty King Public Service Award; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, hereby express appreciation to Linda Tubbs for her
  valuable contributions to the Texas Senate and extend
  congratulations to her on earning a 2013 Betty King Public
  Service Award; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as a
  tribute to Linda Tubbs.
Birdwell Hancock Schwertner
Campbell Hegar Seliger
Carona Hinojosa Taylor
Davis Huffman Uresti
Deuell Lucio Van de Putte
Duncan Nelson Watson
Ellis Nichols West
Estes Patrick Whitmire
Fraser Paxton Williams
Garcia Rodriguez Zaffirini
  Dewhurst, President of the Senate
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 26, 2013.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate