Honorable Lois W. Kolkhorst, Chair, House Committee on Public Health
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1342 by Raymond (Relating to the requirements for obtaining an emergency medical services provider license.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend Chapter 773 of the Health and Safety Code, related to the requirements for obtaining an emergency medical services provider license. According to the Department of State Health Services, any rule-changing cost associated with implementing the bill would be absorbed within current resources.
Local Government Impact
The bill would require an emergency medical services provider applicant to obtain a certificate of local need and necessity from the government body of each municipality or, if the applicant is not located in a municipality, in the commissioners court of each county in which the applicant is applying to provide emergency medical services. Added workload would vary by locality depending on the number of applicants but could be absorbed within existing resources.