Honorable Troy Fraser, Chair, Senate Committee on Natural Resources
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1563 by King, Tracy O. (Relating to fees of office for directors of groundwater conservation districts.), As Engrossed
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Water Code to increase the daily fees of office for a groundwater and conservation district (GCD) director from not more than $150 to not more than $250. The fees of office would remain at a maximum of $9,000 per year.
According to the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, no fiscal impact is anticipated.
Local Government Impact
There would be additional costs to a GCD that paid the total allowable amount in daily fees of office; however, those amounts would vary depending on whether the district compensated a director, and the amount paid. It is assumed that a GCD would only pay an increased amount if sufficient funds were available or the increase would not result in a negative fiscal impact; therefore, no significant fiscal impact is anticipated.
According to the Irion County Water Conservation District, the Sterling County and Santa Rita Underground Water Conservation Districts, there would be no fiscal impact since directors do not receive compensation.