TO: | Honorable Dan Patrick, Chair, Senate Committee on Education |
FROM: | Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB2012 by Villarreal (Relating to collection, distribution, and use of information relating to salaries of and job openings for certain professional employees of school districts and to teaching and learning conditions in public schools.), Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted |
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2014 | ($1,400,000) |
2015 | ($580,000) |
2016 | ($280,000) |
2017 | ($580,000) |
2018 | ($280,000) |
Fiscal Year | Probable Savings/(Cost) from General Revenue Fund 1 |
2014 | ($1,400,000) |
2015 | ($580,000) |
2016 | ($280,000) |
2017 | ($580,000) |
2018 | ($280,000) |
The bill would allow school districts to submit notices of openings for classroom teacher positions and notices of teacher shortages for posting on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website. The bill would require TEA to post open positions for classroom teachers, including relevant salary information, submitted by school districts. The TEA website would have to allow classroom teachers to access a clearinghouse of information on open positions in districts, including salary information and information on district or regional teacher shortages.
The bill would require TEA, in collaboration with the Teacher Retirement System, to collect employee salary data from school districts through the Public Education Information Management System and provide information on the agency's website that indicates, by school district, the average salaries of classroom teachers by subject and grade level.
The bill would would require TEA to analyze the cost-of-living in each region of the state to determine if teacher salaries paid were comparable to salaries of comparable professionals in that region. The results of the analysis would be posted on the TEA Internet website and would be reported to members of the legislature by December 1, 2014.
The bill would require the commissioner of education to develop an online teaching and learning conditions survey to be administered statewide at least biennially to school district employees who are required to hold a certificate. The bill would require the commissioner to contract with a third party to administer the survey. The commissioner would be required to make the survey results available to the public, school districts, and campuses after the administration of each survey.
Source Agencies: | 701 Central Education Agency
LBB Staff: | UP, JBi, JSc, AH