Honorable Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Chair, House Committee on Urban Affairs
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB2981 by Rodriguez, Eddie (relating to the procedures and duties of animal shelters and rescue organizations; providing penalties; authorizing a fee. ), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend Chapter 823 of the Health and Safety Code relating to the procedures and duties of animal shelters and rescue organizations, and providing penalties. The bill would allow a governmental animal sheltering agency to transfer animals immediately after impound, pending certain criteria, to a rescue organization or a private animal sheltering organization. The bill provides guidelines for when an animal may be euthanized. Based on the analysis provided by the Department of State Health Services, it is assumed that the provisions of the bill can be implemented within existing resources.
Local Government Impact
The Texas Association of Counties and the Texas Municipal League reported no significant fiscal impact associated with the bill.