Honorable Tommy Williams, Chair, Senate Committee on Finance
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB3397 by Bonnen, Dennis (Relating to comprehensive reviews of certain special districts.), As Engrossed
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would add Chapter 2 to the Special District Local Laws Code to define “special district” as a political subdivision that has a limited geographic area created by local law or under general law for a special purpose, and is authorized to impose a tax, assessment, or fee. The term would not include a school or junior college district.
The bill would provide requirements for districts regarding comprehensive performance reviews; and self-evaluation reports and notices of hearings that must be made available for public inspection by the governing body of the district. The governing body of a special district must conduct a public hearing regarding the continuation or dissolution of the district. A special district would be required to maintain an Internet website to comply with the provisions of the chapter.
Local Government Impact
There could be costs to a special district for conducting a comprehensive performance review; publishing a self-evaluation report; and public notices and hearings; however, those amounts would vary depending on current procedures and a district's budget. Expenses for public notices and hearings could cost an estimated $15,000 to each special district.