Austin, Texas
April 10, 2013

Honorable Allan Ritter, Chair, House Committee on Natural Resources
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB302 by Seliger (Relating to the management, operation, rulemaking authority, and oversight of groundwater conservation districts.), As Engrossed

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

The bill would amend the Water Code to change certain procedures for a groundwater conservation district's (GCD) management plan; operations and procedures; rulemaking authority; interim permitting; and use of permit fees.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) would be required to take action pursuant to a petition to ensure that all GCDs comply with the requirements as defined by the provisions of the bill. An affected person could file a petition with TCEQ if rules adopted by a GCD did not achieve applicable desired future condition.
Not later than the 60th day after the date of the administrative approval of a GCD's management plan, the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) would be required to ensure that it is consistent with the desired future conditions that are applicable to all or part of the GCD.
The TWDB and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board reported the provisions of the bill would not have a fiscal impact on the State. TCEQ reported the provisions of the bill would not have a significant fiscal impact on the agency.

Local Government Impact

The Bee Groundwater Conservation District and the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District reported no fiscal impact is anticipated.

The Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District reported there were costs totaling an estimated $5,352 for the five-year review plan that was adopted in May, 2012, which included staff time, public notices, postage, and office supplies. Costs for the next five-year review plan in 2017 would increase.

Source Agencies:
592 Soil and Water Conservation Board, 580 Water Development Board, 582 Commission on Environmental Quality
LBB Staff: