TO: | Honorable Jane Nelson, Chair, Senate Committee on Health & Human Services |
FROM: | Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB1177 by Deuell (Relating to the designation of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction facilities.), As Introduced |
The bill would amend Chapter 773 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to the designation of certain hospitals as ST segment elevation myocardial infarction facilities. According to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), if the bill were enacted, the responsibility for implementing provisions of the bill would be given to the office of EMS/Trauma Systems, which currently administers both the trauma and stroke designation programs. The Health and Human Services Commission would be required to adopt rules to implement the bill by January 1, 2014. It is assumed the provisions of the bill could be implemented within existing resources.
Source Agencies: | 529 Health and Human Services Commission, 537 State Health Services, Department of
LBB Staff: | UP, CL, JTe, NB