Austin, Texas
May 9, 2013

Honorable José Menéndez, Chair, House Committee on Defense & Veterans' Affairs
Ursula Parks, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB1200 by Van de Putte (Relating to the Texas Military Preparedness Commission and strategic planning regarding military bases and defense installations.), As Engrossed

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

This bill would amend the Government Code to provide for the composition and general powers and duties of the Texas Military Preparedness Commission (commission), including the requirement to: act as a liaison to improve coordination among the Texas Commander's Council, the Texas Veterans Commission, the Veterans' Land Board, the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; administer and monitor grants provided by the commission; and award grants, and establish criteria and procedures for those grants, for defense communities.
The bill would allow for 2.0 percent of the total amount of grants authorized to be used in each biennium for related administration purposes and require the commission to include in its report submitted each biennium to the legislature and the governor a summary of the commission's meetings with the Texas Commander's Council and recommendations, goals, and challenges based on those meetings.
The bill would allow the commission to establish a task force, which, if established, would be required to perform certain duties related to advising the commission on possible actions to be taken in preparation of the possible realignment or closure of military installations in the state by the United States Department of Defense.
The bill would establish provisions for grants and loans to be awarded to local government entities, including: recipient eligibility; criteria; the use of proceeds; and application procedures, requirements, and review.
The bill would require certain defense communities to consult with base or facility authorities before passing an ordinance, rule, or plan that may impact a military base or defense facility or the military exercise or training activities connected to the base or facility.
The bill would also repeal Sections 436.151 and 486 of the Government Code, related to assistance for local areas affected by defense restructuring.
The Office of the Governor indicates the provisions of the bill could be implemented within existing resources.
This bill would take effect on September 1, 2013.

Local Government Impact

Certain units of local government would be eligible for grants as described by the bill; however, new revenue would vary by locality depending on how funds are disbursed and cannot be estimated at this time.

Source Agencies:
301 Office of the Governor
LBB Staff: