Tuesday, May 14, 2013
8:30 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E1.028
Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.10 and 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Education was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.028, at Austin, Texas.
Senator Dan Patrick, Chair |
None |
Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr., Vice Chair |
Senator Donna Campbell |
Senator Robert Duncan |
Senator Ken Paxton |
Senator Kel Seliger |
Senator Larry Taylor |
Senator Leticia Van de Putte |
Senator Royce West |
The chair called the meeting to order at 8:33 AM. The following business was transacted:
Pursuant to the suspension of Senate Rules 11.10 and 11.18 during the Senate session of
May 13th, 2013, the chair considered the following bill, HB 2549.
The chair laid out HB 308 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Nichols, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
At 8:39 AM the roll was called, and a quorum was present.
Senator Lucio, Jr. moved adoption of the minutes from the previous hearings held on April 25, 2013, April 30, 2013, and May 7, 2013; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Lucio, Jr. moved that HB 308 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Seliger moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 842 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Deuell, to explain the bill. Senator Duncan sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Deuell to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Duncan moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Duncan moved that HB 842 do not pass but that CSHB 842 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Duncan moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 2610 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Hegar, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator West moved that HB 2610 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator West moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 897 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Hinojosa, to explain the bill. Senator Lucio, Jr. sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Hinojosa to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Senator West moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator West moved that HB 897 do not pass but that CSHB 897 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 1 absent. Senator West moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 1122 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator West, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 1122 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 1501 and recognized Senator West, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill. There were no witnesses testifying and registering on the bill.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 1501 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 343 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Rodríguez, to explain the bill. Senator Seliger sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Rodriguez to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 343 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 866 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Seliger, to explain the bill.
Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 866 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 2318 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Seliger, to explain the bill. Senator Seliger sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Seliger to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 2318 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HCR 104 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Seliger, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HCR 104 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 2549 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Paxton, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 2549 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 2694 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Duncan, to explain the bill. Senator Duncan sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Duncan to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 2694 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
At 8:41 AM Senator Duncan assumed the chair.
The chair laid out HB 2662 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Patrick, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Duncan moved that HB 2662 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 885 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Patrick, to explain the bill.
Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Patrick moved that HB 885 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 1 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2662. Senator Patrick moved that HB 2662 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.
The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Patrick moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
At 8:46 AM Senator Patrick resumed the chair.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2694. Senator Duncan moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Duncan moved that HB 2694 do not pass but that CSHB 2694 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Duncan moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2549. Senator Paxton moved that HB 2549 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Paxton moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HCR 104. Senator Seliger moved that HCR 104 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Seliger moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2318. Senator Seliger moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Seliger moved that HB 2318 do not pass but that CSHB 2318 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Seliger moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 343. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved that HB 343 do not pass but that CSHB 343 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.
The chair laid out HB 642 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Lucio, Jr., to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Campbell sent up Committee Amendment 1 and explained the amendment.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 642 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 1479 and recognized Senator Campbell, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill. Senator Campbell sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Campbell to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 1479 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out HB 1751 and recognized Senator Campbell, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill. Senator Campbell sent up Committee Amendment 1 and explained the amendment. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.
The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Patrick moved that HB 1751 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
At 10:10 AM Senator Campbell assumed the chair.
The chair laid out HB 2836 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Patrick, to explain the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list.
At 10:44 AM Senator Lucio, Jr. assumed the chair.
The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Lucio, Jr. moved that HB 2836 be left pending; without objection, it was so ordered.
At 10:51 AM Senator Patrick resumed the chair.
There being no further business, at 10:51 AM Senator Patrick moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered.
Pursuant to the suspension of Senate Rules 11.10 and 11.18 at 12:44 PM the committee
reconvened at Senator Patrick’s desk. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted:
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 642. Senator Paxton moved adoption of Committee Amendment 1 that was sent up previously; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Paxton moved that HB 642, as amended, be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 753. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved to withdraw from consideration the substitute that was sent up to HB 753 on Thursday, May 9, 2013; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Lucio, Jr. sent up a new committee substitute; the chair recognized Sean Griffin to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved adoption of the committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved that HB 753 do not pass but that CSHB 753 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator Lucio, Jr. moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 1122. Senator West moved that HB 1122 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed. The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent. Senator West moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Campbell requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on HB 308; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Lucio, Jr. requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on HB 897; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Paxton requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on HB 308, HB 842, and HB 2610; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Taylor requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on HB 308, HB 343, HB 842, HB 885, HB 897, HB 2318, HB 2549, HB 2610, HB 2662, HB 2694 and HCR 104; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Van de Putte requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on HB 308, HB 343, HB 842, HB 885, HB 897, HB 2318, HB 2549, HB 2610, HB 2662, HB 2694 and HCR 104; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
Senator West requested unanimous consent to be shown voting aye on HB 343, HB 642, HB 743,HB 2318, HB 2549, HB 2662, HB 2694 and HCR 104; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
Senator West requested unanimous consent to be shown voting nay on HB 885; there being no objection, it was so ordered.
There being no further business, at 12:50 PM Senator Patrick moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair. Without objection, it was so ordered.
Senator Dan Patrick, Chair
Holly Mabry McCoy, Clerk