COMMITTEE:   Government Efficiency & Reform 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Monday, April 15, 2013 

PLACE:       E1.026 
CHAIR:       Rep. Linda Harper-Brown 


HB 193        Dutton
Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law.

HB 1182       Kacal | et al.
Relating to energy and water management planning and reporting by state agencies and institutions of higher education.

HB 2335       Harper-Brown
Relating to state contracting issues, including the duties of the comptroller, quality assurance team, and Contract Advisory Team.

HB 2698       King, Susan
Relating to a study of the feasibility of establishing a program to connect veterans seeking employment in school security positions with independent school districts seeking to employ security personnel.

HB 2852       Callegari
Relating to state purchase of information technology commodity items.

HB 2948       Harper-Brown
Relating to the review of certain rules of state agencies.

HB 3198       Gonzales, Larry
Relating to default on a student loan administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to the effects of default on renewal of certain licenses.

HB 3202       Creighton | et al.
Relating to the selection process for construction managers-at-risk used by local governments.

HB 3203       Creighton
Relating to design-build procedures for certain civil works projects.

HB 3648       Harper-Brown
Relating to the performance of certain state purchasing contracts.

HJR 128       Bonnen, Greg
Proposing a constitutional amendment to require the legislature to convene following each regular session of the legislature to consider the repeal of laws enacted during that regular session or at a subsequent special session.

SB 471        Ellis
Relating to technological efficiencies in the recording of certain open meetings.

Invited Testimony





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