COMMITTEE:   Insurance 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Tuesday, April 09, 2013 

PLACE:       E2.026 
CHAIR:       Rep. John Smithee 



If you intend to testify, please register using the new electronic witness affirmation form, which will be available at registration kiosks located throughout the Capitol Extension.


Registration must be completed on the day of the hearing, once registration is open, and within the Capitol Complex. You may create a profile prior to the hearing by going to


HB 930        Sheets                 
Relating to the effect of certain claims made under certain insurance policies.

HB 1358       Hunter | et al.        
Relating to procedures for certain audits of pharmacists and pharmacies.

HB 1651       Smithee                
Relating to a claim filing period and contractual limitations period in certain property insurance policies.

HB 1810       Lucio III              
Relating to permissive driver exclusions for automobile insurance.

HB 2129       Zerwas                 
Relating to information about private health care insurance coverage and the health insurance exchange for individuals applying for certain Department of State Health Services programs and services.

HB 2162       Eiland                 
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain nonemergency transportation services.

HB 2384       Schaefer               
Relating to premium rates for title insurance.

HB 2447       Martinez, "Mando"      
Relating to the sale and advertisement of portable fire extinguishers.

HB 2530       Guerra | et al.        
Relating to certain fees charged for adjudication of claims under health benefit plans.

HB 2566       Carter                 
Relating to electronic payment of premiums to the Texas Health Insurance Pool.

HB 2646       Turner, Chris          
Relating to the office of public insurance counsel's ability to initiate a hearing on insurance rates or rate filings.

HB 2657       Zerwas                 
Relating to the operation of certain managed care plans with respect to health care providers.

HB 2732       Workman                
Relating to the authorization, regulation, and function of dedicated personal insurers; creating offenses; imposing a fee.

HB 2782       Smithee                
Relating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to disapprove rate changes for certain health benefit plans.

HB 2785       Smithee                
Relating to an insurance policyholders' bill of rights in connection with policies issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

HB 2788       Smithee                
Relating to the licensing of captive insurance companies; authorizing fees.

HB 3006       Bonnen, Dennis | et al.
Relating to the use of assets of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association.

HB 3029       Fletcher               
Relating to enhanced Uninsured Vehicle reporting systems for the Texas Department of Insurance.

HB 3269       Smithee                
Relating to payment of and disclosures related to certain ambulatory surgical center charges.

HB 3270       Smithee                
Relating to preferred provider and exclusive provider network regulations; providing administrative sanctions and penalties.

HB 3276       Simmons                
Relating to the coverage by certain health benefit plans for the screening and treatment of autism spectrum disorder.

HB 3814       Carter                 
Relating to certain limitations in health benefit plans and health insurance policies.




Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


To find information about electronic witness registration for a public hearing and to create a profile to be used when registering as a witness, please visit Registration must be performed the day of the meeting and within the Capitol Complex.