COMMITTEE:   Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Monday, April 01, 2013 

PLACE:       E2.012 
CHAIR:       Rep. Tryon Lewis 


HB 1325       Miller, Doug
Relating to the dismissal of certain actions arising from exposure to asbestos and silica.

HB 1435       Darby                  
Relating to certain notices, reports, and descriptions provided by or filed with court and county clerks.

HB 1530       King, Ken              
Relating to the authority of a county clerk or district clerk to collect certain fees; imposing and increasing certain court fees.

HB 1626       Miller, Doug           
Relating to specifications for legal papers filed with a county clerk.

HB 1728       Ashby                  
Relating to the use of an unsworn declaration, the disposition of certain court exhibits, and the seal of a constitutional county court or county clerk.

HB 1759       Hunter                 
Relating to a correction, clarification, or retraction of incorrect information published.

HB 1869       Price                  
Relating to contractual subrogation rights of certain insurers and benefit plan issuers.

HB 2302       Hunter | et al.        
Relating to the establishment of the statewide electronic filing system fund and to certain court fees and court costs to fund the account; imposing fees.

HB 2748       Lewis                  
Relating to the burden of proof in proceedings in district, statutory county court, and county courts; involving the determination of common carrier status.

HB 2751       Clardy | et al.        
Relating to the liability of individuals providing labor or assistance to the Texas Forest Service in the performance of certain fire suppression duties.

HB 2935       Hunter                 
Relating to the interlocutory appeal of a denial of a motion to dismiss in an action involving the exercise of certain constitutional rights.

HB 3313       Kuempel                
Relating to changing the amount of the application fee for a certificate of registration as a private professional guardian.

HB 3314       Kuempel                
Relating to instruction and continuing education requirements for certain court clerks.

HB 3380       Hunter                 
Relating to the recusal or disqualification of a judge assigned to a trial court.

HB 3381       Hilderbran | et al.    
Relating to the composition of the 198th Judicial District, the creation of a judicial district composed of Edwards, Kimble, McCulloch, Mason, and Menard Counties, and the creation of the office of district attorney for the 444th Judicial District.

HB 3790       Perry                  
Relating to creation of the Judicial Branch Certification Commission and the consolidation of judicial profession regulation; imposing penalties; authorizing fees.

HCR 57        Hunter | et al.        
Requesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to create a joint interim committee to study human trafficking in Texas.




Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


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