COMMITTEE:   Transportation 

TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Tuesday, March 19, 2013 

PLACE:       E2.012 
CHAIR:       Rep. Larry Phillips 


The committee will meet to consider pending business and:


HB 250        Miller, Doug           
Relating to the designation of a segment of Interstate Highway 35 as the Trooper Randy Vetter Memorial Highway.

HB 474        Muńoz, Jr. | et al.    
Relating to an optional procedure for the issuance of a permit by a certain regional mobility authority for the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles.

HB 562        Gonzalez, Naomi        
Relating to the suspension of toll collection during a declared state of disaster; suspending tolls.

HB 719        Morrison               
Relating to the operation of a golf cart or utility vehicle on a public highway in certain counties.

HB 848        Lucio III              
Relating to the impoundment of a motor vehicle involved in an accident if operated without financial responsibility.

HB 1198       Raymond                
Relating to authorizing an optional county fee for vehicle registration in certain counties.

HB 1380       Martinez, "Mando"      
Relating to passing certain vehicles on a highway; providing a penalty.

HB 1485       Lavender               
Relating to money allocated under the federal-aid highway program.

HB 1534       Leach | et al.         
Relating to the designation of a segment of U.S. Highway 75 in Collin County as the Sam Johnson Highway.

HB 1716       Pickett                
Relating to the purposes and designation of a transportation reinvestment zone.

HB 1964       Harper-Brown | et al.  
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation to participate in certain federal transportation programs.

HB 2101       Guillen                
Relating to maintenance and operation of travel information centers by the Texas Department of Transportation.



Bills added after last posting:

HB 1380


**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of the schedule, if applicable.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


To find information about electronic witness registration for a public hearing and to create a profile to be used when registering as a witness, please visit www.house.state.tx.us/resources/. Registration must be performed the day of the meeting and within the Capitol Complex.