COMMITTEE:   Ways & Means 

TIME & DATE: 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Monday, March 25, 2013 

PLACE:       E2.014 
CHAIR:       Rep. Harvey Hilderbran 


HB 56         Burnam
Relating to the tax exemption for permanent hotel residents.

HB 1224       Hilderbran | et al.    
Relating to continuing education requirements and a registration exemption for county tax assessor-collectors.

HB 1289       Hilderbran             
Relating to the exclusion of certain transportation services costs in determining total revenue for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 1310       Button | et al.        
Relating to the exclusion from total revenue of the cost of certain vaccines for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 1431       White                  
Relating to the exclusion of certain funds in determining total revenue for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities engaged in the business of harvesting trees for wood.

HB 1432       White                  
Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities primarily engaged in the business of harvesting trees for wood.

HB 1463       Hughes                 
Relating to the computation of taxable margin for purposes of the franchise tax by certain taxable entities.

HB 1579       Button | et al.        
Relating to the inclusion of the costs of accepting credit and debit cards in the cost of goods sold for purposes of computing the franchise tax.

HB 1660       Thompson, Senfronia    
Relating to the collection and reporting of municipal and other local governmental entity sales and use taxes.

HB 1722       Gonzalez, Naomi        
Relating to the amount of indirect or administrative overhead costs that a taxable entity may subtract as a cost of goods sold under the franchise tax.

HB 1727       Bohac                  
Relating to the exclusion from total revenue of certain payments received by health care providers for purposes of computing the franchise tax.

HB 1735       Hilderbran             
Relating to the franchise tax of certain nonqualified affiliates.

HB 1809       Lucio III              
Relating to the authority of a cultural education facilities finance corporation to acquire and finance certain public property projects.

HB 1923       Thompson, Senfronia | et al.
Relating to the administration, collection, and enforcement of sales and use taxes.

HB 2251       Geren                  
Relating to the inclusion by taxable entities and combined groups that conduct certain oil and gas activities of certain costs in the cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 2775       Branch                 
Relating to the exclusion of certain commercial lease revenue in determining a taxable entity's total revenue for purposes of the franchise tax.

HB 3388       Hilderbran             
Relating to the computation of costs of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by certain taxable entities engaged in film or television exhibition.



Bills deleted after last posting:

HB 900


**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of the schedule, if applicable.


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