COMMITTEE:    Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security 

TIME & DATE:  2:30 PM or 30 minutes upon adjournment
Monday, March 25, 2013 

PLACE:        E1.012 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Craig Estes 



SB 818        Duncan                 
Relating to the official cotton growers boll weevil eradication foundation.

SB 820        Williams               
Relating to the management, breeding, and destruction of deer and to procedures regarding certain deer permits.

SB 987        Hegar | et al.         
Relating to requiring the attorney general to obtain an injunction against a municipality or county that adopts prohibited regulations regarding firearms, ammunition, or firearm supplies.

SB 1393       Estes                  
Relating to the statewide homeland security strategy developed by the governor.

SB 1394       Estes                  
Relating to the statewide critical infrastructure protection strategy.

SB 1395       Estes | et al.         
Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.

SB 1467       Estes                  
Relating to economic development incentives for firearms manufacturers, firearms accessory manufacturers, and ammunition manufacturers.



Bills deleted after last posting:

SB 1400


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **