HB 1734 Gutierrez SP:
Relating to the authority of the mayors of certain municipalities to call a
special meeting.
HB 2024 Rodriguez,
Eddie SP: Patrick
Relating to a tax lien.
HB 2075 Anchia SP:
Relating to the operation of certain condominium unit owners' associations.
HB 2123 Guillen SP:
Relating to the regulation of game rooms in certain counties; providing
penalties; authorizing a fee.
HB 2138 Dutton SP:
Relating to the boundaries of the Near Northside Management District and to
coordination by the district with other entities in providing projects and
HB 2139 Dutton SP:
Relating to the authority of the Near Northside Management District to
undertake tax increment financing.
HB 2902 Thompson,
Ed | et al. SP: Taylor
Relating to lost, damaged, or overdue county library property; authorizing
fines; authorizing a civil penalty.
HB 3159 Isaac SP:
Relating to an agreement to allocate sales and use tax after a municipality
annexes land in an emergency services district and to the provision of
emergency services in that area.
HB 3350 Rodriguez,
Eddie SP: Watson
Relating to homestead preservation districts and reinvestment zones.
HB 3613 Elkins SP:
Relating to the release of delinquent tax liens on manufactured homes.
HB 3769 Coleman SP:
Relating to the authority of a municipality to impose a civil penalty on
owners of certain motor vehicles parked on a highway under the jurisdiction
of the municipality that do not display a valid registration insignia or
inspection certificate.
HB 3793 Coleman SP:
Relating to powers, duties, and services of counties and entities serving counties.
HB 3860 Dutton SP:
Relating to the creation of the Generation Park Management District and
required notice by municipal management districts of certain actions;
providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose
assessments, fees, or taxes.
HB 3877 Pitts SP:
Relating to the powers and duties of the Ellis County Municipal Utility District
No. 1; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to
issue bonds; providing authority to impose taxes.
HB 3895 Toth SP:
Relating to the name of The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1, of
Montgomery County, Texas, and to the administration, powers, and duties of
the district.
HB 3910 Creighton SP:
Relating to the boundaries of the East Montgomery County Municipal Utility
Districts Nos. 6 and 7.
HB 3914 Sanford SP:
Relating to the creation of the Old Celina Municipal Management District No.
1; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose an
assessment or fee.
HB 3932 Farney SP:
Relating to the period for confirmation of the Williamson County Municipal
Utility District No. 21.
HB 3943 Davis,
Sarah SP: Whitmire
Relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No.
537; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue
bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes.
HB 3947 Dutton SP:
Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility
District No. 402 regarding road projects.
HB 680 Burkett
| et al. SP: Patrick
Relating to provisions in the dedicatory instruments of property owners'
associations regarding display of flags.