COMMITTEE:    Finance-S/C on Fiscal Matters 

TIME & DATE:  1:30 PM or upon adjournment of the Senate or the Senate Finance Committee
Thursday, April 04, 2013 

PLACE:        E1.036 (Finance Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Glenn Hegar 



The Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Matters will hold a joint hearing with the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice.


Those wishing to give public testimony, please limit prepared remarks to 3 minutes.  If submitting written testimony, please submit 20 copies, with your name on each copy, to the Committee during the hearing.


SB 509        Williams | et al.      
Relating to the establishment by school districts of a school security district; authorizing school district taxes for crime prevention measures.

SJR 33        Williams | et al.      
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing school districts to create school security districts and impose ad valorem taxes for crime prevention measures; authorizing a tax.