COMMITTEE:    State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  2:00 PM, Monday, April 01, 2013 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Robert Duncan 



SJR 34        Duncan                 
Proposing a constitutional amendment for filling vacancies in appellate judicial offices by appointment, for partisan elections for all judicial offices, and for subsequent nonpartisan retention elections for all judicial offices.

SB 103        Patrick                
Relating to the elimination of straight-party voting for judicial offices.

SB 219        Huffman | et al.       
Relating to ethics of public servants, including the functions and duties of the Texas Ethics Commission; the regulation of political contributions, political advertising, lobbying, and conduct of public servants; and the reporting of political contributions and expenditures and personal financial information; providing civil and criminal penalties.

SB 346        Seliger                
Relating to the classification of certain entities as political committees.

SB 577        Duncan                 
Relating to filling vacancies in appellate judicial offices by appointment, partisan elections for all judicial offices, and nonpartisan elections for the retention or rejection for all judicial offices.

SB 800        Van de Putte | et al.  
Relating to the disclosure of the calculation of out-of-network payments by the issuers of preferred provider benefit plans and by health maintenance organizations.

SB 817        Hegar                  
Relating to certain requirements for political parties holding conventions and for officers of certain of those parties.

SB 904        Van de Putte           
Relating to the adoption of certain voting procedures necessary to implement the federal Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act, including the modification of certain election deadlines.

SB 910        Duncan                 
Relating to certain election practices and procedures.

SB 1254       Davis                  
Relating to lobbying by former state agency officers and executive heads; creating an offense.

SB 1267       Nichols                
Relating to the liability of individuals providing labor or assistance to the Texas Forest Service in the performance of certain fire suppression duties.

SB 1363       Huffman                
Relating to testimony or the production of evidence before the legislature or a legislative committee.

SB 1773       Huffman                
Relating to a select committee to review and make recommendations for substantive changes to laws overseen by the Texas Ethics Commission.

Persons wishing to provide written testimony must submit 20 copies with their witness card to Committee Staff.