COMMITTEE:    State Affairs 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Wednesday, May 15, 2013 

PLACE:        E1.028 (Hearing Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Robert Duncan 



HB 259        Simmons | et al.        SP: Paxton
Relating to electioneering conducted near a polling place.

HB 394        Thompson, Senfronia     SP: Van de Putte
Relating to limits on prizes for bingo games.

HB 581        Howard | et al.         SP: Lucio
Relating to the waiver of sovereign immunity in certain employment lawsuits by nurses and in certain employment discrimination actions in connection with a workers' compensation claim.

HB 1035       Huberty                 SP: Patrick
Relating to the filing of reports of political contributions and expenditures and of personal financial statements by certain officeholders and candidates.

HB 1996       Miller, Rick            SP: Fraser
Relating to certain political party officials visiting a primary election polling place for administrative purposes.

HB 2006       Klick                   SP: Hancock
Relating to eligibility for appointment as a central counting station manager.

HB 2127       Howard | et al.         SP: Watson
Relating to the eligibility of certain employees of public institutions of higher education to participate in a state group benefits program.

HB 2373       Klick                   SP: Estes
Relating to the use of an electronic device to capture a voter's signature for the signature roster.

HB 2380       Davis, Sarah            SP: Taylor
Relating to a provision in a will or trust that would cause a forfeiture of or void an interest for bringing any court action, including contesting the will or trust.

HB 2929       Sheets                  SP: Deuell
Relating to health benefit plan coverage for brain injury.

HB 3101       Morrison                SP: Duncan
Relating to filing deadlines to become a write-in candidate in elections.

HB 3152       Giddings                SP: Fraser
Relating to the payment of and contracts with health care providers by certain entities under contract with a certified workers' compensation network.

Persons wishing to provide written testimony must

submit 20 copies with their witness card to Committee Staff.




Bills deleted after last posting:

HB 586


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **