COMMITTEE:    Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Tuesday, February 26, 2013 

PLACE:        Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:        Senator Jane Nelson 



Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies with your name on each.


SB 7          Nelson | et al.        
Relating to improving the delivery and quality of certain health and human services, including the delivery and quality of Medicaid acute care services and long-term care services and supports.

SB 36         Zaffirini              
Relating to the detention and transportation of a person with a mental illness.

SB 50         Zaffirini              
Relating to the Children's Policy Council, including the composition of the council.

SB 53         Zaffirini              
Relating to life support services provided by certain emergency medical services personnel.

SB 63         Nelson                 
Relating to consent to the immunization of certain children.

SB 64         Nelson | et al.        
Relating to a policy on vaccine-preventable diseases for licensed child-care facilities.

SB 68         Nelson                 
Relating to the waiting period before human remains may be cremated.

SB 97         Patrick | et al.       
Relating to distributing or prescribing abortion-inducing drugs; providing penalties.

SB 126        Nelson | et al.        
Relating to the creation of a mental health and substance abuse public reporting system.

SB 150        Nelson | et al.        
Relating to the cancer prevention and research fund.

SB 227        Williams               
Relating to the dispensation of aesthetic pharmaceuticals by physicians.



Bills deleted after last posting:

SB 316


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **