COMMITTEE: Transportation TIME & DATE: 9:00 AM, Monday, May 13, 2013 PLACE: E1.028 (Hearing Room) |
To consider the following:
HB 38 Menéndez SP:
Paxton |
HB 474 Muñoz,
Jr. | et al. SP: Hinojosa |
HB 719 Morrison SP:
Hegar |
HB 1044 Eiland SP:
Williams |
HB 1097 Sheets SP:
Paxton |
HB 1458 Gooden SP:
Deuell |
HB 1545 Allen
| et al. SP: Ellis |
HB 1607 Farney SP:
Nichols |
HB 2356 White SP:
Nichols |
HB 2741 Phillips SP:
Nichols |
HB 2874 Harper-Brown SP:
Paxton |
HB 3422 Lavender SP:
Eltife |
HB 3676 Phillips SP:
Paxton |
At the Chair's discretion, the Committee may also consider any pending business.
Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per person.