HB 46


              Public Health Committee

              February 27, 2013 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Errickson, Kris (Self)

                                 Errickson, Margaret (Self)

                                 Feldman, Vera (Self)

                                 Hooley, Eldon (Self; Farfa)

                                 Hutchins, Robert (Self)

                                 Jenkins, Carla (Self)

                                 Krenek, Mary (Self)

                                 Longoria, Ashley (Self)

                                 Macnak, Anna (Self)

                                 McGeary, Judith (Self; Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance)

                                 Norris, Paul (Self)

                                 Norris, Ted (Self; Texashillcountrybioregionalcongress)

                                 Peteet, Christina (Self)

                                 Simpson, Susan (Self)

                                 Stryk, Bob (Self; Raw milk producers)

                                 Varley, Janet (Self)

                                 Varner, Michael (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Killen, Steve (Self; Texas environmental health association)

                                 Lane, Janet (Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services)

                                 Sherwood, Edward (Self; Texas Medical Association)

                                 Turley, Darren (Texas association of dairymen)

                       On :

                                 McCreary, Daniel (Dshs)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Alderete, Lucas (Self)

                                 Ambs, Dana (Self)

                                 Bauer, Leslie (Self)

                                 Belyeu, Samantha (Self)

                                 Boze, Eppie (Self)

                                 Calkum, Michelle (Self)

                                 Carillo, Sarah (Self)

                                 Cole, Mel (Self)

                                 Dean, Laura (Self)

                                 Dixon, Bryan neil (Self)

                                 Elliott, Alonda (Self)

                                 Enyart, Katherine (Self)

                                 Enyart, Michael (Self)

                                 Fernandez, Karen (Self)

                                 Fitzsimons, Patrick (Self; Farm And Ranch Freedom Alliance)

                                 Foster, Rodrick (Self)

                                 Foster, Tammy (Self)

                                 Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)

                                 Griffiths, Jesse (Self)

                                 Gulino, Virginia (Self)

                                 Harris, Kathy (Self)

                                 Henderson, Boo (Magnolia farmers market)

                                 Henderson, Charles (Self)

                                 Hill, Jacob (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 46


              Public Health Committee

                                 Hill, Sonya (Self)

                                 Hooley, Bethann (Self)

                                 Hooley, Lisa (Self)

                                 Hoopengardner, Matthew (Self)

                                 Ingram, Ivy (Self)

                                 Kiser, Kristie (Self)

                                 Kiser, Philip (Self)

                                 Kuykendall, Karl (Self)

                                 Landeros, Alexandra (Self)

                                 Leigh, Susan Parker (Self)

                                 Linden, Vivian (Self)

                                 Loranc, Robin (Self)

                                 Mallett, Sonya (Self)

                                 Martin, Julie (Self)

                                 Martin, Stephen (Self)

                                 Mason, Mel (Self)

                                 Masters, Kelley (Self)

                                 Mayfield, Tamara (Self)

                                 Molidor, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Money, Brent (Self)

                                 Moore, Norman (Self)

                                 Orf, Betsy (Self)

                                 Orf, Meredith (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Anne-Marie (Self)

                                 Pile, Roseanna (Self)

                                 Renick, Karen (Self)

                                 Rittenberry, Suzanne (Self)

                                 Roach, Shane (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Ceciila (Self)

                                 Rogers, Aurora (Self)

                                 Rogers, Jason (Self)

                                 Rojas, Wiepie (Self; Weston a price)

                                 Rote, Kenan (Self; Farm and ranch freedom alliance)

                                 Rozman, Ellen (Self)

                                 Rutter, Beth (Self)

                                 Scarlett, Sunnie (Angela) (Self)

                                 Seay, Karen (Self)

                                 Seidel, Emily (Self)

                                 Shows, Aaron (Self)

                                 Shows, Jana (Self)

                                 Simpson, Michele (Self)

                                 Simpson, Susanna (Self)

                                 Smiley, Andrew (Sustainable Food Center)

                                 Smith, Sandy (Self)

                                 Smith, Thomas (Self)

                                 Smock, Roxanna (Self)

                                 Smotherman, JoAnn (Self)

                                 Speasmaker, Heidi (Self)

                                 Spiller, Lee (Self)

                                 Stephens, Tabatha (Self)

                                 Stewart, Marissa (Self; Texans for Accountable Government)

                                 Stimets-vidal, Kathy (Self)

                                 Subke, Charles (Self)

                                 Swedberg, Donnadee (Self)

                                 Talentino, Justin (Self)

                                 Tarver, Paula (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 46


              Public Health Committee

                                 Travers, Salila (Self; Barton creek farmers market)

                                 Turner, Shannon (Self)

                                 Van Landingham, Stacey (Self)

                                 Varley, Mitchell (Self)

                                 Voetee, Donna (Self)

                                 Wainer, Cathy (Self)

                                 Walker, Marie (Self)

                                 Williams, Julie (Self)

                                 Winn, Sara (Self)

                                 Wolosin, Ty (Self; Texas organic farmer and gardner association)

                       Against :

                                 Gibson, Stephanie (Texas Retailers Association)

                                 Rivera, Carlos (Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department)

                                 Terrell, James (Select Milk Producers, Inc.)

                       On :

                                 Felkner, Marilyn (Dept state health services)

                                 Fogle, Krystal (Self)
