Public Education Committee
April 2, 2013 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self; Texas eagle forum)
Wolcott, Peyton (Self)
Against :
Casey, Daniel (Self; Texas School Alliance)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Baggett, Donnis (Self; Texas Press Association)
Connett, Brent (Texas Conservative Coalition)
Matocha, Dustin (Texans for Fiscal Responsibility)
Smith, Michelle (Self; Concerned Women for America of Texas)
Trietsch Chaney, Paula (Self)
Venable, Peggy (Self; Americans For Prosperity)
Wood, Cecilia (Self; Concerned women for America of Texas)
Against :
Anderson, David D (Arlington ISD Board of Trustees)
Canales, Ramiro (Texas Association of School Administrators)
McCraw, Ken (Texas Association of Community Schools (TACS))
Rogers, Don (Texas Rural Education Assn.)
Shields, Julie (Texas association of school boards)
Wright, Howell (Texas association of mid size schools)
On :
Anderson, David (Texas Education Agency)
Dawn-Fisher, Lisa (Texas Education Agency)