HB 743


              Human Services Committee

              April 9, 2013 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Fincher, David (Self; National Child Care Coalition)

                                 Frederick, Wendy (Self)

                                 Hutson, Lonnie (Self; Kids R Kids Private Preschools)

                                 Nguyen, Trung (Self; Kids r kids)

                                 Smith, Jim (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Evans, Charles (Texas association of non-public schools)

                                 McGettrick, Margaret (Self; Texas catholic conference)

                       On :

                                 Adams, Michele (Department of Family and Protective Services)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Adams, Ky (Self)

                                 Ahrens, Patricia (Self)

                                 Ahrens, Paul (Self)

                                 Bertoni, Dan (Self)

                                 Bertoni, Monika (Self)

                                 Carroll, Chad (Self)

                                 Carroll, John (Self)

                                 Carroll, Sandy (Self)

                                 Cobb, Mark (Self)

                                 Cornelius, Judy (Self)

                                 Frederick, Darold (Self; We4freds inc)

                                 Garcia, Eileen (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Gilbert, Jeffrey (Self)

                                 Gilbert, Mercedes (Self)

                                 Hadley, Gary (KidsR Kids Carrollton)

                                 Hutson, Connie (Self)

                                 Hutson, Kurt (Self)

                                 Hutson, Lindsay (Self)

                                 Hutson, Ronnie (Self)

                                 Khosravian, Nasreen (Self)

                                 Khosravian, Rustom (Self)

                                 Kilgore   (Self)

                                 Kilgore, Lauren (Self)

                                 Murphey, Thomas (Self)

                                 Nguyen, Madeline (Self; Kids r kids)

                                 Parken, Judith (League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Poe, Kurt (Self)

                                 Poe, Suzy (Self)

                                 Puri, Atul (Self)

                                 Puri, Tina (Self)

                                 Schultz, Brenda (Texas Licensed Child Care Association)

                                 Smith, Kathy (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Budde, Barbara (Self)

                                 Eshleman, Dr. Jerry (Self)

                                 Foley, Aaron (Self)

                                 Gonzales, Savannah (Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston)

                                 Howe, Chris (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 743


              Human Services Committee

                                 Huffmeyer, Kathleen (Self)

                                 McCormick, Kevin (Self)

                                 McCreary, Casey (Texas Association of School Administrators)

                                 McGee, Bill (Hill Country Christian School of Austin and TANS)

                                 Miller, Joseph (Self)

                                 Shields, Julie (Texas association of school boards)

                                 Underwood, Joanne (Self)

                       On :

                                 Morrison, Howard (Texas Education Agency)
