HB 1009


              Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee

              March 14, 2013 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Canales, Ramiro (Texas Association of School Administrators)

                                 Kriewaldt-Roth, Melanie (Self)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, CLEAT)

                                 Wilkison, Charley (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, CLEAT)

                       Against :

                                 King, Read (Self)

                                 Melina Raab, Ted (Texas AFT)

                                 Wiedenmeyer, Bridget (Self)

                                 Wiedenmeyer, Bridget (Self)

                       On :

                                 Just, Thomas (Self; Students for gun free schools)

                                 Ross, Heather (Self; Gun and Mental Health Action Group, Occupy the NRA)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Arnold, Jay (Texas PTA)

                                 Brown, Keith (Self)

                                 Craft, Lon (TMPA)

                                 Ellison, Annita (Self)

                                 Ercoline, Brian (Self)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Dallas Police Association)

                                 Giarratani, Dominic (Texas association of school boards)

                                 Graves, Phil (Self)

                                 Lambert, Ryan (Self)

                                 Lopez, Guillermo (Self)

                                 Parnell, James (Dallas police assoc.)

                                 Swearingen, Tom (Self)

                                 Wofford, Justin-Blair (Self)

                       Against :

                                 Bosse, Portia (Texas State Teachers Association)

                                 Chadwick, Ashley (Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas)

                                 Fazio, Heather (Self; Texans for Accountable Government)

                                 Garner, Brette (Self)

                                 Gorman, Caroline (Self; Libertarian Party of Travis County)

                                 Hall, Jennifer (Tarrant County Republican Party)

                                 Hamilton, Lisa (Self)

                                 Heinrich, Allison (Self)

                                 Lamb, Catherine (Self; Moms demand action for common sense gun laws)

                                 Moore, Brandon (Self; Tarrant County Republican Party)

                                 Oliveri, Joseph (Self; Community Committee Against Gun Violence)

                                 Oliveri, Rosalie (Self; Community Committee Against Gun Violence)

                                 Ortega, Tess (Self)

                                 Points, Kathleen (Self)

                                 Sanders, Cissy (Self; Moms demand action for gun sense in america)

                                 Wallace, Robin (Self)

                                 Woods, John (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Zahendra, Lucien (Self; Moms demand action)

                       On :

                                 Bowie, RenEarl (Texas DPS)

                                 Hersh, Debbie (Self)


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              HB 1009


              Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee

                                 Moninger, Steve (Texas DPS)

                                 Olivares   (Self)

                                 Richards, Joanne (Self)

                                 Vickers, Kim (Self)

                                 Woods, John (Self; Texas Gun Sense)

                                 Zgabay, Sherrie (Texas Department of Public Safety)
