HB 1524


              Economic & Small Business Development Committee

              April 10, 2013 - 8:00 AM

                       For :

                                 Barber, Kathy (NFIB Texas)

                       Against :

                                 Higgins, Mike (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)

                                 Jones, Chris (Combined Law Enfocement Associations of Texas (CLEAT))

                                 Jones, Chris (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas)

                                 Levy, Rick (Texas aflcio)

                                 Villarreal, Johnny (Houston fire fighters local 341)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Bragiel, Justin (Texas Hotel & Lodging Association)

                                 Fisher, Jon (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas)

                                 Garza Jr, Norman (Texas Farm Bureau)

                                 Hammond, Bill (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Hawkins, John (Texas Hospital Association)

                       Against :

                                 Aguilar, Leonard (Southwest Pipe Trades Association)

                                 Arabie, Joe (Allied Workers Local Union 22)

                                 Briggs, Terry (Self; Brotherhood of locomotive engineers and trainmen)

                                 Cunningham, Michael (Texas State Building & Construction Trades Council)

                                 Delanghe, Wayne (Self; San Antonio Professional Firefighters Local 624)

                                 English Jr., Cornelius (Connie) (United Transportation Union)

                                 Gibson, Rob (Self; Fort Worth firefighters association)

                                 Griffith, Melinda (Waco Police Association)

                                 Hallford, Currie (Texas Political and Legislative Committee/CWA)

                                 Manning, Randall (Self; Laredo fire fighter union local 872)

                                 Melina Raab, Ted (Texas American Federation of Teachers)

                                 Osobase, Derrick (Texas Stsate Employees Union)

                                 Patrick, John (Texas AFL CIO)

                                 Saunders, Kamron (United Transportation Union)

                                 Simpson, Dee (Corrections Employee Council 7 AFSCME)

                                 Veliz, Reynaldo (Self; Laredo firefighters local 872)

                       On :

                                 Clay, Reed (Office of the Attorney General)

                                 Godbey, Josh (Office of the Attorney General)
