HB 1938


              Higher Education Committee

              April 17, 2013 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Coleman, Micah (Self)

                                 Fonte, Richard (Self)

                                 Lindsay, Thomas (Texas public policy foundation)

                       Against :

                                 Acosta, Laura (Self; Librotraficante)

                                 Anaya, Marianna (Self)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas naacp)

                                 Diaz, Tony (Self; Librotraficante)

                                 Ferguson, Michelle Ann (Masso UTSA)

                                 Gonzalez-Stout, Corina (Self)

                                 Hernandez, Sonya Rose (Self; MASSO @ UTSA)

                                 Hinojosa, David (MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund))

                                 Lopez, Liana (Self; Librotraficante)

                                 Mena, Olivia (Self)

                                 Mendez, Guadalupe (Self; Librotaficante)

                                 Parras, Bryan (Self; Librotraficante)

                                 Pedraza, June (Self)

                                 Trevino, Leonardo (Self)

                                 Williams, Thomas (Self; Texas Junior College Student Government Assocation)

                       On :

                                 Miller, Karl (Self)

                                 Tully, Alan (Self)

                                 Zamora, Emilio (Self)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Hettinger, Ann (Self; Concerned Women for America)

                       Against :

                                 Helmcamp, Leslie (Self)

                                 Ibarra, Maria Elena (Self)

                                 Infante-Paz, Maday (Self)

                                 Martinez, Juan (Masso UTSA)

                                 Meyer, Delia Perez (Self)

                                 Morton, Michael (Self; Invest in Texas campaign)

                                 Puente, Jaime (Self; Texas Graduate Student Diversity Committee)

                                 Reyes, George (Self; Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE))

                                 Villanueva, Chandra (Self)

                                 Williams, Daniel (Equality Texas)
