Elections Committee
April 1, 2013 - 10:30 AM
For :
Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)
Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)
Chandler, Robin (Disability Rights Texas)
Haltom, Sondra (Empower the vote texas)
Moffitt, Jill (Self; Harris County Democratic Party)
Against :
Johnson, Cheryl (Galveston county tax office)
Johnson, Ed (Harris county clerks office)
Johnson, Ed (Harris county clerk office)
Wallace, B R "Skipper" (Self; Republican County Chairs Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Bearden, Chase (Coalition of texans with disabilities)
Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)
Dean, Kat (ACLU of Texas)
Lyznik, Karolina (MALDEF Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund)
Maxey, Glen (Texas Democratic Party)
Rozmaryn, Faye (Self; League of women voters of texas)
Sanchez, Joe (AARP Texas)
Against :
DeBeauvoir, Dana (Co and district clerks legislative cmte)
Mitchell, Seth (Bexar County Elections Administrator Jackie Callanen)
Opiela, Eric (Self)
Rocha, JJ (Texas Municipal League)
Swift, Sheryl (Galveston Count Tax Office)
On :
Ingram, Keith (Texas Secretary of State, Elections Division)
Jackson, Wroe (Office of the Secretary of State)