HB 2038


              Human Services Committee

              April 9, 2013 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       For :

                                 Garcia, Eileen (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Garcia, Eileen (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Lilly, Janna (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education)

                                 Tatum, Kyev (Self; Texas Southern Christian Leadership Conference)

                                 Vitris, Michael (Texas Appleseed)

                       On :

                                 James, Joyce (HHSC Resource Witness)

                                 Longley, Meagan (Hogg Foundation for Mental Health)

                                 Powell, Judy (Self)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP)

                                 Barillas, Ph.D., Katherine (One Voice Texas)

                                 Bell, Doug (Self; St James Episcopal Church)

                                 Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

                                 Carreon, Jennifer (Self; Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Del Gallo, Krista (Texas Council on Family Violence)

                                 Gonzalez, Leah (National Association of Social Workers)

                                 Hayes, Patricia V (Self)

                                 Herman, Guy (Self)

                                 Hogue, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Martinez, Diana (TexProtects, The Texas Assoc. for the Protection of Children)

                                 Morrison, Kristi (Self; Texas Counseling Association)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Spriggs, Vicki (Self; Texas CASA)

                                 Stockard, Glenn (Self; Texas Association Against Sexual Assault)

                                 Vasquez, Michael (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)

                       Against :

                                 Mahoney, Annie (Texas Conservative Coalition)

                       On :

                                 Kromrei, Elizabeth "Liz" (Department of Family and Protective Services)
