HB 3356


              Pensions Committee

              March 25, 2013 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess

                       Against :

                                 James, Lee (Houston Firefighters Relief and Retirement Fund)

                                 Marsh, Ralph (Self; Houston Police Officers Pension System)

                                 Myers, Gary (Self; Waxahachie Firefighter's Relief and Retirment Plan)

                                 Newton, Joe (Houston Municipal Employees Pension System and Houston Police Officers

                                 Pension System)

                                 Patterson, Maxie (Texpers)

                                 Pruitt, Gerald (City of Foft Worth)

                       On :

                                 Fenlaw, Mark (TESRS Board of Trustees)

                                 Hanson, Christopher (Pension Review Board)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       Against :

                                 Craft, Lon (TMPA)

                                 Delanghe, Wayne (Self; San antonio professional firefighters)

                                 Elkin, Bill (Houstson Police Retired Officers Association)

                                 Frazier, Frederick (Self; Dallas Police Assoc. 1412 Griffin St East)

                                 Gibson, Rob (Self; Fort Worth firefighters Association)

                                 Higgins, Mike (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters)

                                 Hiner, Harrison (Texas state employees union)

                                 Jordan, Sampson (Austin police retirement system)

                                 Lara, Rene (Texas AFL-CIO)

                                 Littlejohn, Alva (Lubbock fire pension)

                                 Villarreal, Johnny (Houston fire fighters Local 341)

                                 Waldon, Barbara (City of Amarillo)

                       On :

                                 Guthrie, Brian (TRS)

                                 Sims, Tim (Employees retirement system. Of texas)
