Federalism & Fiscal Responsibility, Select Committee
April 10, 2013 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
For :
Loyola, Mario (Texas Public Policy Foundation)
Against :
Travis, Clayton (Texans Care for Children)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Atkinson, Jarrod (Self)
Beckmeyer, Teresa (Self)
Chunn, Tama (Self; Life Advocates)
Franklin, Shelia (Self; North East Tarrant Tea Party)
Glass, Tom (Libertarian Party of Texas)
Grummer, Jonathan (Self; Ne tarrant tea party)
Harless, Barbara (Self; North Teas Citizen"s Lobby)
Hebert, Kathy (Self; North Texas Citizens Lobby)
Jenson, Jay (Self; Nettp)
Kissling, Ben (Self; NE Tarrant Tea Party)
McCarty, Julie (Self; NE Tarrant Tea Party)
Proctor, Madelon (Self; Northeast Tarrant Tea Party)
Smith, Corinne (Self; North Texas Citizens Lobby)
Smith, Michelle (Self)
Smith, Robert (Self)
Spiller, Lee (Self; Citizens Commission Human Rights)
Stutts, Clint (Self)
Against :
Blasi, Jana (Texas association of Community Health Centers, Inc.)
Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)
Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)
Dwyer, Doris (Self)
Gaston, James (Texas AFL-CIO)
Guerra-Cardus, Laura (Self; Children's Defense Fund Texas)
Lavelle, Tanya (Easter Seals Central Texas)
Nichols-Segers, Simone (National Multiple Sclrosis Society)
Pogue, Stacey (Center for public policy priorities)
Stuart, John (Self; National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Texas Chapter)
On :
Daniel, Katrina (Resource Witness- TX Dept of Insurance)
Einhorn, Amy (Resource witness - TX Dept of Insurance)