Public Health Committee
May 15, 2013 - 8:00 AM
For :
Johnson, Lee (Texas Council of Community Centers)
Paleo, Janet (Texas Council for Community Centers)
Switzer, Gyl (Mental health america of texas)
Travis, Clayton (Texans Care for Children)
Against :
Aghili, Sasha (Self; Austin center for peace and justice)
Crosley, Robert (Self)
Jacquier, Charles (Self)
Powell, Judy (Parent Guidance Center)
Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights)
On :
Casey, Kathleen (Austin Travis County Integral Care)
Hansch, Greg (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)
Keller, Merily (Self; Texas Suicide Prevention Council)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)
Chatelle, Melody (United Ways of Texas)
Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)
Holmes, Harry (Harris County Healthcare Alliance)
Lavelle, Tanya (Easter seals central texas)
Lewis, Kathryn (Disability Rights Texas)
Ligon, Katharine (Center for Public Policy Priorities)
Milam, Susan (National Association of Social Workers/Texas Chapter)
Noble, Shannon (Texas Psychological Association)
Sappington, Hartley (Bluebonnet TRails Community Center)
Saxton, Josette (Texans Care for Children)
Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)
Against :
Bresett, Mildred (Self)
Convery, Debra (Self)
DeWitt, Lauren (Self; Citizens Commission on Human Rights)
Ellzey, Gareth (Self)
Ellzey, John (Self)
Fischer, Candace (Self)
Fischer, Jeff (Self)
Gerstenschlager, MerryLynn (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Neikirk, Evelyn (Self)
Norman, Catherine (Self)
Owen, Bill (Self)
Peterson, Christy (Self)
Poulin, Anna (Self)
Snodgrass, Ben (Self; Texas home school coalition)
Wadhwani, Savita (Self)
Wier, George (Self)
On :
Hobbs-Lopez, Angela (Department of State Health Services)