Economic Development

            September 22, 2014 9:00 AM

            Charge One


                                 Francis, Brian  Deputy Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Texas

                                 Department of Licensing and Regulation), Austin, TX

                                 Heimlich, Ed  Legal Director  (also providing written testimony) (Honor Quest), Austin, TX

                                 Minick, Stephen  Vice President of Governmental Affairs  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Texas Association of Business), Austin, TX

            Charge Three


                                 Minick, Stephen  Vice President of Governmental Affairs  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Texas Association of Business), Austin, TX

                                 Ross, Chuck  Manager, Unemployment Insurance Policy (Texas Workforce Commission),

                                 Austin, TX

            Charge Two


                                 Ledesma, Andreana  Compliance and Oversight Director (Office of the Governor), Austin,


                                 Minick, Stephen  Vice President of Governmental Affairs  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Texas Association of Business), Austin, TX

                                 Taylor, Jonathan  Executive Director, Economic Development and Tourism (Office of the

                                 Governor), Austin, TX

                                 Wood, Robert  Director Economic development and Analysis  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts), Austin, TX