Open Government
May 13, 2013 2:00 PM - or upon adjournment
Registering, but not testifying:
Schneider, Michael (Texas Association of Broadcasters), Austin, TX
Shannon, Kelley Executive Director (Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas),
Austin, TX
Fallon, Timothy Forensic Scientist (Texas Association of Crime Lab Directors), San
Antonio, TX
Martinez, Michael Victor Forensic Scientist Supervisor (Bexar Co.), San Antonio, TX
Fuentes, Diana Editor & Publisher (FOIFT), Del Rio, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Knaupe, Gregg Attorney (The Seton Healthcare Family), Austin, TX
McNabb, Charlie Intergovernmental Affairs (City of El Paso), TX
Price, Ann-Marie Director of Government Affairs (Central Health), TX
Schneider, Michael (Texas Association of Broadcasters), Austin, TX
Smith, Andrew Dir. Govt.Relations (University Health System), San Antonio, TX
Yanas, Chris VP of Operations (Teaching Hospitals of Texas), Austin, TX