Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1)  On page III-1, increase the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) by 3 in each fiscal year.
(2)  On page III-10, modify the following rider:
23. Communities In Schools. Out of funds appropriated above for Strategy A.2.4, School Improvement and Support Programs, $15,521,816 in general revenue and $4,842,342 in TANF funds in fiscal year 2016 and $15,521,816 in general revenue and $4,842,342 in TANF funds in fiscal year 2017 is allocated for the Communities In Schools program.
Notwithstanding any other limitation imposed elsewhere in this Act, the Texas Education Agency may transfer general revenue funds identified above and appropriated for the purpose of providing grants under the Communities In Schools program to Strategies B.3.2-B.3.5 for the purpose of providing administrative support for the program. Transfers made under the authority of this rider may not exceed $100,000 for the 2016-17 biennium. TANF funds may be expended for administrative purposes in accordance with the applicable limitations of the TANF state plan.
It is the intent of the legislature that the Texas Education Agency fully utilize three FTEs employed by the agency for the purposes of providing expanded administrative services of the Communities In Schools program in the most efficient and effective manner possible to ensure the maximum level of service and support to each local Communities In Schools program and in full cooperation with Communities In Schools, Inc. consistent with Texas Education Code, §33.155 and other applicable law.
Any unexpended balances as of August 31, 2016 are hereby appropriated to fiscal year 2017 for the same purpose.